• Will Apple lose its cachet by selling at Walmart? They say the iPhone is to be sold there shortly.
  • Broadcoms new chip is a whopper.
  • Pew research says that 91-percent of all teens play video games.
  • Microsoft announces a “red” edition. It’s legit. It’s to benefit AIDS.
  • Now you have to pay $150 extra to downgrade.
  • China gets into Computex.
  • Wednesday is the big layoff day at Yahoo.
  • Todays show sponsored by Budget.com.

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  1. Paddy-O says:

    Dell charging $150 to “downgrade” from Vista to XP.
    Market forces at work. Paying to get rid of a crappy product. Cool.

  2. Fedup says:

    I love it! I can hear the walmart haters in SF screaming from here….Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo….

  3. GregA says:

    LOL at Yahoo employees. Although the way Yahoo has been run into the ground, these probably are not the Yahoo employees threatening to quit their job if they sold out to Microsoft.

  4. hhopper says:

    Apple has been selling it’s products at Sam’s Club for over five months.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    Naw, no loss of cachet.

    iPhones have gone from being a groovy, must-have status symbol to being a commodity. Wal*Mart has been selling iPods for quite some time.

    And $150 to upgrade to XP?? Sounds like a boon for software pirates to me. I realize XP is a far superior operating system to Vista, but who the fuck is going to pay ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS for an OS that M$FT says is virtually obsolete?

  6. Hillbilly-joe says:

    Ding-dang ya’ll, nows I gonna git me one of dem aye-phones so I can callz Brandine…

  7. al_bickers says:

    Quality electronics are not sold at Wal*Mart, just cheap versions made to look like the real products sold elsewhere. I assume Apple would have to take some stuff out of the WalMart version of the iPhone so that it would be less expensive (and less functional) whilst looking the same.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Apple is catering to those who’d rather spend their money on looking good and then starve for the last week of the month.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #8 – al_bickers

    >>Quality electronics are not sold at Wal*Mart,
    >>just cheap versions made to look like the
    >>real products sold elsewhere.

    So are you saying that the iPods, Nanos, and Shuffles they sell at Wal*Mart right now are inferior to the ones sold at the Apple Store?

  10. Improbus says:

    Pay for Windows XP? Just get it off Bittorrent for free.

  11. GregA says:

    Jeeze John, I think you should at least go to Dells website and see that there is in fact no sur charge for windows XP before you slander both Dell and Microsoft.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #12 – GregA

    >>see that there is in fact no sur charge for
    >>windows XP

    Hmmm. I don’t see the XP option at ALL on the Dell web site (although I didn’t look real hard, it doesn’t show up in the “customize your PC” pages). However, if you google “dell windows xp charge” you get over 2,000,000 hits, and the first couple of pages (maybe all of them) are like this

    December 08, 2008 — Computerworld — More than five months after it stopped selling its popular Inspiron line of consumer desktop and laptop PCs with Windows XP, Dell Inc. is offering the systems with the aging operating system for a surcharge of $150 over the newer Windows Vista.

    Dell’s Inspiron 1525 notebooks and 530 desktops can be ordered with Windows XP Professional preinstalled for an extra $150, according to the company’s Web site. The fee is three times the maximum amount Dell charged last summer, immediately after Microsoft Corp. pulled XP from retail and barred computer makers from installing the more popular XP Home edition on anything but lightweight, low-priced “netbooks.”

    So I guess it’s there somewhere, and it’s ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS.

    As Improbus said, time for bittorrent.

  13. GregA says:


    You linked a ComputerWorld Article. They are the worldnetdaily of tech journalism. Something below worthless, into the counterproductive territory.

    Yes, Dell has a number of computers that they offer the option to install xp, but you still get your Vista license… So you are buying both XP and Vista.

    As far as the FUD about dell forcing this option on you, here you go…


    MM, you should be ashamed of yourself for helping ComputerWorld and Dvorak slander Dell and Microsoft.

  14. moss says:

    Uh, regardless of fanboy – and fanboy-haters – the iPhone has been a commodity from Day One. That’s why companies sell stuff, folks.

    When the iPhone was introduced, Steve jobs said he was after 1% of the world market. That has been achieved. All the rest deals with your personal hangups.

  15. brendal says:

    Oh great – next thing after Apple merchandise is pot.

  16. al_bickers says:

    > So are you saying that the iPods
    > Nanos, and Shuffles they sell at
    > Wal*Mart right now are inferior
    > to the ones sold at the Apple Store?

    Most likely, but I honestly don’t know. I haven’t been to Wal*Mart in over a decade. That’s why I know so much about what they sell.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    Does Apple really have much cachet anymore?

    I’m not saying this to insult Apple products (I’m a big fan, actually)!

    With their retail MP3 players, phones and cheap computers — it seems like Apple is just another gizmo manufacturer. Better than most, but not the exclusive club it used to be.

    I find that my new Linux laptop puts me in a more exclusive club than an Apple product.


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