God’s chariot

A Kenneth Copeland Ministry jet worth $3.6 million has been denied tax-exempt status by the Tarrant Appraisal District, setting the stage for a battle that could require the minister to reveal his salary if he wants the jet to be tax-free.

Jeffery D. Law, Tarrant chief appraiser, said the jet was denied tax exemption because the ministry failed to disclose salaries of directors as an application requires…

Compensation paid Copeland and other members of his family has been the source of a U.S. senator’s inquiry, but the televangelist has been unwilling to disclose the information publicly.

If the ministry gives the compensation information to the appraisal district, it would be open to public disclosure.

Religion appears to be doing as well as ever. No bail-out needed here.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, cv

    Taxing churches will not touch the “separation of Church and State” doctrine. It will, in fact, separate even more religious practice from State intrusion.

    I see no logical reason that a conman can earn $100 million a year and pay no tax simply because he calls it a church.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Contractor,

    #1, the section he and his wife live in is quite small — less than 1000 sq ft.

    Not quite. His house is over 18,000 feet. It sits on a 500 acre ranch with lake and boat slips. It is his house, not a hotel for guests. Although some friends may stay with him, most show guests stay in town.

    2) The jet is not his. It belongs to his ministry.

    And he is the Ministry. Everything is in his name, KCM, or Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

    He is employed by it and there is a CEO (not him)

    His son John is the CEO. His wife is Vice-President. His sons-in-law and daughters also hold high positions. Oh, and he is the President of the Board. He may over rule the board at any time.

    #3, Do you realize that his ministry gives out $38,000 a DAY in charity? $38,000 a DAY!

    On what? Paying people to pray for you?

    When Katrina hit, while our lovely government was trying to figure out where New Orleans was on the map, this ministry was shipping in blankets and clothes and food and water . . . the next day.

    Bullshit !!! There is no record of his sending anything. All areas of the country sent clothes and blankets.

    4) They have an entire building devoted to nothing but ensuring people who need things get them.

    Apparently this is just another bullshit line. They will send prayers. Only not as Copeland suggests. They have pastors pray over the unopened bins of mail.

    If someone calls up and says I need coats for their kids, an operator routes the request to a group who is responsible for sending out clothing.

    Not quite. This has happened maybe twice and ends up being too expensive to continue.

    Call the government ask for coats. You’ll be lucky to see one within six months.

    If you call our local government and say you need coats, your request will be forwarded to someone that can actually do something and will get you some coats as soon as practical.

    Say what you want about Mr. Copeland, but that jet is peanuts compared to amount of money this guy spends on charity work.

    Copeland considers his own pocket a charity and that is where the money ends up. Yes, the jet is peanuts compared to that.

    You think the government is the only organization in the charity business?

    The government is NOT in the charity business. It is in the governing business.

    If you ask me, I think the only reason the government is so interested in him is professional jealousy.

    When someone is stealing money from people the government has an interest. When someone isn’t paying their taxes, it is the government’s business. When someone is stretching the law past reasonable then it is the government’s business.

  3. taxer says:

    Tax any church that requires you to “donate” money!

    any church that requires you to donate money is false anyways…

  4. Unbound says:

    Christ would point out these ‘evangelists’ for what they are… the Pharisees that are mentioned in the bible… people that talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.

    Nothing that these people do is in accordance with the bible. NOTHING. Yet there are blind / tricked people like “Contractor” that defend them, because they don’t know Christ at all.

    In any case, if it is true that they have a CEO and a CFO as revealed by “Contractor”, they are a corporation, not a church and therefore they are open to full scrutiny by the IRS.

  5. Mr. Normal says:

    Bad Religion

  6. Contractor says:

    #32, I had a long rebuttal, but I don’t think any amount of proof would convince you. And as I don’t have anything to win or lose in this discussion, I’ll just let it drop.

    Adios, muchacho.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #36 – Contractor

    >>I had a long rebuttal, but I don’t think any
    >>amount of proof would convince you.

    It might convince some of the rest of us though. Right now, it looks like Kenneth Copeland is a very high net worth scam artist, stuffing the corporate ranks with bed partners and blood kin. And drawing an “undisclosed” salary, along with those bed partners and blood kin.

    As Jesus said “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Mark 10:25

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Contractor,

    I am patient enough to go through someone’s well made argument. I only get annoyed when the reply gets too far off track that become uninterested.

    If you care to refute my points then feel free. From where I sit though, some things are indefensible. Copeland is one of them.

  9. MikeN says:

    I knew you and Mustard were related, but just didn’t know how.

  10. QB says:

    MikeN, as usual, I have no clue what you’re talking about.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, QB,

    (Shhh, humor him. it gets worse when he is awake)

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #40, #41

    Yeah, shhhhhhh. Lyin’ Mike can be downright scary when he go off…..

  13. QB says:

    Sorry! Wow, MikeN! That was amazingly insightful and other really good stuff like that!

    Wow, like you rock! For sure!

  14. Mr. Fusion says:



  15. Paddy-O says:

    Just start a petition to Obama to introduce legislation to tax all churches…

  16. Unlikely says:

    # 45 Right, Paddy – because BO didn’t hit up organized churches and “charities” for support. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours…

  17. L Bladkard says:

    I used to watch yea some of these preachers and then realized they were building their own empires right here on earth!! Soooo I then got my big black book that says Holy Bible and started reading it for myself.I suppose if these so called ministers of the gospel were to ride on a donkey like Jesus did, they would be on television asking or begging for donkey money and food of course for the animal as well as a place to put the donkey up while not in use lol

  18. Tim Horton says:

    I have to agree that the “need for a private jet” exceeds what most would think reasonable. I get upset when I hear ministers talking about flying first class on public airlines.

    It was our founding fathers that determined a church should be tax exempt. Our nation was built on Christian Pricipals and was often refered to as a Christian Nation.

    Who draws the line? At what point does reasonable become unreasonable? I have heard many ministers speak on TV. There are Christian TV Networks that say they have 27/7 ministry on a channel but a lot of it is more like musicals and most shows always seem to touch on needing funds in some way.

    Because this industry has abused the rights of a church I think at minimum there should be investigations on any tax free organization on a regular basis and there should be clear guidlines of right and wrong.

    The bad thing is there are a few good ministries that are hurt by the over the line prosperity churches. In the end, everyone will face judgement. There may even be a private and direct flight from Heaven to hell but I would guess it will be a one way flight………so no need for a private jet…..these flyers will not be needing a private jet to get back….there is no way back.


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