Dec. 6, 2008 Saturday – Episode #60


Click image to go to No Agenda.

This Episode’s Show Notes by KD Martin:

From Gitmo Nation East and West it’s time for another episode of No Agenda. First up, the Canadian revolution. Where is our satellite feed for CBC? Will PM Harper be ousted? Let’s hear from the Queen, maybe she knows what happened to satirical TV.

Adam brings up a tale of murder in Gilford (his home), replete with choppers and automatic weapons. And all this time you thought Bobbies had no BFGs. What’s the public doing? Sitting at home watching “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here.” How does this lead to revolution? John wants to know, and Adam brings up interesting parallels with America’s situation and the French Revolution.

John swerves into similarities about the collapse of the East India TC and today’s oil market. Will gasoline hit $1.00 / gallon? John has some interesting comments, including info on double shorts. Where is the SEC when Goldman Sachs is touting $200 oil and shorting it at the same time?

Adam brings up the 8 trillion dollar bailout and John has his say about the supposed ‘boom’ when Obama takes office. What do they think will happen? You’ll have to listen to this one — good times or bad?

Now, how does this tie in to Basmati rice? John gets going on his rice story.

Adam deftly changes the conversation and brings up the Supreme court case re: Obama and his eligibility to be President. This leads to more discussion of the bailout money, especially in the auto industry. Adam starts thinking about WW III. John asks, “What happens when the Muslims get majority control of France?”

On to the spirit of Christmas, and the Black Friday body count. Sales and deaths, both up. We’ll move on to Wal-Mart and the corporate culture therein. Is this culture why their employees locked arms to stall the sales stampedes?

One good joke — John gets a telemarketer call during the netcast! Har! John reveals his job history of working in a boiler room and some cool tales from the telemarketer days. Wine, anyone? Guess who wins — don’t miss this one.

Queue the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda

Running time: approx. 77 mins.

  1. ECA says:

    Let prices and CEO wages break all these corps..

  2. A Canadian says:

    Come on Adam, could you possibly be more uninformed regarding Canada and how the government here happens to work?

    If you don’t know (and that is obvious from your comments in this episode), you really shouldn’t speak as if you do know. There was effectively NOTHING correct about what you had to say. Good grief!

    FIRST, Canada does have a ratified Constitution… See the Pierre Trudeau years… Before that, we operated under the British North America Act. But that is years and years ago now.

    SECOND, the Governor General did NOT suspend parliament. The Prime Minister went to see the GG after HE DECIDED on this action. The visit to the GG is just mostly for historical tradition.

    It’s essentially IDENTICAL to the UK, Adam… Where you happen to live!

    If the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom wants to end a session of parliament, he/she goes to see the Queen. This is where the tradition developed for what our Prime Minister did.

    Your ignorance of this matter was at about the level of the dolts on Jay Leno’s show. Next time read a book about Canadian History first… or at least spend a few minutes over at the Wikipedia site.

    I guess you’re originally American, so I shouldn’t expect a whole lot from you.

    It would be nice if you corrected your comments in the next episode, but I won’t hold my breath.


  3. QB says:

    #2 This Adam Curry and John C Dvorak talking – not Dieter Grimm.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #2 – A Canadian

    >>I guess you’re originally American, so I
    >>shouldn’t expect a whole lot from you.

    I would be satisfied if Mr. Curry would stop the silly affectations like saying “Frawnce” and “Pocky-stahn” and “Jagg-you-wahr”. Very distracting. And a little less on the designer wines.

    Other than that, good on ya, guys.

  5. joaoPT says:

    Can’t believe you are coming down hard on Adam for not having his facts straight!
    Well duh!!!…
    Since when does he ever ???…

  6. I says:

    Never start a drinking game where you take a shot if Adam gets a fact wrong…I hope to get out of rehab fairly soon.

    To recover I’ll start a new game where I take a shot if he gets something right – instant sobriety.

  7. No news on Susan Rice… or Condoleezza? At least we know how to cook rice now… 😉
    Thanks guys, Please also check out

  8. random_chevy says:

    I rejoined the hoard of listeners after a few weeks retrenchment. Previously, I had fallen asleep while listening to NA, as I often do, and awakened, paused the show for a bit, returned, and seeing I only had ten minutes left, pressed the play icon. The conversation sunk lower and lower as manners of dealing with food that missed the mouth and what-not were discussed and dealing with pinkie fingers grossed me so I deleted all shows and links Mr. Dvorak and Mr. Curry might participate wherewithal. I still trusted TWiT and listened there a bit until I felt safe to type urls of dvorak in general. I cautiously am auditing the NA conversation like a student of life and will continue as long as Mr. Curry and Mr Dvorak persona remain not as juvenile as were.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    John, of course the East India collapse and the Mississippi Bubble (the John Law company in France that Adam was talking about) hit the timeline in your charts — those are big data points that have to have been included in first computing the system. If you’re trying to devise tide charts, for example, you always start with measured tide events. So if you’re trying to devise charts of economic cycles, you have to take into account the largest movements to begin with. Taking the agreement of these dates as evidence of the efficacy of the system is like saying how wonderful it is that our ears are in exactly the right place to hold up our glasses!

  10. lani_b2 says:

    I like the text for the shirts, but come on! What about a girl fit? Thanks for the show, always entertaining.


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