I’m playing around with Fedora 10 and my first impression is — what a piece of crap. The bottom line is — it doesn’t work. As a Linux user for 12 years and a KDE user for about 8 years, I have to say that upgrading to KDE 3.5 is a giant step backwards. One of the problems in the free software world is that often no one even tries this stuff to see if it works. I can’t imagine that if you gave this to any user of the earlier version that they would be happy with the upgrade. Even free software should have SOME standards. I have to say that as a KDE fan – I’m just plan SHOCKED at how piss poor this product is.

  1. James Hill says:

    +1 to the article, and +1 to upgrading the website.

    You get what you pay for, in both cases.

  2. Terry says:

    I don’t understand all the bitching over Fedora. I played with version 9, wasn’t impressed, and went back to my Ubuntu 8.04 machine, which I’m still using now (dual-booting between Hardy 8.04 and Intrepid 8.10 64-bit). I’m perfectly happy with the Gnome desktop and it does just about everything I need. Stable as can be and never gives me any trouble.

  3. Michael_GR says:

    I’d like to offer something lacking in this post and the replies so far: Information.

    Fedora 10’s default desktop manager is a gnome desktop. NOT KDE. What you’ve been testing is the alternative KDE edition, using KDE 4.1

    The KDE developers are saying that “4.1 aims at being the first release suitable for early adopting users”, which means it’s not finished yet and not really ready for wide adoption. I guess the Fedora people are at fault here for including 4.1 in their distro, while Marc is of course at fault for not mentioning any of this, choosing instead to rant that “Teh fedora, it suxxors” or some such.

    Me? I use Gnome on Ubuntu.

  4. Deep-Thought says:

    I want to point out that the problem is the distributions which ship this stuff.
    KDE is going to try something new, and I like to think that they will succeed.
    It’s up to the distros to decide if it is good enough for the user.
    KDEs hard release cycle is also part of the problem. But there is just nothing wrong with releasing stuff when it is not done.
    SuSE (AFAIK) ships both KDE versions (3 and 4) and lets the user choose.

  5. friends says:

    Konqueror was the best desktop tool ever conceived
    until some one made the absolutely
    neanderthal decision to replace it
    with a ‘file manager’ suitable only
    for masturbating the hard disk.

    Dumbing down what was an excellent KDE
    application should go in the recordbooks
    as one of the most regrettable
    decisions in program management history.


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