I’m playing around with Fedora 10 and my first impression is — what a piece of crap. The bottom line is — it doesn’t work. As a Linux user for 12 years and a KDE user for about 8 years, I have to say that upgrading to KDE 3.5 is a giant step backwards. One of the problems in the free software world is that often no one even tries this stuff to see if it works. I can’t imagine that if you gave this to any user of the earlier version that they would be happy with the upgrade. Even free software should have SOME standards. I have to say that as a KDE fan – I’m just plan SHOCKED at how piss poor this product is.

  1. rectagon says:

    Oh oh. You’re about to suffer the linux-gang wrath! Personally, I’ve installed more distros on my machines… only to uninstall them a couple weeks later. Of course, I can’t bring myself to throw out the old distro install CD’s … in case I need them one day in an emergency… of some sort….maybe.


    Oh, and to add insult to injury I just switched to Vista 64… and, by golly, it’s actually pretty good.

  2. bill says:

    good job – like how you explain your testing methodology, your base line and attempts to rectify your problems.

    Did you paid by the word for the review?

    Also love your use descriptors like suck, piss poor and piece of crap – shows you’re not afraid to open the dictionary and use words other think are to complex for the casual reader.

  3. sam says:

    I agree with this article. The people trying to replace konqueror with dolphin as a file manager really need their heads examined.

  4. bobbo says:

    I second #2, bills comment.

    As a casual Linux user on spare machines, I keep waiting to make the switch when I find all the programs I need to do what I do comfortable on Win XP. To that end, I’m actually curious as to the different linux systems, the good and the bad.

    Sadly your post is a complete waste of time.

    “Alex, I’d like to buy a clue.”

    I CHALLENGE PERKEL=====add an update with 1-2-3 specific things you don’t like and DON’T post such a POS again.

    You write like Linux.

  5. antix says:

    I assume you meant upgrading to KDE 4, not 3.5, and as others have suggested, just stating your opinion is making a comment, not writing an article, although bloggers rarely do that anyway.

  6. sargasso says:

    Well, if it’s that bad then I’m definitely going to try it out. It is so hard nowadays to find things to vehemently dislike.

  7. igor says:

    wow another linus sux post
    you have twitter for this kind of stuff.
    At least give some details what and when some feature doesnt work. Like this its pure garbage

  8. feekes says:

    The great thing about open source software, if you dont like one thing, use something else. Dont like KDE, use gnome.

  9. jopa says:

    compared to OS X, linux is DOS.

    #9 😀 Exactly!

  10. green says:

    #10 – compared to OS X, linux is DOS.

    you mean kde. the GUI not the underlying OS.

  11. Marc Perkel says:

    OK – where do you go to change the video card and get it out of 800×600 mode?

  12. amodedoma says:

    I might recommend detailling your evaluation a bit more. OK it sucks, now if you’d added why, how, how often, etc., your opinion might be worth something.

  13. jescott418 says:

    As someone said once “Change is not always good” This of course is why Linux has failed as a desktop for the average Joe computer user.
    Too many distro’s, too many people with mixed skills writing software for it. Like to article says, not enough checks and balances.
    I still say and this reinforces it. Community supported Linux is not going to work as well a corporate versions like Red Hat. Windows and OS X have the same advantage over Linux. They have a very good support effort.
    Even though all operating systems and software for that matter have issues. Its better to have paid support then deal with any free support.

  14. Floyd says:

    More specifics, Perkel. I’m not a Linux fanboy at all (I currently prefer Vista, with OSX in second place and XP in third), but you need to explain what your problems were.

    On the one specific issue you’ve mentioned, chances are you change the video resolution in a configuration file somewhere.

  15. Brian says:


    What distro and video card are you using? Some distro’s have their own configuration tools. Also NVDIA have their own configuration tools and drivers that you can download from their website. I use the NVDIA software in my KDE 3.5 and not the native KDE configuration tool.

  16. tcc3 says:

    Marc, I feel your pain. I don’t need the details for the experience to sound familiar to frustration with several distros.

    Its like the snobby unix crowd doesn’t approve of GUIs, so they make it as shabby and hard to use as possible. Real men use bash after all.

    The only exception seems to be Ubuntu. Seems to work well and not spit in your face for spite when trying to do something simple. It works well because it behaves like a Windows/OSX lovechild. But other than the cost, I’ve never seen anything to recommend it over Windows.

  17. Mr Fission says:

    I personally can’t stand KDE. I find Gnome to be more straight forward. It gets the job done.

  18. GregA says:


    You delete \etc\xorg.conf then reboot. In my experience that almost always produces a better mode. Yeah you will be in the vesa drivers then. But I have grown convinced that the accelerated drivers are a big lie. And why not the stalmanites have lied about everything else for the last ten years…

  19. jason says:

    Left KDE long ago, I have always preferred Gnome.

  20. A Nony Mouse says:

    Once again Perkel thinks he’s being so smart and insightful when he’s only showing his ignorance. His post is “piss poor” on details, and when he does provide one in the comments, it only proves that he’s a moron.

    Display resolution is a matter handled by the X server and the video card driver it’s configured to use. KDE has nothing to do with that other than providing a little taskbar widget to do the same thing you can accomplish with CTRL-ALT-(+/-).

    Personally, I hate both fedora and KDE, but that’s besides the point. The real question is: What the hell JCD is smoking to let this fool continue to run things for him?

  21. flatwombat says:

    As to changing the resolution, provided you set up your graphics card with the right drivers (rpmfusion), just go into Applications > Settings > System Settings > Display and select what you want.

    Rather than posting a silly rant, why not go to FedoraForum.org and ask a question (minus the vulgarity, thanks!)

    BTW, I’m a gnome user, but I occasionally also install KDE just to check things out. This is my first look at it in Fedora 10 and it’s looking fine – not my taste, but no obvious problems.

  22. simongiln says:

    You made a couple mistakes:

    1. Fedora is a Gnome-centric OS. KDE 4 isn’t going to work as well on Fedora as Gnome will. What you did was equivalent to expecting Kubuntu to be less buggy than Ubuntu. That’s not how this stuff works. If you wanted a good KDE 4 OS, you should have tried Mandriva.

    2. If you were having problems with screen resolution, your first recourse should have been to make sure the right drivers were installed. In my experience, Fedora *never* installs the right drivers for proprietary cards on install, and often the installation of proprietary drivers post-install also fails to work properly. If it’s just a matter of you not finding the resolution settings menu… Then I don’t know what to tell you. Look harder?

    In closing: you picked the wrong OS to try, but I agree that KDE 4 isn’t ready for prime time quite yet.

  23. amodedoma says:

    I still don’t understand all this hostility towards Linux and Open Source. I mean it costs nothing but your time if you don’t like it, try something else.
    On the other hand if you’re one of those lamers who hasn’t paid a dime for software in your life and can’t stand your ratty old pirated XP, what the hell makes you think you whining’s gonna make a difference.
    Any reasonably intelligent person will tell you paying alot doesn’t guarantee quality, so get over yourselves. Arguing about which is better MS, Linux, MAC, maybe entertaining for some, for me it seems like a waste of spit.

  24. PcMaster says:

    You know what they say,
    You get what you pay for.

    Oh wait…you didn’t have pay for it

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Marc,

    OK – where do you go to change the video card and get it out of 800×600 mode?

    I think pedro would just go down to his local Video Store and exchange it there.

  26. Mycque says:

    If you’d have read the release notes you would have seen KDE 4 doesn’t have everything 3.5 has yet.

  27. Sai Kai Lee says:

    Yeah, thats right Dvorak…. People in glass houses and all that!

    Have you noticed the quality of your BLOGGING SOFTWARE RECENTLY?

    Seriously, a 3 year old retarted monkey could make a more reliable blog site.

  28. GregA says:


    Its um… wordpress hosted on a linux server and um, MySQL… Of course its flakey and it sucks. I bet you didn’t know that because you have never hosted a blog before though. What is your self hosted blog? Or are 3 year old retarded monkeys smarter than you?


    Of course their is hostility towards linux and linux user. The standard mantra for freetards with regards to any criticism or question is first to claim “WorksForMeTM” followed by calling the person who can’t make it work an idiot.


    If you would like me to share the migration plan I used to evacuate the sinking ship that is Linux just get my email from the blog, and drop me a letter. Nowadays PHP runs much better on the faster IIS than it does on the outdated Apache web server.

    Linux, it no longer sucks only on the desktop.

  29. #29 – SKL

    What you said. Dvorak dot org slash blog needs some kind of tune-up.

  30. jmst says:

    I was a happy KDE 3.5 user (Kubuntu). Now that Kubuntu 8.10 forced me to upgrade to KDE 4, I moved to Gnome (Ubuntu). And it’s great! It works wonderfully with wireless networks. Great improvements for gnome since a few years ago.


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