Click pic to embiggen what some expected

To say that the cabinet, advisers and others the new President is surrounding himself with are not the leftist outsiders that the right expected or the left wanted is an understatement. Even ultra-leftist Henry Kissenger approves of the national security team Obama has put together. This overall pull to the center is what one would expect, however, of someone who actually wants to accomplish something.

What do you think of this group? Who would you rather have?

Name by name, Obama’s Cabinet taking shape

TREASURY SECRETARY: Timothy Geithner, president of Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
SECRETARY OF STATE: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.
ATTORNEY GENERAL: Eric Holder, former deputy attorney general.
DEFENSE SECRETARY: Robert Gates, a holdover from Bush administration.
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: Retired Marine Gen. James Jones.
COMMERCE SECRETARY: Gov. Bill Richardson, D-N.M.
NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL DIRECTOR: Lawrence Summers, former treasury secretary.
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DIRECTOR: Peter Orszag, director of Congressional Budget Office.

Here are the yet to be announced spots. The article gives contenders. Agree? Who would you pick?


  1. tomdennis says:

    When we vote in for the direction we want to go, I voted for a change to the view that we are all standing on the planet. Left of right are directions and points of view (depending on the direction that you turn your head). Obama just took the best minds standing in front of him. Pretty simple and effective.

  2. soundwash says:

    “#34 pedro said,
    #28 This is what happens when a bunch of true-believers mingle in a blog.”


    good call pedro 😀

  3. Hugh Ripper says:

    Seem to me that Obama is playing the long game. His aim will be to survive and win a second term where the economic conditions will (he hopes) allow him to push his (ever so slightly left of center) agenda though.

    What drugs are you guys on when you refer to Obama’s ‘far left’ agenda? Hes not a Maoist, a Stalinist or even a member of the Shining Path, so in what way is he ‘far left’?

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #18: Yes. Because he’s anything but.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #34 – ‘dro


  6. Dallas says:

    I sense a few (just a few) right wingers in here are starting to come around to Obama. This is very encouraging.

    The rest of the angry republicans need to chill and take comfort that Obama is already running an active shadow government because Bush is a useless lame duck. The GOP insiders know that things are so fucked, that they WANT Obama to take charge. I really like this unity already.

    Please print this out and find a good frane that goes with your furniture.

  7. bobbo says:

    If Kissinger is ultra left, that only means he is so far right there was no room left on the scale so they continued on past infinity and wound up on the other side of the continuum.

    Goes to show labels don’t mean much though. Kissinger is a sonorous blow-hard so political that nothing he did was worthy–only politcal. Very much like Hilary without the glass ceiling to rail against.

  8. Montanaguy says:

    I’m guessing Donald Trump for housing and urban development…no?

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Ariane,

    My only quibble with her is that she is leaving this state. We need her!

    Her country needs her more. The whole country (minus some right wing nuts) thank Arizona for giving her to us.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    Timothy Geithner, Banking Criminal

    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Good choice.

    Eric Holder, Typical crim pol

    Robert Gates, Don’t have enough info.

    Gov. Janet Napolitano, Barely know her.

    Gen. James Jones, Don’t know him

    Gov. Bill Richardson, Typical sycophant.

    Lawrence Summers, Okay choice.

    Peter Orszag, Decent choice.

    Overall, typical Pres cabinet.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, AngryRightWingNut,

    I’ve been forced to listen to the DEOMCRAPS make crap up for 8 years, blaming Bush for everything even the stuff he didn’t do. It one thing to hold him responsible for that he has actually done.

    Since Bush took office he has disdained everyone except those who acted like him. He repeatedly lied to America and ignored the Constitution. His only saving grace was 9/11 when approval reached 90%. Today, only a few die hard fans still approve of Bush.

    If you want to condemn Obama because Bush was a screw up, I think there might be something allowing you to do that. It does though, show what a mental midget you are to condemn a man even before he does anything.

  12. bobbo says:

    Paddy–what makes Clinton a good choice?

    I see her as nothing but a politician trading influence for money. That really doesn’t work in international dealings. Now “maybe” she can carry water for Obama, or maybe not. Do you think that someone who took sniper fire in Sarajevo is admired by world leaders when they want the truth from a USA representative?

    Not to mention Bill.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 45 bobbo said, “Paddy–what makes Clinton a good choice? I see her as nothing but a politician trading influence for money.”

    Sit down with her someday and discuss the types of matters that State deals with. You’ll leave with no question as to whether she can do the job.

  14. bobbo says:

    #46–Paddy==its not a question of whether or not she CAN do the job. Rather the issue is whether or not she WILL do the job.

    Do you really think she is “for” the USA first, or really for “herself?”

    Politicians are scum. The more you admire them, the bigger the scum they are.


  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 48 bobbo said, “#46–Paddy==its not a question of whether or not she CAN do the job. Rather the issue is whether or not she WILL do the job.”

    Well, only time will tell. It is true of any person. Ability & willingness are not linked.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #47 – ‘dro


  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #46 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Sit down with her someday and discuss the
    >>types of matters that State deals with.

    Ooooh nooooo! Paddy-RAMBO, the Radio Shack counter boy, is going back to his delusions of grandeur, recalling the good old days shaking and moving with the powerbrokers Inside the Beltway???

    I thought you had been disabused of this fantasy the last time around?

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    #49 – Bobo

    >>its not a question of whether or not she CAN
    >>do the job. Rather the issue is whether or
    >>not she WILL do the job

    No, it’s a question of whether or not she CAN do the job. The job will be outlined to her by Obama, and she will be instructed to do it. Should she find herself unable to do it, she will tender her resignation (or be fired).

    She’s not working for a stuttering ignoramous like Condi is, she’s working for Obama. And the options are 1) do the job or 2) get the fuck out.

  19. bobbo says:

    #52–Mustard==the evidence right now is that you have to go far past the line before Obama acts with his intellect rather than the political exigencies.

    Evidence for that is how long it took him to deal appropriately with Rev Wright AND the decision to appoint Hilliary in the first place.

    I’m comfortable with you pimping for Obama–he needs help. But why Hilliary the Harridan? Have you no standards at all?

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #54 – ‘dro

    STFU. I don’t want to have to tell you again.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #53 – Bobo

    You’re never satisfied with anything, are you?

    Until Obama and Hillary qualify as stand-ins for Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, you’re going to be whining and sniveling.

    I think Obama and Hillary are well-equipped to do the jobs to which they have been assigned, and I agree with them on many issues. When it comes to national politics, that’s as good as it gets.

    You, with your chronic misery and discontent, will NEVER be happy. If religion were outlawed, guns were banned, and you were appointed as POTUS, vPOTUS, SCOTUS, the entire Cabinet, and to be the one and only member of the House and Senate, there would STILL be something you’d bitch about.

    Don’t worry. Be happy.

  22. bobbo says:

    #56–Mustard==you are very close to the truth there. I wonder what that springs from? Sheep–happy to graze on the grass they are allotted. Human Being==questioning his existence. FREEDOM—not being sucked in by someone elses BS.

    I like your description. Thanks.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #57 – Bobo

    >>I like your description. Thanks.

    If being called a chronically miserable malcontent makes you happy, God bless ya.

    At least I now understand your seemingly irrational fantasy of banning all guns…you’re afraid you’re going to shoot yourself in the head.

  24. bobbo says:

    Nah, you only find that type of self loathing with religious types. How you leap from my “not being satisfied” to being suicidal is another sad example of YOU projecting your own values/understanding/constructs onto others. Couldn’t follow a train of thought if you were the caboose on the Great Northern.

    Very defective, and I’m coming to understand you can’t actually do any better. You exceed my poor expectations.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #60 – ‘dro


  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #59 – Bobo

    >>Nah, you only find that type of self loathing
    >>with religious types.

    Clearly, Bobo, you don’t know very many “religious types”. Maybe a few Catholics? That would explain your self-loathing attitude.

    In any case, I’m not talking about self-loathing. I’m talking about your incessant whining about how everything is not perfect and peachy keen. Try and follow the train of thought here. Self-loathing is not the same as pathetic misery and discontent. It’s ==definitional==, don’t you know.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #63 – ‘dro

    Will you please STFU??

    If you ever had anything to say, anything with ANY content at all, you’d be tolerable even though you’re an asshole.

    You don’t, so STFU.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:


    Take the advise, Shut The Eff Up. You are very annoying and stupid. Geeze, even Jimy Heel has given some thoughtful answers lately.


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