![]() Click pic to embiggen what some expected
To say that the cabinet, advisers and others the new President is surrounding himself with are not the leftist outsiders that the right expected or the left wanted is an understatement. Even ultra-leftist Henry Kissenger approves of the national security team Obama has put together. This overall pull to the center is what one would expect, however, of someone who actually wants to accomplish something.
What do you think of this group? Who would you rather have?
Name by name, Obama’s Cabinet taking shape
TREASURY SECRETARY: Timothy Geithner, president of Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
SECRETARY OF STATE: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.
ATTORNEY GENERAL: Eric Holder, former deputy attorney general.
DEFENSE SECRETARY: Robert Gates, a holdover from Bush administration.
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: Retired Marine Gen. James Jones.
COMMERCE SECRETARY: Gov. Bill Richardson, D-N.M.
NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL DIRECTOR: Lawrence Summers, former treasury secretary.
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DIRECTOR: Peter Orszag, director of Congressional Budget Office.
Here are the yet to be announced spots. The article gives contenders. Agree? Who would you pick?
I am pleasantly surprised with his centrist stance so far an I hope to stand corrected on my assumption that he will lead as a far left wing liberal. But he is the leader and we have yet to see how he will lead? center? left? far left ? who knows?
When I was young and ignorant enough to work for the Republican Party, the very first lecture I received from my mentor was – the single most important task for an official just elected to an office is to start working for re-election.
I don’t see anything different happening here. It’s just what I would expect.
And so the change was like when Bush said it and Clinton Said it and like Reagan said it all a lie.
As usual.
Change will not truly come until we the citizens of the Republic do it ourselves.
We cannot hope for change from people that are already part of the problem.
Ultra left? Really? Considering that he gave $47,200 to Republicans and $500 to Democrats, I would think that he is anything but left. Also the only reason that Henry would speak out on something like this is to keep his hand in the cookie jar since he has his own consulting firm an someone else now controls the budget.
Imagine, competency in the White House. What a breath of fresh air. However, I doubt even eight years is enough to undo all the disasters of the last eight. The environmental damage alone will last hundreds of years.
Who the eff cares what that washed up wind-bag Kissinger says?
Are most people really surprised by this? The far left and right pundits and talking heads might be, but most people voted for Obama because he appealed to the center and because he wasn’t a republican and he didn’t have the worst VP pick in all of American history. Obama said through his entire campaign that he would choose cabinet members from both parties and that his goal would be to put competence above party affiliation.
I would have been more surprised if he didn’t appoint his cabinet this way.
Like the stability stance, but nevertheless I think its better if has his own Defense Secretary.
Hillary is unconstitutional based on the emoluments clause, plus a bad choice given her personal corruption and criminal past. Why bring all that back?
Other than that, everything seems fine except for Eric Holder and Greg Craig. Holder was responsible for the Marc Rich pardon, was wrong about voting rights and affirmative action, and lied during the Elian Gonzalez fiasco, among his other problems. Greg Craig is someone you want defending you on major cases of corruption and bribery, but Obama shouldn’t be needing that.
My early read is that Obama is catering to the right-wing so they won’t go after his personal corruption. Hope I’m wrong about that.
Outside of the few obvious, this suggested Cabinet are intelligent, responsible people. That they don’t have top managerial experience shouldn’t matter since Cabinet Secretaries implement policy, not run the department.
Rosie O’Donnell? Sure, why not.
Will Ferrell? The guy is smarter than most of the Fifth graders in the Bush Cabinet.
Ralph Nader? Another very intelligent man that might be able to get some things happening.
James Carville & Arianna Huffington would both bring something good to the Cabinet.
Ellen Degeneras and Oprah Winfrey could contribute lots to their suggested positions.
Mr. Bean and Gary Coleman are actually Republican anarchists, I don’t see them at all.
I would have little problem with those people above. Yes they are liberals but so what? Does having a liberal outlook make you more of a monster than a baby eating Republican?
I think his reelection will be determined by who he puts in at Border Patrol and DHS, and how strongly they engage in enforcement. Obama’s amnesty proposals probably won’t pass even with all those Democrats in Congress, since now the Republicans are more likely to be unified against him. So if they continue to do INS raids, and reauthorize E-verify, and the Border Patrol does its job, there won’t be people taking those low wage jobs from people voting four years from now.
#3 You appear to be misinformed as to what change means. If you think it simply putting in unknowns in the seat of power, you’re an idiot.
So far,the cabinet is a combination of tremendous experience, stability where needed (defense) and bipartisanship.
In the case of defense, the 4 under-secretaries are completely new. Obama and Gates fired the goons that Bush had running the defense department – remember the goons flying live atom bombs around the US.
Bottom line is, Obama knows what he’s doing. In fact he is virtual shadow government right now as Bush is useless lame duck.
As soon as Obama announces that Hank Paulson has been fired and is being sent to Gitmo, then I’ll be impressed.
At this point we could replace Paulson with a hard-core communist and get better results.
#4 – wbskeet37,
I was surprised by the Kissinger comment too. The war in Iraq is Kissinger’s war, at least in part. In 1973, he recommended that the U.S. acquire an interest in the Middle East. He was speaking about oil for world domination even then, rather than oil for fun and profit.
Interestingly, his position on acquiring an interest in the Middle East has been supported by every single presidential administration since then. So, yeah, the lefty liberal imperialist.
The Thirty-Year Itch
#11, Lyin’ Mike,
He has already asked Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona to be Homeland Security Secretary. She brings with her a a strict approach to illegal immigration.
Napolitano is a disaster. Her strict approach is to strictly do nothing. She vetoed a bill involving state police arresting illegal immigrants. She also vetoed a bill to take away instate tuition for illegal immigrants. Perhaps she has done some other things in the face of an election, but I wouldn’t expect much from her.
Then again, I didn’t expect much from Bush’s pick, and she did OK.
Ultra-leftist Henry Kissinger? Ultra-leftist… umm. Is that a joke? I don’t get it.
Yea, change… just like turning your underwear in-side-out.
#16, Lyin’ Mike,
She vetoed a bill involving state police arresting illegal immigrants. She also vetoed a bill to take away instate tuition for illegal immigrants.
She vetoed actions ruled unconstitutional by the courts already. I have far more respect for that than for someone who ignores the law.
You know not of which you speak. Janet Napolitano will make a great DHS head. She understands the difference between doing too much and not doing enough. She has been a vocal critic of the underfunded Border Patrol, and a vocal critic of the Chertoff’s asinine border fence folly. “Show me a 50 foot wall and I’ll show you a 51 foot ladder” she is quoted as saying. She knows border issues better than anyone.
Before being Governor she was the state Attorney General and a US Attorney under Clinton. She was a tough prosecutor making her a good match for overseeing the FBI. She also has experience dealing with disasters as we have had our share of droughts, floods, and wildfires over the last six years, she will handle FEMA appropriately.
My only quibble with her is that she is leaving this state. We need her!
The angry republicans in here will always get lathered up and find criticism about any Obama decision, appointment or choice or pet.
It’s what the party of no ideas are made up of. Isn’t there a angry republican helpline or something? I know on facebook there is the Angry Republican mental health group.
Isn’t there a angry republican helpline or something?
LOL, dunno, but I do know where they get this illness. Turn on any AM radio in the afternoon and without a strong constitution you can catch it.
“The angry republicans in here will always get lathered up and find criticism about any Obama decision, appointment or choice or pet.”
Yep, just the same way the bitter democrats have done with Bush for the last 8 years.
Payback’s a bitch, get use to it….
“Party of no ideas” Are you kidding? Like the Democrats in Congress have had any ideas for the last two years. Don’t make me laugh.
Neither party has any ideas, they’re both rehashing the same old crapola.
#24 – AngryRepublican
>>Yep, just the same way the bitter democrats
>>have done with Bush for the last 8 years.
The Democrats aren’t bitter, just disgusted. After all, Bush fucked up everything he touched, not only for the past 8 years, but ever since he’s been touching things.
Obama doesn’t even assume office for another 45 days, yet the bitchy little Repugs are moaning and whining about every mistake they fantasize he will make over the next 8 years.
Give it a rest. Let Obama actually get into office and DO something, then get back to us with your opinion about how well he did it.
Well said, Mustard.
#24, #25 Guys, let it out quickly so we can get on the same page. You might as well take down that picture of George and Laura now and replace it with Barack and Michelle. The country needs your support by doing nothing. Lay low.
Bush has so taken the country so deep into the abyss that we need some serious leadership and ideas. Let’s get with the program.
wow…wtf what subliminal crap have they brainwashed everyone with..
this is change?
obama was the key puppet to sucker the public and get almost all the key players responsible for the current
economic and global crisis we’re in..
he vowed to “he would order military action against terrorists in Pakistan’s tribal region bordering Afghanistan if intelligence warranted it.”
-and well whatya know inst that a coincidence that a month+ before he takes office a major crisis, -the terror nonsense in mumbai pops up, which of course the media first see’s if “it has all the trademarks of al-qaeda ” remark will float with the public (which it had obviously none of)
so then after much drama they kill all but (conveniently) one..and he seems to be all too happy to spill the beans and finger Pakistan for the roots..
-no need for “intelligence reports” to bomb Pakistan now.. how friggen convincing..
-the media and obama get India’s “9/11” to brainwash us into hating pakistan now..
-just great.
Robert Gates was up to his neck iran-contra, the october suprise, in creating al-quaeda.. do your homework..
Summers?? -wasnt he one of robert rubins protege’s who was instrumental in removing all the regulations that separated banks, brokerages and insurance companies and freed them to trade in unregulated derivatives and other relatively fictitious hugely over leveraged “instruments” that are responsible for the financial meltdown we’and the rest of the world are in..?
-rubin was director of citigroup and is responsible for the heavy risk taking that put citigroup in the position its in today
as a matter of fact, summers, orzag and geithner are pretty much rubin policy clones.
dont know anything about rubin? here, take a look at his wiki for a small taste of his “economic prowess”
so obama hires the political insiders that in in no small way are responsible for the current deregulation that has helped usher in a worldwide global financial crash.. brilliant. and of course all these people plan to spend even MORE than the 8.4 trillion we’re on the hook for to get us out this, like that’s going to work..
so obama will come in and re-instate the glass-speigel act and uptick rule that the people above removed, -create some new regulations on top of those and look like a “hero for the middle-class” -what a bunch of suckers we are all are.
this is so obvious it’s frightening.
clinton? sure, better to have her inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in..ok that’s a really good way to decide who represents us in foreign affairs..
susan rice? -another puppet she votes whats politically expedient
-yes! we will all be saved now! [sic]
obama is NO different than bush, just another puppet. as a matter fact he’s way worse. he will betray us all. the only difference is that he is slick, well spoken, silver tongued lawyer can lie with a straight face.
we will see the largest intrusion of government and destruction of the constitution EVER under his
lastly (for now) -the mere fact that kissinger “approves” should set off alarm bells and scare the hell out anyone who’s followed him since the kennedy days.. kissinger has been a major player in almost every US foreign intrusion to date. he’s so dirty it’s not funny.
why the hell do you think bush wanted him to head the 9/11 commission? -he’d have fixed the outcome but good..boy what i wouldn’t do to see his little black book “business clients”
come’on people wake up out of your friggin comas
and get a clue..we’re be setup for the biggest fall in history.
here, want to see what “unpaid” market analysts think about where our economy is headed..
just browse the market oracle. plenty of *hard data and charts* to show what is really going on and backup the articles. -not the disinformation campaign being foisted on the public from media pundits..
-bummer, the formatting got all screwy, sorry people..
(can anyone fix that please?)
[Fixed. – ed.]
Hey Dallas,
I’ve been forced to listen to the DEOMCRAPS make crap up for 8 years, blaming Bush for everything even the stuff he didn’t do. It one thing to hold him responsible for that he has actually done. Remember the Democraps in Congress sat on their thumbs and allowed it.
Wow: The angry liberals and the depressed conservatives are failing in this thread.
Obama’s picks to date can be classified as one of the following three:
1. Brilliant moves that show his desire to build a diverse group of leaders in the executive branch.
2. Brilliant moves that show his handlers’ desire to eliminate his biggest threats in the legislative branch and amongst the states, regardless of party affiliation.
3. Brilliant moves that do both of the above.
Personally, I’m leaning towards #3 with a bias towards #2. It looks like the Clinton-era drones he’s brought in to his fold are the type that want to learn from their mistakes (see 1992-84) during the last go around.
It’s amazing to me the total lack of confidence that’s being show to the man from both sides. Granted, he was elected on a populist agenda… and that good will won’t last forever… but he also has a clear grasp of the present, and that shouldn’t be discounted.
The Right is disappointed that he didn’t pick Leftist losers and the Left in this country has always had a death wish.He will get far more grief from the left because the will be upset about his”middle of the road success”.