Army Times– A Georgia man has filed a lawsuit against contractor KBR and its former parent company, Halliburton, saying the companies exposed everyone at Joint Base Balad in Iraq to unsafe water, food and hazardous fumes from the burn pit there.  Joshua Eller, who worked as a civilian computer-aided drafting technician with the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, said military personnel, contractors and third-country nationals may have been sickened by contamination at the largest U.S. installation in Iraq, home to more than 30,000 service members, Defense Department civilians and contractors.  Defendants promised the United States government that they would supply safe water for hygienic and recreational uses, safe food supplies and properly operate base incinerators to dispose of medical waste safely,” according to the lawsuit, filed Nov. 26 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas. “Defendants utterly failed to perform their promised duties.”

Eller filed his claim after he deployed in February 2006 for 10 months. The lawsuit claims he developed skin lesions that subsequently spread, filled with fluid and burst. He said they went away, then reappeared, followed by blisters on his feet that made it painful for him to walk. He said they healed, but continue to return every three to four months.  “Plaintiff witnessed the open air burn pit in operation at Balad Air Force Base,” the lawsuit states. “On one occasion, he witnessed a wild dog running around base with a human arm in its mouth. The human arm had been dumped on the open air burn pit by KBR.”

Eller said he still has nightmares and has been diagnosed with adjustment disorder.  Eller also accused KBR of serving spoiled, expired and rotten food to the troops, as well as dishes that may have been contaminated with shrapnel.  “Defendants knowingly and intentionally supplied and served food that was well past its expiration date, in some cases over a year past its expiration date,” the lawsuit states. “Even when it was called to the attention of the KBR food service managers that the food was expired, KBR still served the food to U.S. forces.”  The lawsuit also accuses KBR of shipping ice in mortuary trucks that “still had traces of body fluids and putrefied remains in them when they were loaded with ice. This ice was served to U.S. forces.”

Eller also accuses KBR of failing to maintain a medical incinerator at Joint Base Balad, which has been confirmed by two surgeons in interviews with Military Times about the Balad burn pit. Instead, according to the lawsuit and the physicians, medical waste, such as needles, amputated body parts and bloody bandages were burned in the open-air pit.  Wild dogs in the area raided the burn pit and carried off human remains,” the lawsuit states. “The wild dogs could be seen roaming the base with body parts in their mouths, to the great distress of the U.S. forces.”

I am sure many here who “support the troops” will be disgusted by this. Either that or they will dismiss it as left-wing Bullshit. Carry on.

Found by Mister “leftie” Justin

  1. Floyd says:

    I think Eller, the man with the repeated blisters, may have been exposed to mustard gas. Symptoms are about right.

  2. Axure says:

    You can also lear more from the 30 Nov episode of the DefenseNews TV talk show.

    The third part titled “Burn pits” is a small discussion between the host and Kelly Kennedy from the Army Times.

    A point worthy to note from that discussion is that there are some really dangerous items and substances being thrown into those pits and then carried with smoke across the base. In some really crazy cases you have a poisonous (e.g. with arsenic) smoke blowing straight to a field hospital.

    This topic has already drawn some criticizm by lawmakers (e.g. Sen. Feingold, but as usual, it’s too little, too late.

    Sad thing is, some compensation will be paid to some people, but overall the topic will be brushed under the carpet. Once again, modern democracy shows it’s terrible inability to hold top executives responsible.

  3. Phydeau says:

    Hard to dismiss this as left-wing bullshit if it’s reported by the Army Times.

  4. McCullough says:

    #3. Not with this crew.

  5. sargasso says:

    Yumm, putrified remains. On the up side, this is going to appeal to a whole new demographic of Halliburton recruits.

  6. Named says:


    Yes, the Zombie brigade is always looking for more putrefaction…

  7. Jim says:

    well, maybe one of the first things obama could do with his AG and DoD head would be to pursue criminal fraud charges based on these findings and force them to pay back the government for not supplying the service requested, with interest.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    I read with very great comfort that the Justice Department is already to indict several Blackwater employees for their murder of Iraqi civilians.

    I don’t see how this can be ignored.

    Phuk this is sickening.

  9. Named says:


    Blackwater is a mercenary agency. KBR is Halliburton. No way Halliburton is going to suffer anything except greater profits.

  10. James Hill says:

    #3 & #4 – Has anyone come across stories about how general enlisted feel about these “contractors” now that they’ve been on the ground for a few years? The Army Times does have a clear audience to cater too, after all, and it would be interesting to know if they’re as fed up with KBR and Blackwater as people who follow their exploits.

  11. McCullough says:

    #10. Unless things have changed since I was in… never ever complain. Unless you want to expose your self to the worst kind of assignments.

  12. JimD says:


  13. James Hill says:

    #11 – So could the Army Times be doing the complaining in a very creative way with this article?

  14. McCullough says:

    #13. We never read the Times believing it to be nothing but propaganda, but that was a different time. So this article baffles me.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #9 – Named

    >> KBR is Halliburton. No way Halliburton is
    >>going to suffer anything except greater

    At least not until we start prosecuting war profiteers.

  16. James Hill says:

    #15 – You’re talking about a time honored American tradition; You’re kidding yourself if you think they’ll get prosecuted.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #16 – Angry James

    >>You’re kidding yourself if you think they’ll
    >>get prosecuted.

    Maybe, maybe not. Your traditional war profiteer usually keeps a pretty low profile, as they are generally recognized to be among the lowest of the scum. But when you have a war profiteer as VP (and the de facto POTUS), people tend to take notice.

    As Frank Lautenberg (NJ senator, and my own personal hero for making smoking on airplanes illegal) delicately put it thus:

    “It is unseemly for the Vice President to continue to benefit from this company [Halliburton] at the same time his Administration funnels billions of dollars to it.”.”

    Perhaps the “unseemly” nature of POTUS Cheney will attract enough attention from the right people, and he’ll be hiring defense lawyers, rather than trying to prosecute hard-working Amurrican citizens.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Either that or they will dismiss it as left-wing Bullshit. Carry on.”

    Of course it’s Left-wing Bullshit, don’t you know that’s the way the American soldiers can absorb the essences of their enemies and thus become stronger? Of course, a side-effect is that all female American soldiers will turn lesbians but the few heterosexual Republican men will not complain when they watch fit and young women lick each other.

  19. Named says:


    Wait… there are heterosexual republicans? Who knew?

  20. Named says:


    I know it’s happened at some other point in history… I agree with you. They will NEVER be prosecuted. And if they DO, it will be largely ceremonial. Kinda like a “OK, we’ll build the 3 trillion dollar base for the US Gov’t, but we’ll discount it due to past actions to 2.5 trillion.” Which means that they will build it for 7 trillion.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Named,

    Yes, I know that. These contractors have been working along the assumption that they are immune to prosecution or are even answerable for what they do. By charging Blackwater employees is the crack in that “immunity” that will scare all those who acted so recklessly in Iraq.

    Watch KBR be forced to pay back a lot of money. When their accounting starts getting really fuzzy, don’t be surprised to see some mid-level managers turning on upper level management.

  22. Tomas says:

    #21. It wont happen. Your President elect will need these guys for his foray into Afghanistan.

    Change my ass.

  23. Named says:


    What do you want your ass changed into? There are doctors that can do anything… And for your request, you should probably go to Bangkok.

  24. Rick Cain says:

    Enjoy your privatization!

    If a colonel was in charge and was giving out fecal matter in ice, he would be busted down to lieutenant and given an other than honorable.

    Its good to see the Bush Regime using the military budget to enrich his buddies pocketbooks, but what else can you expect from a Republican….efficiency? Competence? Ethics?

  25. Leo L. Latona says:

    They should be Shot and I would like to be the one to shoot them. Leo.


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