Click pics to read all about these miracles

Can you imagine it? Two sightings in one day! You’ll have to hurry with the guitar, though. It’s on eBay and when Jesus is gone, he ain’t coming back this time. Mary isn’t on eBay. Yet.

Oh, and on a vaguely related topic, read about the un-Christmas Christmas sign.

In the latest round of what’s become almost a winter tradition — conflicts over religious symbols in public places — a group of atheists and agnostics have put up a sign in the state Capitol that says, in part: “Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation members put up the sign Monday, partly in response to a nearby Nativity scene. They also debuted a billboard in downtown Olympia that reads: “Reason’s Greetings.”

  1. Dallas says:

    Note that Jesus is wearing an earring on his left ear. How much proof does one need?

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #1 – Dallas

    Where I come from, they say “left is right, and right is wrong”.

  3. bobbo says:

    The Jesus I assume is painted by man but the Virgin Mary in your brain–I wonder how often she appears? Does she disappear/change image with age or with thinking, or only by a disease process?

    Caring atheists want to know.

  4. Dallas says:

    #2 You are correct, Mustard. That would indicated Jesus is leaning straight, but then again, I have my left ear pierced.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    $3 – Dallas

    >>You are correct, Mustard. That would
    >>indicate Jesus is leaning straight

    Ho ho! So the Prop 8 guys were right. God DOES hate fags. dot org!! Of course, that’s to be expected. A few days ago, one of those homo-haters posted evidence that God is a pussy hound.

  6. Zybch says:

    I’m sending this out as my xmas card this year

  7. huh says:

    Why do people always make Jesus look like a white guy with a beard?

  8. Micromike says:

    Let’s all drink to the death of religion and religious war!

  9. deowll says:

    Micromike, as long as people like you are around there will always be religous wars.

    You don’t think you are religous? Prove there is or is not a God. If you fail to do at least one of those you walk by faith and not things proven.

    It is the agnostic that isn’t religious.

  10. HMeyers says:

    “If you fail to do at least one of those you walk by faith and not things proven. ”

    Do people have to prove stuff?

    I know my microwave heats up a pizza, but I’m not capable of manufacturing a microwave and lack an engineering degree myself so I’d have no way to conclusively prove the microwave was heating the pizza vs. teleporting heat particles from an anti-matter universe to do the heating.

    The people who believe in religion are no worse than the supposedly smart people who believed that “housing prices go up.”

    How can someone prove there is a god if people can’t even agree on global warming and couldn’t manage to convince 12 people that OJ did it?

    I myself worry more about things fallible humans supposed have “proved” exists like “global warming”.

  11. Jim says:

    I always love the fallacy that because someone believes something I have to prove their belief is wrong, rather than they prove to me their belief is truth. I pet them on the head and move on, since they won’t ever become more than what they are, having locked themselves into beliefs that keep them from being truly human.

    It’s always sad for me to watch sheep wander over the meadows, content in their “belief”, knowing they will just end up food for wolves.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Shit, it might have been something I drank at the party last night. I don’t see no effen image of anyone on that cheap assed hunk of wood masquerading as a guitar.

    #9, doewll,

    Prove there is or is not a God.

    Unfortunately, it is very difficult to prove a negative. While we could never prove there is NOT a “god”, just prove there is one and we won’t have to prove there isn’t.

    While religion has been a very strong influence on our inter-culture reactions, hopefully some day we can be rid of all superstition. That includes Christianity, Islam, Bhudda, and every other pie in the sky inanity.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, NOTE TO SELF

    Last paragraph, first sentence should read: … our inter-culture RELATIONS, hopefully … .

    Damn tequila. Double damn who ever the hell invented it. Triple damn that dude who talked me into it.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #13 – Mr. Fusion

    >>Shit, it might have been something I drank at
    >>the party last night.

    Musta been. I see Him clear as the nose on my face. Check out the upper-most twiddle knob on the guitar face. That’s the earring in His left ear. His eyes are between the two sets of pickups. And the seller, hotrodcara, has a 100% positive feedback rating (, so you KNOW this is kosher.

    >>hopefully some day we can be rid of all

    Tsk. Do you also hope some day we can be rid of music, art, love, having “a chance to hang around, and lie there by the fire, and watch the evenin’ tire, along with friends and your old lady, sit and pass a pipe around”, and anything else that can’t be punched up on your pocket calculator ASAP? Tsk tsk.

  15. bobbo says:

    Well Mustard==those “things” may not be punchable on a pocket calculator==but they aren’t superstitions.

    Superstitions should be avoided because they really are Stupidsitions.

    Get It???? Religion is Stoopid. S-t-o-o-p-i-d. There. I spelled it out so you would get it.

  16. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    So this is the official Jesus and Mary Chain…

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #17 – Bobo

    >>Religion is Stoopid. S-t-o-o-p-i-d. There. I
    >>spelled it out so you would get it.

    Your tolerance for other viewpoints is breathtaking, Bobbolina. Perhaps, just like the homo-on-homo marriage issue, you will come around. Probably not, though. It seems to require that someone higher than you on the Totem Pole of Liberalism tell you to change your mind on an issue, and only then are you able to change your mind.

    >>those “things” may not be punchable on a
    >>pocket calculator==but they aren’t

    What are they, then? Figments of one’s imagination? Flibbery-gibbets? Wills o’ the wisp? LOGICal abberations? I know you like to adopt the traditional Bohemian “every one else is wrong, and I am right” approach to life, but you might once consider the alternative, to wit: everyone else is right, and you are wrong.

  18. bobbo says:

    Ah Mustard, the spice gets weary on the tongue, does it not?

    Am I intolerant? Yes. Religion is stupid from 15 different angles of attack/analysis. Most stupid things are only stupid 3-4 ways. I’m also intolerant of people hurting other people. Is that a bad thing too?

    Changing my mind is done in face of a better argument. No totem poles involved. Totems are religion and just as stupid as more western religions. I changed my mind yesterday when you corrected me on the harm of drugs. Are you the monkey above me on the totem?

    You ask me what these philosophical/emotional/response are. That could be another discussion, but you aren’t up to discussing any subject past a rim shot, so I will demur and simply remind you from my location on the totem that simply what you said was wrong. These subjects are not stoopidstitions as is religion.

    Bohemian? Not everyone else does believe in religion so “everyone else” is not wrong. How weak your logic is, poor mistard mustard. Bottom of the totem pole, where all the poo is.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #21 – Bobo

    >>Not everyone else does believe in religion so
    >>“everyone else” is not wrong.

    Who the fuck said anything about believing in religion? Christ, even I don’t “believe in religion”. I’m talking about belief in a higher power, a force in the universe that cannot be currently explained with pocket calculators, something greater even than Bobo’s Pretzel Logic.

    >>you aren’t up to discussing any subject past
    >>a rim shot

    You, on the other hand, are willing, able, and ENTHUSED, and to drag out an issue until even the most wild-eyed firebrand has long since gone to sleep. Your plodding, ponderous reasoning, your endless chest-beating over the superiority of your “logic” (lower-case, and in quotes), your pomposity and self-aggrandizing filibusters and monologues, they’re enough to put a crystal meth addict into hibernation.

    >>Are you the monkey above me on the totem?

    I’m certainly above you. If you wish to consider me your brother simian, that’s fine. At least you recognize the hierarchy.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Mustard,

    Tsk. Do you also hope some day we can be rid of music, art, love, having “a chance to hang around, and lie there by the fire, and watch the evenin’ tire

    What you point to are tangible items. I can see, touch, taste, smell, and or hear any of them. I can create or experience someone else create them.

    Aahh, dreams. Yes, but we don’t believe in dreams unless you include that one nurse sitting at our table. … But I digress. We do follow our dreams. They give us people sailing across the ocean in a leaky bathtub, or putting an engine on a kite to defeat the forces of gravity, or putting silver halide in a flexible gelatin base to make photographic film, or that little half white half black kid from a broken home growing up to be President.

    We don’t believe in our fantasies. The ones where you end up with that beautiful nurse or we won the lottery because we know they are false. Yet they are inexpensive entertainment. When the fantasies overwhelm our take of what is real and what is fantasy then it is time to take stock of where we are.

    Those that believe they will all be rescued by a massive spaceship hiding behind the moon are just one extreme of fantasy. Praying that some mythical creature will cure your spreading sore instead of seeking medical attention is not far off that extreme.

  21. bobbo says:

    Mustard==so your concern is the distinction between “belief in religion” versus “belief in a religion” and then you accuse ME (moi!) of being plodding? HAW!!!

    It is interesting to see how hollow “the form” of a response can be, with all the window dressing of verisimilitude. Well done Mustard.

    You know though, your god is going to be pissed when you denigrate him as only a “higher power” like he was gravity or hormones or imagination. God is the final fountainhead of monotheism on planet earth. Better get on that one and only path to salvation, or I’ll be waving to you from the only totem pole that counts.

    heh, heh.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #23 – Mr. Fusion

    >>Those that believe they will all be rescued
    >>by a massive spaceship hiding behind the moon
    >>are just one extreme of fantasy. Praying that
    >>some mythical creature will cure your
    >>spreading sore instead of seeking medical
    >>attention is not far off that extreme.

    To steal one of the great movie lines of all time… “Are you talkin’ to me?”

    You need to spend less time reading (and believing the fantasies of) the Atheist Newsletter and more time dealing with flesh-and-blood believers.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #24 – Bobo

    >>so your concern is the distinction between
    >>“belief in religion” versus “belief in a
    >>religion” and then you accuse ME (moi!) of
    >>being plodding? HAW!!!

    Not only are you plodding, you’re ponderous, self-aggrandizing, and pompous.

    If you had even the slightest inkling of what “my concern” is, it might be worth continuing the trip through this spaghetti bowl. You don’t, so it’s not. A small tip: I don’t give a flying fuck about the distinction between “religion” and “a religion”.

    >>your god is going to be pissed

    Bobo, you wouldn’t recognize my God if he bit you on the ass. Your laughable suggestion that you know what He will think knocks you down a couple of pegs on the totem pole, and may have even downgraded you from simian to something lower. Perhaps Entoprocta, characterized by an anus inside a ring of cilia.

  24. bobbo says:

    Well Mustardo, how could I have an inkling of what you mean when all I have to go on is your postings herein?

    You, as a matter of fact, keep your religious mythos a secret so that y ou can, as demonstrated, childishly ridicule others here for not being able to guess what you mean. Its all a “mystery” isn’t it Mustard? Big deep dark mystery where human love is equated to superstition and shooting trespassers on your property is equated to loving your fellow man.

    As I intimated, the foundation of religion, including whatever you think yours is Mustard, is a granite slab of hypocrisy. Only way it can possibly work, given the BS that it is. And you are better than most. Sad state of affairs.

  25. amodedoma says:

    Nothing a human has ever percieved or conceived can be proven. All proofs are partial and based on the limited capacity a human has to control his perceptions and structure his thought processes I would say science is just another system of faith (RELIGION).

  26. bobbo says:

    #28–amodododingdong==thats exactly right. Its why after man adopted the scientific method we stayed in the cave eating our own shit and believing in nature spirits as we had done for the previous 200K years. Its why science is a “process” and not a set of beliefs. If you ding-dongs could understand “disproving the null hypothesis” rather than clasping positive faith as your dogma, you might rise above the post you just made.

    I won’t be holding my breath, mind you.

    Dope. You could even benefit from lessons from Mustard. A sad state of affairs indeed.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #30 – ‘dro


  28. Ah-Yea says:

    I’m just missing out here.

    I haven’t had a single religious icon on anything I have ever owned, not a piece of toast, a tree knot, cheese, eggs, ice cream, or anything!

    I’m starting to feel put out…

  29. #33 – SpEd


    Whoa!! I knew Angry James was asexual, but it’s quite a shock to see him wearing a habit!! Zounds!!!!


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