Anti-abortion, birth control, etc. because that is anti-life. But do everything possible (wreck the economy, poison the environment, unaffordable health care, etc) to make living a nightmare once you’re born. Unless you can afford the very best, of course. Pass the caviar, please.

Feds Set to Eliminate Water Regulations for Neurotoxin

Among the Bush administration’s final environmental legacies will be a decision to exempt perchlorate, a known neurotoxin found at unsafe levels in the drinking water of millions of Americans, from federal regulation.

The ruling, proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency in October, was supposed to be formalized on Monday. That deadline passed, but the agency expects to announce its decision by the year’s end, before president-elect Barack Obama takes office. It could take years to reverse.

Critics accuse the EPA of ignoring expert advice and basing their decision on an abstract model of perchlorate exposure, rather than existing human data.

“We know that breast milk is widely contaminated with perchlorate, and we know that young children are especially vulnerable. We have really good human data. So why are they putting a model front-and-center?” said Anila Jacobs at the nonprofit Environmental Working Group. “And they used a model that hasn’t yet gone through the peer-review process.”

The ruling is one of dozens planned for the final days of the Bush administration. Others include a relaxing of air pollution standards for aging power plants, and a reduction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s traditional role in evaluating the impact of federal projects on endangered species.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    #27 – Paddy O’Pinocchio

    >>Must suck to have such basic misunderstanding
    >>of the Constitution…

    OK, now you’ve been downgraded from Paddy-RAMBO to Paddy O’Pinocchio for your lyin’ ways.

    You didn’t say anything about Congress passing a law to contravene Dumbya’s EPA’s neurotoxin-friendly regulations.

    You said (and I quote) “An exec order will take YEARS to countermand by a new Pres? Where is the BS meter on this story?“.

    Now you’re talking about a non-executive non-order? And not being contravened by a new Pres, but by Congress?

    Gosh, you’re pathetic, O’Pinocchio 😉

  2. Shubee says:

    #23 ethanol,

    It’s true that the Office for Human Research Protections determined that the Loma Linda University Institutional Review Board needed to revise its informed consent form to exploit human beings legally. How wonderful it is that human experimentation by LLU is legal now. The Adventologists now have a legal right to continue poisoning test subjects with perchlorate. What the Nazis did was legal also. It just wasn’t ethical.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #30 Mr. Tard, Read post #28.

    Again, not a problem. Not even a news item worth mentioning. LOL

  4. ethanol says:


    I just remembered after clicking your link that I have encountered your fascination with the SDA church before. you have a bizarre hatred of Seventh Day Adventists. Why don’t you get some counseling, join another church, and move on with your life.

  5. Dallas says:

    Let’s Recap:
    THE TOPIC: The water supply and regulation of neurotoxins

    The response from the conservatives:
    > Leave Bush alone, blah blah,..
    > Obama blah blah blah..
    > Dvorak hates blah blah
    > Liberals blah blah

    Just say’n

  6. JimD says:



  7. James Hill says:

    #26 – And yet, I’m the one that’s owned this blog for years. You can only dream of getting the attention I do.

    As for the little content in your reply, you’re not showing much faith in The One. I think he can fix anything truly bad Bush does.

    The catch? Most of what bitches like you whine about isn’t truly bad.

    Angry liberals are only successful at worshiping their masters. For this blog, that’s me.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – Paddy O’Pinocchio

    >>Again, not a problem. Not even a news item
    >>worth mentioning.

    Maybe not a problem for ME, but a definite problem for you. You’ve been exposed as a bullshitter of the first water.


  9. MikeN says:

    Funny how models are only important if they lead to alarmist doom and gloom scenarios.

  10. ethanol says:

    Shubee (#39)

    I am not a follower of the SDA church, so could care less about your problems there.

    Like I said, get some counseling, join another church, and move on with your life.

    Were you sexually abused? Were you physically beaten? If so, that is an issue for law enforcement.

    If not, get some counseling, join another church, and move on with your life.

  11. Shubee says:

    # 40 ethanol,

    You don’t have to follow the SDA church to be a member or defender. Read up on the subjects you have supported. You have clearly defended a major Seventh-day Adventist institution in their hellish art of dispensing perchlorate to naive humans for Nazi-like research. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if somewhere you have also defended the Adventologists’ gospel of death.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    Remind me not to eat anything made in America.

  13. Li says:

    So, not matter how much the Republican’s screw the pooch, it’s Clinton and Carter’s fault?

    The modern neo-con movement in a nutshell; we aren’t responsible for anything, it’s all their fault. And if there is evidence that says otherwise. . . what? Sorry, I had a senior moment there. What were you saying?

    I suppose perchlorate in the water might make such logic more palatable to the masses. . . .

  14. deowll says:

    George has always been a sale out but then I haven’t noted the Dems turning down any cash either.

    Yes sir. This country has the best government money can buy. All yah got to know is who and how much.

  15. soundwash says:

    -if true, kind of a big conflict of interest in that i’m starting see a big ad campaigns to drink tap water in several states including NY & CA.
    (and talk of wanting ban bottled water [mainly for landfill reasons)

    the biggest issue would be mountain top mining being free of the clean water act.. that would facilatate (the easiest and largest) contamination of many fresh water sources including aquafirs..

    on the exec order arguments..couldn’t obama issue an exec order to reverse the policy if he so chose to do? i’m mean the executive branch now has near unchecked powers since 9/11 via various PD’s and Acts.. esp if marshal law is enacted..




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