May as well laugh. Folks living in the 19th Century win one, once in a while.

  1. JFStan says:


  2. riker17 says:

    Not so funny. Just more lies from people who have no moral compass. I am very proud to say that I supported Proposition 8 and the protection of marriage in California and America. You seem to forget that similar measures passed in three other states.
    I am a straight, married man and I approved this message.

  3. tdkyo says:

    Nooooooooooooooooooooo! Not shrimp!

  4. Ramona says:

    I don’t doubt there are states in the GOUSA where segregation, anti-miscegenation and the poll tax would also pass by simple(-minded) majority.

    19th Century is an appropriate description except for bigots whose sense of humor (and civil rights) is still stuck in the 14th Century.

  5. Thinker says:

    Funny enough, as all humor is based on miscommunication. 🙂

    But do I hear sour grapes about the democratic process???

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #2 – Riker’s

    >>I am a straight, married man and I approved
    >>this message.

    Why is it that the most macho of the heteros are always the ones who end up wide-stancing in the boys’ potty room, or french kissing their next door neighbor like Chris Cooper in “American Beauty”?

    I am a straight, married man, and I think you’re an asshole. 🙂

  7. unixman84 says:

    Mister Mustard, thank-you.

    im a gay UNMARRED man and i could care less about approval when i speak with the freedom many died for.

    riker17 … when the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. people like you divide us and fight us but you know deep in your heart that your just a scared little boy who just found out what little control over the situation he really has.

  8. UNKN says:

    Hey, as long as things become equal, who really cares who marries who? Most people are worried about their kids learning about homosexuality and I can understand that, it’s a touchy subject for straight people who don’t want/can’t understand something so different.

    They’d rather their kids learn it from them but aren’t comfortable teaching it themselves, so they get stuck in a pickle.

  9. creamcitian says:

    @riker17 – thank goodness YOUR moral compass is the bible.

  10. James Hill says:

    At least we can agree on one thing: Homosexuals make great musicals.

  11. chuck says:

    Prop 8 did not pass because a bunch of christian fundamentalists voted for it.

    It passed because a majority of all the voters (including Obama supporters) voted for it.

    That doesn’t make it right. It means that if you want gay marriage you’re going to need to convince black and latino voters.

    You could chase all the Mormons out of California and that would reduce the vote count by around 10.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, riker,

    Just more lies from people who have no moral compass

    Maybe you could tell us what in that short video was a lie. You know, which part was untrue.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, PEEHEAD,

    #5 Funny. I’m also a straight, married man and I think you’re an asshole. :p

    Yup, Mustard must be on to something. The first thing the right wing nuts look at are Liberal’s butts.

    But hey !!! Whatever turns your crank Cuban.

  14. MikeN says:

    So 19th Century to think that a Court shouldn’t be doing a legislature’s job.

  15. Dallas says:

    Good to see religious stereotyping free to move about the nation. I want to see some sitcoms ala All in the Family/Archie Bunker.

    When comedy and reality meet, people naturally respond with either laughter or anger. Let it out!!

  16. joshyme1 says:

    #2 – I am gay and I have a moral compass. How does being homosexual negate ones ability to have morals? All we want is equal rights, the “good book” was used to discriminate against women, blacks, Jews, and now gays. How can you think that is ok?

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 17 joshyme1 said, “All we want is equal rights,”

    Your rights are equal to mine. You have the same rights to marry a man or woman as anyone else.

  18. Fedup says:

    Democrats and Liberals are nothing but fucking cowards. It’s easy to laugh at the christians and mock Jesus. You will see these same cowards mock Muhammad the same day you see the gay mafia protesting in Compton and east LA. Easy to mock christians who you know will not cut your fucking heads off.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 19 Fedup said, “Democrats and Liberals are nothing but fucking cowards.”

    I’ve seen a lot of the protests in CA. I’ve seen none in districts that actually went Yes on Prop 8.

    They protest in districts that were in the “No” camp. Who are they protesting?

  20. creamcitian says:

    @Paddy-o – “Your rights are equal to mine. You have the same rights to marry a man or woman as anyone else.”

    you can marry someone you love and/or find sexually attractive. a gay person cannot.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Let me correct myself.

    “which – if attempted – will certainly backfire.”

    Correction. “Which was attempted and DID backfire, resulting in Proposition 8”.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    # 21 creamcitian said, “you can marry someone you love and/or find sexually attractive. a gay person cannot.”

    The right you are fighting for is to be able to marry someone of the same sex. You have the same rights as I in that.

    BTW, this area has been legislated by the Fed Gov already. The SCotUS will not be an avenue of appeal…

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #18 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Your rights are equal to mine. You have the
    >>same rights to marry a man or woman as anyone

    You must be very bored, posting this same old drivel over and over again. Did the batteries run out in the remote-controlled cars? You SELL batteries at Radio Shack, you dummy. Now go back and play.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 Mister Mustard said, “You must be very bored, ”

    You must be very frustrated that I keep posting stuff that you can’t logically refute. 😉

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #24 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>The right you are fighting for is to be able
    >>to marry someone of the same sex. You have
    >>the same rights as I in that.

    Slowly, but surely, your oppressive anti-freedom laws are falling by the wayside. Jigaboos, injuns, and others weren’t allowed to marry into the Master Race once upon a time. And the jigaboos had to live out in Massa’s shed, and endure the occasional whipping. When they restricted Massa’s Right To Whip, them thar bloo-gums had to go to different schools, eat in separate restaurants, drink from different fountains, and sit in different seats on the bus. And the wimmins wasn’t allowed to vote.

    Keep kicking and squirming, Paddy-RAMBO. Soon, you and yours will die off, and people will become more tolerant and understanding of those who don’t choose to live their lives just the way THEY do.

    And for the life of me, I can’t understand why you’re so het up about this. Are you afraid your wife will run off and marry a carpet muncher, should that be made a legal option? Or are you just a mean-spirited fuck, who enjoys denying other people’s pursuit of happiness?

  26. Fedup says:


    And you will not. The gay mafia is only interested in screaming at old ladies in Palm Springs and peaceful christians that march in the castro and spray painting mormon churches. You will see Osama bin Laden at the PorK Shack eating babybacks before you find one of these spineless bastards protesting outside the AME church or marching in Watts or Harlem. Makes no difference that 70% of blacks voted infavor of Prop 8. You have to remember that “balls” for them are only used as sex toys and in no way contribute to testosterone.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Mustard, if what you say is true, then why has the gay community been pushing for gay marriage and not be satisfied with civil unions?

    As I said, if there is any deficiency in civil unions, let that be resolved and go with it. But the gay community apparently isn’t satisfied with this, but feels the need to impose their belief system on the greater public.

    If a church is willing to marry a gay couple, then there is no issue.

    But what if a church doesn’t?

    Proposition 8 was enacted due to the gay community forcing gay marriage on the religious community that doesn’t want it.

    It’s obvious. The gay community is trying to legislate gay rights on marriage, all marriage, no matter who performs it.

    This is so obvious that only those who are in cahoots or the willing ignorant cannot see it.

    The first step is to legalize gay marriage.
    The second step is to sue any institution that doesn’t obey the first step.

    It’s so blatently obvious!

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #30 – FuckUp

    >>Makes no difference that 70% of blacks voted
    >>in favor of Prop 8.

    Sho’ do make a difference, boy. It wasn’t “blacks” that voted 70% for Prop 8, it was black WOMEN that voted for Prop 8, and in particular RELIGIOUS black women. It was the RELIGIOUS thing that did the trick. After all, everyone knows how much the down-low bruthuhs like doing it on the down low, and regular black women don’t give a shit what other people do behind closed doors, as long as it doesn’t affect them.

    Your characterization of equal-rights supporters as the “Gay Mafia” is laughable, and just reveals even more starkly the non-leg you have to stand on. Anyone who wants something for themself that you don’t want them to have is a mobster, huh?

    No wonder you’re known as FuckUp.

  29. Alex says:

    #32 – Ah Yeah:

    It doesn’t work because at the end of the day, even if they have the same *legal benefits*, “civil unions” and “marriages” simply won’t be equal. In the eyes of society, it’ll *always* look better to be *married* than to be *civilly united*.

    It’s the same thing that happened in the turn of the 20th century with desegregation. Separate but equal doesn’t work. When (black) children were given their choice of dolls, even in the “equal” negro schools, they 90% of the time picked a white doll. When asked, they said it was because it was better to be a white person than a black person – they were treated better, made more money, and just generally society thought it was best to be white than black. Even though the two races had a supposedly “equal” system.

    And, sad to say, as long as people like you continue to *want* a difference between civil unions and marriages (which is, ultimately, what you’re espousing, since if they’d truly be the same you would just not see a problem with gays marrying), then society will never change its views about marriage being superior to civil unions. At the end of the day, wanting there to be separation necessitates inequality – it’s just how the human hive mind works. (This runs the gamut of our existence – it goes so far that identical twins are even labeled as one being older and one being younger, even if only by a nanosecond. We simply work in hierarchies instinctually, and these baser instincts are what the rule of law was meant to suppress.)

  30. creamcitian says:

    @ Ah-Yeah – “why has the gay community been pushing for gay marriage and not be satisfied with civil unions?” why should they be satisfied with something that isn’t government-sponsored marriage?

    “But the gay community apparently isn’t satisfied with this, but feels the need to impose their belief system on the greater public.” you’re the one imposing your morals on others. they’re just trying to get the same rights as you. imagine that, someone being denied a civil right in america because it was voted down y americans.

    “If a church is willing to marry a gay couple, then there is no issue. But what if a church doesn’t? ” then they don’t have to. there is a difference between religious marriage and civil marriage. telling a church they have to marry someone would be wrong.

    “It’s obvious. The gay community is trying to legislate gay rights on marriage, all marriage, no matter who performs it.” not true. the law was for civil marriage.

    “The first step is to legalize gay marriage.
    The second step is to sue any institution that doesn’t obey the first step. It’s so blatently obvious!” i do not believe that is true, but i would fight against that if it came to be. it would be wrong.


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