Air travel and karaoke. They go together like, um, like — well, we’re not exactly sure.

No matter. Karaoke has landed at George Bush Intercontinental Airport, just in time for the holiday season. Now you can clear security, step up to the microphone and belt out your travel frustrations by singing the Beatles’ Nowhere Man or Help! Or, if you’re not such a Grinch, you can croon Home for the Holidays or Sentimental Journey.

For the first time, the Houston Airport System is adding karaoke to its menu of holiday music entertainment. The first session is this afternoon, behind security between Terminals D and E.

For the past two years, aviation officials have invited choirs and bands from local high schools and churches to perform at Bush and Hobby airports during December.

But the karaoke booths will be a new experiment, said Caroline Schneider, assistant airport manager for customer service.

“During the holidays we have a lot of our novice travelers,” such as large families and older couples, Schneider said. “We thought while they are waiting, they can just sing a song.”

Aspiring vocalists can choose from hundreds of song titles, Schneider said. Small prizes will be given to the singers.

What a great idea! After a pleasant cavity search by the TSA, you find you’ve been bumped from your flight or its been delayed, what better way to kill some time than listening to amateurs sing top 40 songs….badly. Life just doesn’t get any better than this. They should extend this idea into in-flight entertainment.

  1. James Hill says:

    Is it safe to assume tax payers are footing the bill for this? Or are the airlines now charging a Karaoke Fee?

  2. say it ant so says:

    They should extend this idea into in-flight entertainment

    Kill me now

  3. Carcarius says:

    I’m more disgusted that Bush has an airport named after him. What a perfect place for this to go down. It’ll be like torture. What’s next, waterboarding in the lavatory?

  4. Improbus says:

    I thought conservatives were pro-life.

  5. JimD says:

    Song will be more like “19th Nervous Breakdown” !!! – STAY AWAY FROM AIRPORTS !!!

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Carcar,

    It is named after Daddy Bush.

  7. qsabe says:

    Prisoners from Gitmo could be coerced to talk if exposed to this idea. .. Might go against the Geneva convention though, but then it is the Bush airport.

  8. soundwash says:

    its a mass plot to build a voice print database
    of prospective future covert-Op patzies that can(t) sing, hide the children!

    8# unfortunately, i think we chucked the Geneva convention to the wind many moons ago…something called the patriot act, iirc..



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