Amazing what dumb animals can do.

  1. Dormammu says:

    Having had birds, dogs, and cats, I would have to say Dogs and Birds are on a higher level of intelligence than cats. You rarely if ever hear of a cat saving an owners life, yet birds and dogs do all the time. Recently the Quaker Parrot saving the little girls life comes to mine. I had a German Shepard save my life when I was child. Cats will look in your mouth to see if there is any food if you are lying on the floor. Simply put, cats are over-rated, and birds are under-rated as pets and friends. Dogs are dogs, and it is in their genes to protect humans and it seems their own kind. I agree with medicis, and go a step further to say that humans have become the animals in modern society.

  2. bobbo says:

    Looks to me like at first the dog is just trying to hump the injured/dead dog, then recognizes where he is and wants to drag his conquest to somewhere with better atmosphere.

    Thats really nasty. Lets just project sugar and spice into this animals mind==like those evil cats that attack those sweet and intelligent birdies.

    Walt Disney would be as proud as the sap running in Maple Trees.

  3. savvysearch says:

    Some hero. Why is the dog humping the other?

  4. As for animals being DUMB, I don’t know any animal that would do something against it’s own interests. Republicans on the other hand vote against their own interests routinely. Who is the stupid one?

    Read the book “Alex and I” about the African Grey Parrot that single handedly and completely changed the way science views intellegence and the potential in animals..

    Until humans stop taking other creatures for granted we will never be safe ourselves, or deserve the role of caretakers of this planet….

  5. flidhais says:

    “We patronize them for their incompleteness,
    for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves.
    And therein we err, and greatly err.
    For the animal shall not be measured by man.
    In a world older and more complete than ours
    they move finished and complete,
    gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained,
    living by voices we shall never hear.
    They are not brethren, they are not underlings;
    they are other nations,
    caught with ourselves in the net of life and time,
    fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.”
    ………Henry Beston

  6. idawmn says:

    I’ve met more dumb people than dumb animals. What a hero that other dog was.


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