• RIMM, Research in Motion continues to dive.
  • Xbox360 future is vague. Microsoft is lost.
  • g-OS releases Cloud OS.
  • Serious shortage of Christmas iPODs. Nobody seems to know why. Is this a marketing ruse?
  • DOJ was about to go after Google on Yahoo deal.
  • Contradictory stories abound.
  • Look for the new domain name .tel. Designed for phone books or directories.
  • Today’s show sponsored by Budget.com.

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  1. FRAGaLOT says:

    Microsoft isn’t overdue with a new video game console. It’s not like an iPhone, or MacBooks where it’s “in vogue” to buy a new iPhone or a MacBook Pro when it’s being made in a new color, or something equally pointless.

    Keep in mind, it was about 8 years from the release of the PS2, until the PS3 was out in the market. Sony even states that the PS2 was intended to have a 10 year life span in the videogame market, and I’m sure the PS3 is intended to last just as long.

    Sega was notorious for releasing a new console less than 2 years apart, with very expensive (crappy) hardware, who kept orphaning their customers, as well as game makers like EA who refused to make games for Sega anymore because of this.

    Now look where Sega ended up? They no longer produce consoles anymore, and are now just another video game maker/publisher. I don’t think Sony, Nintendo, nor Microsoft wants to follow in Sega’s footsteps. And lets not forget how Atari failed back in the 80s allowing anyone and everyone to produce crappy games en-mass to dilute the market with shit no one wanted.

    Now back to the Xbox 360; it’s only 3 years old. This new “experience” they released last week, it’s almost like getting a new console. Though honestly it’s not much of a big change, all the games play exactly the same as before. All Microsoft did was steal ideas from Apple, and Nintendo. But that’s Microsoft, that’s just what Microsoft does.

    Plus there’s rumors for a while now saying that the 360 isn’t fully tapped yet. With three CPU cores perhaps a new system update will unleash the power, but the games and apps still need to be tuned for that. Age old delema ever since PCs had dual-CPUs, most software just dosen’t take advantage of multiple CPUs.

  2. GregA says:

    Yeah, I afraid Dvorak is right on this one. Here is a video of people losing interest in what microsoft is doing with the xbox



  3. Greg Allen says:

    I checked the gOS website. Seems pretty cool to me — and seems really easy too. It only requires 1GHz and 256 Ram — seems like a good way to put an old computer to use.

  4. Mark says:

    “…a new Xbox, which by the way is overdue.”

    John, how on earth could you say a console that has been on the market for three years be overdue for a replacement, especially after the New Xbox Experience just came out?

    There is a reason Microsoft isn’t talking much about 2009, it’s because they don’t want Nintendo to know how aggresively they’re going after their market. Why do you think they put Avatars on the Xbox?

    Anybody know what Rare is working on these days now that Banjo-Kazooie N&B has shipped and aside from the Avatars in the NXE? I bet they’re working on all kinds of Avatar games for the “casual” market with the long rumoured motion controller. They already have an “Avatar Games” section in the Games Marketplace and I suspect we’ll see a whole line of “Avatar” branded games launched in 2009 that you can only play with the motion controller. That’s 2009 for you, the year Microsoft goes after Nintendo.

    You won’t be seeing the next generation of Xbox until 2011-2012.

  5. Jim says:

    I don’t believe any of the consoles are being used to their potential as it is, so why would MS be moving on?

    Most likely they gimped it slightly and will un-gimp it in a firmware upgrade mid next year and call it ‘X-box-720’, just in time for some suped up Halo-720.

    I always thought “360” wasn’t really a good naming anyway… effectively you’re saying your product comes full circle and returns to the same place.

  6. Dallas says:

    I see the same opportunity on RIMM. I wish I keep buying it every time it drops below $38 but I’m shell shocked at the economy. Also, I’ve given my millions to UBS for safe keeping!

    I think RIMM and Apple are stocks to watch.

  7. QB says:

    Interesting story about the MySql and their concerns about V 5.1 bugs.

  8. brendal says:

    RIMM is a Canadian company – save your beaver nickles, people.

  9. Lou says:

    Rimm & Apple will be great rebound stocks.
    Right now we are in selloff mode. Stay clear for now.
    As far as Microsoft, It’s a rudderless ship since Balmer took over. Although I have to give Balmer credit for not buying Yahoo. That would have been a lame investment. Until msft gets new management, I would stay clear. So many better stocks to buy when the rebound starts next year.


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