In what was a remarkable admission that contradicted – to a large extent – the past statements from his onetime boss, former Bush strategist Karl Rove said on Tuesday evening that had the President known Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction, the United States would not have gone to war.

“In the aftermath of 9/11 the concern was about a tyrant accused of enormous human rights abuses,” but who also possessed weapons of mass destruction, said Rove. “Absent that, I suspect that the administration’s course of action would have been to work to find more creative ways to constrain him like in the 90s.”

The remarks, delivered at a debate in New York on Bush’s legacy, came amidst a vigorous defense by Rove on behalf of the war’s purpose and outcome. At no point was it mentioned that the administration — specifically Vice President Dick Cheney — reportedly advanced faulty or poorly sourced information to fit the conclusion that Iraq possessed WMD, or that intelligence reports from the run-up to the war suggested that such a case was flimsy. Later in the event, Rove argued that Saddam Hussein was supporting terrorism, poised a grave threat to the region, and had systematically duped the international community into assuming he was armed.

“He told his interrogators it made him look big in the neighborhood,” said Rove, before noting all of the Democratic officials who believed as much.

As such, Rove argued, the Bush administration was justified in the course it chose and the world better off for its actions.

Translation: If we’d have known what we didn’t know, we wouldn’t have done what we did.

  1. #30 – ShitFerBrains

    >>Exactly. If we don’t preserve the place, it’ll
    >>end up like Eurinal

    Well, your boy Dumbya has certainly done his share for turning America into Eurinal.

    >>mass transit and apartments – not worthy
    >>of Americans.

    Maybe not worthy of Marshall Dillon, Miss Kitty, and Festus, but certainly worthy of them today. That’s why those who can avail themselves of those benefits, do. And it’s a fuck of a lot better than living in a McMansion and driving your 8mpg Humper down to the grocery store for a gallon of milk.

  2. Steve says:

    It would be great if the money spent since the invasion could be traced to the recipients and revealed from the top down. None of this is possible because it’s been directed by pros whose second concern has been throwing up the smoke-screen while the main task of draining every possible dollar proceeds as if it were water from a reservoir.

  3. Malcolm says:

    Karl Rove and Bush were wrong?
    Oh come on.
    That’s just a tautology.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    I just LOATH Rove.

    “had the President known Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction,”

    HAS the president known? Bush DID NOT WANT TO KNOW!!!

    He _could have_ known. He _could have_ found out.

    But he was hell-bent on his damn war.

  5. Brian says:

    Hilarious that he’s coming out now and saying this, what, with less than 2 months left in the regime (oops I mean administration).

  6. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    #31 – I would agree that a McMansion is a waste of time if it’s 20 feet from the next McMansion. You need acreage to go with it. Otherwise it is no “better”. Better is defined as privacy created by space away from your fellow human beings.

    The only time being with a crowd of people is good is something like being in a stadium cheering on your team as they call time out with 1 minute left in the game while it 1st and goal from the 5. They’re leading 63-3 and rather then run out the clock they want to punch one more in.

    Back to topic – regardless of errors made during the war, the fact that we went in and blew up Saddam is a very good thing. With any luck, sometime in the near future we will drop a nuke on Iran and maybe Pakistan too. If you’re going to clean things up, might as well try and be thorough.

    As a matter of fact Somalia could use a good cleansing too even though global warming is being held in check due to the increase of Pirates.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Back to topic – regardless of errors made during the war, the fact that we went in and blew up Saddam is a very good thing. With any luck, sometime in the near future we will drop a nuke on Iran and maybe Pakistan too. If you’re going to clean things up, might as well try and be thorough.

    If you replace “clean” with “screw” you might be right. Otherwise, well, whatever.

  8. gmknobl says:

    They did know what they claim “not to know.” At the very, very, very least, they were told what they “did not know.” If the latter’s the case, they ignored facts for reasons of convenience, which, in my book at such a high level is either treasonable or a high crime and misdemeanor, i.e. an impeachable offense.

    Rove, is as ever, a liar and a cheat who should be ignored by all media and everyone else until he goes away. He’s a waste of resources. For his crimes alone he should have all of value stripped from him and given into whatever local government coffers for transportation repair work on back country roads.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    It just hit me. Shit For Brains is being sarcastic. He really doesn’t mean we should all live in McMansions and drive gas guzzlers. He is showing us the errors of our ways.

    Geeze Shit For Brains, you are one funny guy.

    But Rove is still a useless piece of shit suitable only for FOX SPEWS and the crowd that worship assholes.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #36 – ShitFerBrains

    >>Better is defined as privacy created by space
    >>away from your fellow human beings.

    Yeah yeah. Blah blah. If you think that, why not move out to Wyoming or Montana? Watch out for that suicide rate, theough….it’s the highest in the country, per capita. Almost three times what it is in “Eurinal”-like places with apartments and mass transit, such as NY/NJ. Huh. Maybe living out there with the roaming deer and buffalo isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, huh??

    >>the fact that we went in and blew up Saddam
    >>is a very good thing.

    If that was the goal, we could have accomplished it with a $1.50 sniper bullet. Not necessary to piss away 4000+ American lives and $600,000,000,000.00 to accomplish the same goal. But hey, Dumbya is the undisputed world champion of pissing away precious resources, right?

    As to your mindless blather about nuking Iran and Pakistan (or Pocky-stahn, as Adam Curry would say), and ethnic cleansing of Somalia, let me guess. You were never in the military, right?

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Karl Rove is the walking epitome of evil.

  12. harold says:

    Rove is proof that it was an administration knee deep in unbridled homosexuality and bum humping.

  13. zac_in_ak says:

    Just FWIW weather Sadam had weapons of mass destructionor not, we gave him enough time to get rid of them….


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