‘God said she needed to be taken off road’ — Stories like this are always good for your spirit.

Faster! FASTER!

A speeding pickup rear-ended a woman’s sedan on the South Side on Friday morning and sheriff’s officials say the driver said it was Jesus’ will because the other motorist was not “driving like a Christian.”

Schwab told first responders at the scene that “the other vehicle was not driving like a Christian and it was Jesus’ will for him to punish the car,” according to the release.

The 35-year-old woman was driving her sedan north when the pickup struck her vehicle. Schwab told deputies he was driving faster than 100 mph at the time, Coleman said.

The impact caused both vehicles to spin across a median before they came to a stop along a barrier in the southbound lanes. No other vehicles were involved. Though both vehicles were badly damaged, the drivers suffered minor injuries.

“God must have been with them, ’cause any other time, the severity of this crash, it would have been a fatal,” Coleman said.

Found by William Reising.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yes, it is true. Jesus is a savior. He works as a lifeguard at the Community Center swimming pool.


  2. Improbus says:

    Are you Sarah Conner?

  3. Kevin says:

    Give him the death penalty so he can spend time with JC.

  4. Me says:

    Damn, I lost my bet, it didn’t happen in Florida.

  5. RSweeney says:

    Why would a story of a mentally ill person hitting and hurting another human being be “good for the spirit”?

    I would humbly recommend that you look deep inside yourself to determine WHY you find joy in this. Is your hatred of faith so strong that it is affecting your humanity?

  6. Special Ed says:


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  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    She wasn’t driving like a good Christian, she was just driving like a woman.

  8. Matt Garrett says:

    Will you people EVER post a POSITIVE Christian story? Or do you just love to prove how bigoted you are towards Christianity?

  9. Brian says:


    Stories like this just prove that Christianity (like all religions) are nothing more than a mental illness. Depending on an imaginary figure in the sky to guide your day to day lives sure sounds mentally sick to me!

    Why aren’t there any positive Christian stories? Uhm, because there aren’t any?

    Tax-free businesses scamming its members for millions of dollars for ‘god’s will’ is sickening. God doesn’t need money, why does your church?

    I don’t think the guy who caused this accident is any more sick than the average religious person – they’re all nuts!

  10. contempt says:

    #9 Brian
    >>Depending on an imaginary figure in the sky to guide your day to day lives sure sounds mentally sick to me!

    Just because you don’t believe in God doesn’t mean He doesn’t believe in you. True, believing would give you one less thing to mock, but is that really such a bad thing?

    Merry Christmas.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, contempt,

    Just because you don’t believe in God doesn’t mean He doesn’t believe in you.

    That would make a lot of sense to a schizoid person.

    Maybe you can explain why “god” allows my beautiful niece to suffer from spina bifida? This is a disease developed in the womb. After several surgeries and lots of braces she can lead an almost normal life. Now, what “god” would do that to such a beautiful child. BTW, her parents are “good, god fearing people”.

    On a more global scale, what “god” would allow planes to crash deliberately into tall buildings?

    What “god” would allow his creations to foul the world he created with pollution?

    What “god” would allow some of his creations to live in luxury while most were poor and some starved to death.

    Happy Holidays.

  12. contempt says:

    #11 Mr Fusion

    Given your complaints it appears that your anger should be directed toward the sins of man instead of the perfect character of God.

  13. Kim Helliwell says:

    #11 Mr Fusion:

    My wife and I are God fearing, so why would she end up with cancer? Why would I face two lengthy periods of unemployment in the past 5 years?

    Far from destroying my faith, these events have made me stronger in my faith. No, they are not pleasant to endure, but the issue is that we live in a broken world and we ourselves are broken. God is working to fix these things, and part of the “fixing” is His need to shout at us in our pains; it lets us know that not everything is right with the world.

    I know that this answer is not very satisfactory to a non-believer. Nor is it (I’m sure) the entire answer, which I don’t know any more than you.

    Regarding the original story: taking an obviously aberrant case and making him stand in for all Christians is prejudice. Not all Christians behave that way or believe as he appears to believe. In fact, most don’t.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Matt,

    Will you people EVER post a POSITIVE Christian story?

    Do you have one?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Contempt,

    Given your complaints it appears that your anger should be directed toward the sins of man instead of the perfect character of God.

    If your “God” is so perfect, it sure the hell seems he screwed up with this planet. Didn’t he have to cleans it with a flood? Didn’t he send his son to fix the place. Then didn’t he just have his son killed off? Ya right.

    #13, Kim,

    My wife and I are God fearing, so why would she end up with cancer?

    My point exactly.

    God is working to fix these things, and part of the “fixing” is His need to shout at us in our pains; it lets us know that not everything is right with the world.

    No, it is more like your “god” couldn’t get anything right when he created the earth. That, however, would make him imperfect, but hey, it was you that says he didn’t make the world right.

    Not all Christians behave that way or believe as he appears to believe. In fact, most don’t.

    Which is a serious problem. Christians have this innate ability to pick and chose which parts of their religion and bible to believe in. Well, instead of an innate ability, how about a selective ability. It doesn’t have to be this specific instance.

    Should children be beaten?

    Can we have sex with our slaves? What if they are servants instead of slaves?

    Why can King David have hundreds of wives but not Mr. Fusion?

    Is a cloven hoof ok to eat?

    Does not working on the Sabbath apply to those who work for us? Doesn’t that also apply to pastors?

    God is a fantasy. He exists only in your mind as a dream or wishful thinking. It is always so much easier to accept your wife’s cancer as “god’s” will than accept that she was exposed to a carcinogen or just had a faulty gene.

    Many times I and others have asked the deluded to provide some evidence that “god” exists. There isn’t any. No more so than there is any evidence that it was I who ate the last cookie. Demonstrate that “god” exists and I will will believe.

  16. Stephanie says:

    So Mr. Fusion, is it only bad that your niece suffers from her condition because she is soooo beautiful?

    Would it be okay if an ugly child had to deal with it instead?

    God didn’t make me outwardly perfect. I had surgery as a child to try and make it perfect too. It didn’t work. Too bad you are more worried about what she looks like on the outside versus the spirit and heart that is on the inside.

    You can’t do any better at demonstrating that God doesn’t exist to me than I can to make you believe. Sounds like you are pissed at Christian dogma. More than one road leads to God though.

    I realize your mind is already made up and maybe has no possibility of being at least “open” to the idea, but you should check out this film:


    As far as the driver in this story, he should be taken in on a mental health warrant.

  17. brendal says:

    Um…how exactly *does* a Christian drive…and can they drive across water???

  18. Cap'nKangaro says:

    If it was truly the will of Jesus, then the man’s pickup truck would not have been damaged.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Stupidity

    So Mr. Fusion, is it only bad that your niece suffers from her condition because she is soooo beautiful?

    I refer to my niece as someone I personally know. And yes, she is a very beautiful person on the inside. Warm, cheerful, intelligent, the kind of person we all wish for. On the outside however is the warped, twisted shell she is forced to live. The backbone that requires a straightening brace 24-7. The leg turned in too far to walk properly. The pain of so many surgeries.

    So where was this perfect “god” when she was created in his image?


    If you can answer one question, I will give you credit for winning the discussion.:

    Where did “god” come from?

    An answer that suggests he has always been is not an answer.

  20. rentagod says:

    Yes god is fake. You can go ahead and believe in him just like kids believe in Santa clause. God is an Adults version of Santa period end of statement. Some people just have to have something to believe in because they are sheep and have no mind of their own. Take the 25% or so of people who still believe that Bush is doing a good job. Speaking of gods. What about the Greek gods? Were those people full of crap? A whole lot of people believed in those gods. What I really really can’t stand about people who believe in God is that they feel the need to shove their religion down peoples throats who don’t care/don’t believe/have more important things going on in their lives/believe in a different religion…etc Discuss 😛


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