• Apple recommends that users get with some anti-virus software ASAP. We knew this would happen, no?
  • Nokia N97 released. Will be costly.
  • Xbox360 outsold PS3 by 3 to 1.
  • Classical musicians to be voted on with YouTube. The winner goes to Carnegie Hall.
  • Cell phone use in car is dangerous. No kidding!
  • Britney Spears still number one in search engine traffic.
  • Linux now working on the iPhone.
  • Ted Rogers died.
  • Samsung unveils cell phone for pre-teens.
  • Todays show is sponsored by BUDGET Car Rental.

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  1. Glenn E. says:

    Auto drivers who look at you when they talk, have either been raised by strict parents who yelled “LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU!”. Or they’re making sure you haven’t fallen asleep while listening to their boring crap.

    Hey… WAKE UP! Am I talking for my health here?

  2. QB says:

    What do you know? You can listen to the Tech 5 report on your iPhone by tapping the link.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    When Linux starts to need McAfee, we’ll know it’s truly come of age. Or gotten just as sloppy as the others. Perhaps all this virus vulnerability of the most mass marketed OSes, is the logical means of their inevitable demise. Most of these weren’t designed to prevent bad things from taking over, in the first place. It was always accepting programs on the honor system. And assuming that nobody was going to deliberately set out to write virus code. And I suppose that philosophy worked for a while. Long enough for personal computing to flourish. But it’s well past the time when a proactive anti-virus philosophy has to be designed into commercial OSes. And not merely let Norton and McAfee clean up the mess, afterward.

  4. ECA says:

    What do you expect. When you let 6 Languages in HTML, Java, … ALL run on your machine..
    wont take much to FIND a way to infect it, or ANY environment..

    Driving and LOOKING at you…YEP…have an AUNT that does it…SCARES the SPIT out of me.. DONT distract the driver…no “LOOK, LOOK, WHATS THAT”..

    TEEN cellphones…LAUGH…4 buttons..
    1. for HOME..
    2. for MOM
    3. for DAD
    4. for COPS

  5. QB says:

    #5 pedro

    Thanks for those super awesome tips pedro. Can you tell how to use my “m” key now?

    Just got a Jesus phone after years of using POS work model. My G1 comes in the mail next week – that should be way better for the web. Also waiting to get my hands on the N97, that looks really cool (and really expensive). As usual MS is missing the boat.

    Surfing the web is silly at the best of times, however JCD’s blog is a really good test of capabilities.

    Anyone using RubyMine yet?

  6. QB says:

    What has been interesting in trying to surf the web on a hand held device is:

    1. Phone surfing is stupid
    2. Some sites build highly specialized iPhone (or mobile) sites like Google but they have the manpower to do it, and it only becomes “OK”
    3. Lots of mobile apps are being built for semi-cloud computing (mail, YouTube, Maps, etc)
    4. If you don’t have the time and money to build specialized sites and apps and really don’t care about this fragment of the market then you can do what JCD does and add a link for people who don’t have the plug-in

    I now call #4 the Dvorak Grumpy Add-a-Bozo-Link for Underpowered Browsers Pattern.

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    XBOX out sells PS3, Uhm.. DUH!

    It’s the cost of the consoles, XBOX’s are going at cut-rate prices ($159-$400)and PS3’s are still running between $349-$650.

  8. GregA says:


    Where is the Google iPhone mobile browsing sight? Whenever I look, I get the (lol) “real internet experience” version of google. I also kinda wish that that iPhone would let me use m.live.com, because that is actually useful at iPhone speeds, but the iPhone wont let me set that as my search engine. Also, am I the only person who feels deceived by Steve Jobbs? Safari on the iPhone is a mobile browser. As far as I am concerned it was an out right lie that this is a fully functional browswer. Thats ignoring that most websites crash mobile safari… Like Dvorak for instance…

    Also, the google maps app on the iPhone is not actually usable as a navigator, and I miss the old verizon navigator.

    Also… I never recall having to reboot my old LG verizon phone. At least the iPhone doesnt feel like its gonna fall apart after several months of use.

    Its funny how you can hate something like… Verizon and LG phones, then you get the better thing, and it succeeds in the way LG+verizon fails, but then fails in all the ways that Verizon is successful… And actually Verizon had it right all along.

  9. GregA says:


    Well, the real story here is that the xbox is outselling the wii in Japan(Famitsu). Lots of buzz about the xbox, and the wii buzz has seemed to have all dried out. I expect to see the Xbox displace the wii as this gens console leader over the next year.

    The PS3 thing is not surprising though… Has a feature that no one wants, or wants to buy. Who could have imagined that no one would want Blu-ray?

  10. ericrost says:

    Hey guys, this was (as usual) just a slashdot story, which if you read the comments informs you that its a WAY old apple post that was updated. The ONLY reason (as the post is purposed for) to run AV on a Mac is to not spread Windows virii around in a heterogeneous network environment. All of the AV products only scan for W32 virii.

  11. GregA says:


    You know its funny, everytime I see another iPhone user they ask me if mine is unlocked yet, and offer to unlock it for me, and direct me to some website that exploits safari installs some malware that unlocks the iPhone… It is a real phenomona… Like every other iPhone user I run into, clockwork.

    But I digress.

    I guess I was wrong, OS X is perfectly secure and you are never gonna get malware from simply browsing the web with Safari. I can admit it. I was wrong. Also Trojan horse software does not exist for OS X, and even if it did, trojan horse does not mean virus!

    So to reiterate… No anti-malware software is needed for OS X!


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