Anne Coulter’s jaw wired shut after fall | Seattle Times Newspaper — How did we miss this story?

Hard-right firebrand Ann Coulter, who fell a few weeks ago and reportedly broke her jaw, is having her jaw wired shut, according to the New York Post. She will have it unshut in a few weeks to record the audio version of her book “The New Ann Coulter.” No word from Coulter.

  1. Dallas says:

    You have to give her credit for making money for her ‘over the top’ act.

    Here she is winning an award in 2006. Good for her!

  2. bobbo says:

    #30–Mustard==you are not on point. Follow the scenario I laid out. What do you think?

  3. clancys_daddy says:

    One word Karma.

  4. Stephanie says:

    Santa Claus is REAL and Christmas came early!!!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:


    I seem to recall the group was also supporting someone running for office. Well, its history and not worth the effort of looking up.

    If you don’t know the facts then don’t pretend you do. That is a well tried trick by such notable favorites as peehead, Cow-Paddy, Lyin’ Mike, Thomas, and Paul Mitchell. And a few others.

    I will grant that Coulture has probably won an argument or two in her life. Compared to the more notable failures though, she is, as Mustard points out, just another lying sack of shit.

    #30, Bobbo,

    Mustard==you are not on point. Follow the scenario I laid out.

    Now that is again a right wing nut – neo-con trick. Control the discussion to hide your weak points and then claim the other side isn’t playing fair when they expose the truth.

  6. Named says:


    She never did “get back to” us. And for that, I cannot forgive her. And not forgiving is the neo-con way.

  7. James Hill says:

    A good topic for hits nevertheless. Angry liberals are obsessive over conservative women.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – Bobbolina

    >>Mustard==you are not on point. Follow the
    >>scenario I laid out. What do you think?

    Naw, YOU are the one who’s not on point. If you had been on point, you would have laid out the following scenario:

    Widows-Hey, our husbands were killed on 9//11. Let’s find out what went wrong, and what can be done to prevent this from happening again

    Widows-Work work work work

    Some “journalist”: Hey widows, who do you like for president?

    Widows–elect Candidate A. We like him.

    Coulter–A is an idiot. Elect a repug.

    Dems–wtf is wrong with that asshole, Ann Coulter?

    Coulter–You Dems are idiots.

    Widows-go back to work

    Coulter-Screech, screech screech screech

    Widows-Ignore Coulter, keep on keeping on.

    Coulter-Screech, screech screech screech

    Coulter-Screech, screech screech screech

    Coulter-Screech, screech screech screech

    Widows go on as before. Coulter looks like a mean-spirited asshole, just like always.

  9. bobbo says:

    #34–Mr Fusion==you are totally irrelevant. I SAID I didn’t remember the facts so I laid out a close hypothetical. I never said Mustard was being unfair==like you, I said he was off point.

    Its YOU, not liberals or conservatives, you can’t follow the point.

    So go ahead==evaluate the scenario I laid out. As laid, was Coulter correct or not.

    Pretty simple really.

  10. bobbo says:

    #40–Mustard. Thats a different scenario. Answer the one I put forth.

    Use your crayons and color within the lines. YOU can Do It. I have faith.

  11. O. Happydaise says:

    Ah, we’ll look back on this time as “the good old days” – the Obama honeymoon still on and Coulter silenced. Can someone arrange delivery of an o.d.-quantity oxycontin shipment to Rush?

  12. Floyd says:

    #39: Moderates and liberals aren’t obsessive over conservative women. We just think Palin (and Coulter, assuming she’s really a female) are hilarious, and perfect subjects for mocking.

    Other conservative women may actually have their facts straight and are worth listening to, but not Palin or Coulter.

    An aside: I’ve seen a number of young women wearing Palin-style “librarian’s glasses” (not that there’s anything wrong with that) in the last few weeks. Those used to be rare. I wonder if it’s another fashion statement.

  13. bobbo says:

    Can anyone name a conservative woman worthy of respect?

    Everyone I can think of is liberal or neutral.

    I think when you are a second class citizen you have to go to the extreme to get noticed in general or to make headway in the Republican Party specifically.

  14. chris says:

    Coulter is EVIL! She is a perfect example of excess partisanship.

    Palin is alright. One is not like the other. Dems should be wary of falling into the nasty trap that captured the talk radio wing of the GOP.

    Competition, good. Mean and petty, bad.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #42 – Bobbolina

    >>Thats a different scenario. Answer the one I
    >>put forth.

    Why bother? It’s a bogus scenario. What if the 9/11 widows had been part of an al Qaeda sleeper cell? What if they had been cross-dressers who were never married to the 9/11 victims at all? What if they were auditioning for a new reality TV series? What if they were Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi in disguise?

    You put forth a bullshit scenario and expect me to spend time deconstructing it? Pffft.

    Get a hobby. Maybe crocheting, for all those new gay Bibles that will be coming out (haw!) soon?

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #46 – Chris

    >>Palin is alright.

    You like ’em dumb, huh?

  17. bobbo says:

    Mustard–you spend time being irrelevant. No, you see your losing position and try to change the subject.

    Thing is, its not a big deal except to an attitude so admiring of itself that it can brook no growth.

    You could be so much smarter, but you choose to be yourself. Sad.

  18. jerry says:

    hopefully it stays that way.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #49 – Bobbolina

    You are turning into ‘dro, with your meaningless posts. Except his punctuation is better than yours.

    You post some fantasy scenario about the 9/11 widows, expect me to analyze it, and you say that I am “irrelevant”?

    As I said, get a hobby. You don’t want the corner edges of all those new gay Bibles to get all bunged up now, do you? Crochet them some cozies! Put your energy into something more worthwhile than cooking up asinine “what-if” scenarios and expecting people to take you seriously.

  20. billabong says:

    YES!there is a God!

  21. bobbo says:

    Mustard, you made me go look it up. I googled (“ann coulter” “911 widows”) and had my memory refreshed.

    Yea, Coulter lost the actual argument at the time. She advanced her position as in my hypothetical but those facts were never demonstrated, so we are left with just her douchbaggery.

    Stil, YOU should learn to answer hypothetical as delivered. They can be a tonic for the mind, keeping it flexible.

    Who cares about that right?

    The best review I think is here as it reminds us of the efforts of the 911 Widows:

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #54 – Bobbo

    >>Stil, YOU should learn to answer hypothetical
    >>as delivered.

    Why? It seems like a waste of time to me, addressing what would have happened if someone did something they didn’t do. Maybe in SOME circumstances, but Two Dollar Whore Coulter? Pffft. Yeah, if she had a brain, she’d be smart. If she didn’t have rabies, she wouldn’t speck the camera lens with spittle. If she took some estrogen, she’d look like a woman (maybe). Shoulda, coulda, woulda.

    >>They can be a tonic for the mind,
    >>keeping it flexible.

    I don’t think I am the one with flexibility problems. You’re the one who pulls the “liberal” lever across the board, no matter what the topic. Gun control, religion, education, drug abuse, politics, you vote the party line 100%. But only sorta, in a half-hearted way.

    The only time I’ve seen you break ranks is in your opposition to homo-on-homo marriage. And with the pretzel-logic explanations you give, I can’t figure out why.

  23. Redneck says:

    #39 – A good topic for hits nevertheless. Angry liberals are obsessive over conservative women.

    It’s just jealousy. They know no self-respecting Conservative Woman would ever spread her legs for some limp-wrist Liberal.

  24. Winston says:

    Pray tell, can this please be a permanent mandibular mod? Also, one other orifice of hers needs to be wired shut to preclude propagation.

  25. Sword2fish says:

    Having been wired shut for 7 weeks after a grinding car wreck,& Could sympathize, but no, not for this blond Neanderthal. I can only think that Coulter suffered the busted jaw during a procedure to shave her Adams apple down to more feminine size. But I digress

  26. bobbo says:

    #55–Mustard==I’ve always supported homo on homo marriage. Initially, I just thought it should be called civil union because of the history of the word “marriage.”

    But I’ve changed my mind. The linguistic concerns I have, while valid, pale in comparison to the human rights involved. Scott nudged me on that one.

    We both tested center lower left on that test Scott had a while back. Why do you seemingly get your rocks off criticizing me on issues that we are nearly identical on? THAT makes no sense. You and I agree on most things other than religion.

    IOW–MM, you aren’t as special as you like to think.

    Social liberal and economic conservative. How do I come out looking like a liberal? I’ll wear it as a badge and assume on all the issues you would disagree agree on, YOU are simply wrong. Works for me.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #59 – Bobbo

    >>You and I agree on most things other than

    And gun control. And homo-on-homo marriage (before you flip-flopped). And on the sanctity of proper (earthling) punctuation. There are a number of issues.

    The main issue for the here and now, is that you put up a silly, fictional, never-coulda-happened scenario about whether Ann Coulter would have “won an argument” had the 9/11 widows done what she said they did, and had she said the things you said she said. None of those premises were valid, and it’s not a productive use of time to fantasize what might have happened had Ann Coulter and the 9/11 widows been something they’re not.

  28. MikeN says:

    Her latest article points out that people in Guantanamo are getting great medical care, including one guy who got a $75k prosthetic leg, then was let go, and later engaging in terror attacks in Pakistan.

  29. Rich says:

    Bobbo said thus-

    “Her antediluvian views include:
    1. Anti-gay
    2. Anti-Liberal
    3. Anti-Democratic
    4. Anti-Darwin (said there was “no proof” supporting his theories)”

    I don’t have any malice toward homosexuals, but when I see them I don’t see healthy, balanced people. It’s only wise to wonder about this lifestyle.

    “Liberal” has come to mean bloodthirsty, unborn-baby-killing, dope-smoking dumbass in my book.

    I don’t think she’s anti-Democratic. She’s probably against those who adhere to principles of the Democratic party.

    Anti-Darwinism is no vice. I think the scientists have established a kinship between humans and animals; that’s all. The rest of Darwinism is faith, as is

    Now, if she’s one of those who support Israel despite it’s many sins and regardless of its actions I would fault that. That’s not a Christian attitude; that’s a thoughtless lunatic attitude.

  30. RSweeney says:

    Certainly no problem with rejoicing over another person’s misfortune here.

    Your mothers must be so proud to have raised such compassionate liberals.


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