Anne Coulter’s jaw wired shut after fall | Seattle Times Newspaper — How did we miss this story?

Hard-right firebrand Ann Coulter, who fell a few weeks ago and reportedly broke her jaw, is having her jaw wired shut, according to the New York Post. She will have it unshut in a few weeks to record the audio version of her book “The New Ann Coulter.” No word from Coulter.

  1. Esih says:

    Who can miss the irony in this?

  2. James Hill says:

    It was missed because the editors around here have been failing for about a year now. Clearly, they replaced “Anne Coulter” with “Sarah Palin” in their one female conservative news query.

    Funny how Anne The Tranny can still win any argument with a liberal, despite her jaw being shut.

  3. Unbound says:

    If Anne wins any debates against anyone, it is only by default, because no respectable anyone from any political party spends any time ‘debating’ a clear nutjob like her. Coulter’s only claim to fame is the same as Michael Savage’s: angry hate filled screaming as entertainment, with no ties to reality.

  4. bobbo says:

    Q—How often does anyone break a jaw by falling?
    A—About as often as you get a black-eye from walking into a door knob.

    More likely==a punch delivered by an unsatisfied customer.

  5. Raff says:

    I hope her jaw doesn’t get any bigger and more manlike now that its been broken.

    I’ll bet they had to use a whole spool of wire to get it shut.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #3 – Angry James

    >>Funny how Anne The Tranny can still win any
    >>argument with a liberal, despite her jaw
    >>being shut.

    She can? I’ve never seen her win an argument with anyone. As her inevitable loss begins, she going into her “screeching harridan” mode, and the opponent frequently covers his or her ears to prevent damage. Do not confuse this with “winning an argument”.

  7. moondawg says:

    “No word from Coulter.”


    That’s just like Lambchop being speechless when he learned of Shari Lewis’ Death.

    Love it!

  8. Jim says:

    please, hope the doc that wires her jaw shut goes out of business and that the other docs wouldn’t take her case to reopen her mouth due to malpractice concerns (remember she still is a lawyer).

  9. Dave W says:

    And to think, she will also most likely get even skinnier!

  10. James says:

    While I can appreciate freedom of speech.. I can most certainly appreciate this opportunity for her to STFU 😉

  11. psmith says:

    Who is Anne Coulter?

    Is she someone of any significance?

  12. Special Ed says:

    Apparently she broke her Adam’s apple as well.

  13. sargasso says:

    Gotta wonder, how dangerous she is to be near to. If you hear a “ping”, run for your lives.

  14. MikeN says:

    Ann Coulter won an argument with the NewYork Times a few years back, when she revealed that they were using the same guy for all their man on the street quotes.

  15. bobbo says:

    #12–psmith==Ann Coulter is the recognized intellectual and moral leader of the repuglican party. Not as well known as she should be as she would rather sell her books than give away her repuglican talking points for free over the airwaves.

    Her antediluvian views include:
    1. Anti-gay
    2. Anti-Liberal
    3. Anti-Democratic
    4. Anti-Darwin (said there was “no proof” supporting his theories)

    She is often taken out of context as no one actually believes what comes out of her mouth. Even her own supporters do some unconscious mental jujitsu to transform her hate mongering into a semblance of legitimate political posturing.

    To her credit, she has never apologized for anything she has ever said unlike the other hatemongers she travels with–all those preachers and such.

  16. Dallas says:

    #13 I agree she should get that Adam’s apple chiseled of. She does a good job of hiding that little republican sized pecker but that apple has to go.

  17. menace says:

    James Hill said, “Anne The Tranny”

    Nope. The transgendered community DOES NOT WANT!

  18. Canine says:

    I’ll unwire her jaw, and sharpen her fangs so she can keep sucking blood from the hate filled left.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #15 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>Ann Coulter won an argument with the
    >>New York Times

    Uh, it wasn’t an “argument”, she didn’t “win” it, and it wasn’t with the New York Times. According to Wiki-whatever, the guy she pointed out (Greg Packer) is some kind of kook that gets first place in line at “events” so he can get his name in the paper.

    Gregory F. Packer (born December 18, 1963), an American highway maintenance worker from Huntington, New York and a 1983 graduate of Huntington High School located on Long Island’s North Shore. He has been quoted in more than 100 articles and television broadcasts as a member of the public (that is, a “man on the street” rather than a newsmaker or expert). According to the Nexis database from 1994 through 2004, Packer has been quoted or photographed at least 16 separate times by the Associated Press, 14 times by Newsday, 13 times by the New York Daily News, and 12 times by the New York Post.[1] His strategy is to appear at a likely news event and offer short statements to reporters. Although he always gives his real name, he has admitted to making things up to get into the paper.

    You will note that the NYT is conspicuous in tis ABSENCE from this list.

    And pointing out that a nut is a nut is a pretty hollow “victory” for Ol’ Annie.

    Let me reiterate: “I’ve never seen her win an argument with anyone. As her inevitable loss begins, she going into her “screeching harridan” mode, and the opponent frequently covers his or her ears to prevent damage. Do not confuse this with “winning an argument”.

  20. harold says:

    They should wire her hole shut so she can’t have children.

  21. bobbo says:

    I don’t recall the details, but I think Ann won the argument about the “911 Widows” that they were trotted out to support (whatever it was) and the dems decried any criticism of this support as criticizing the sacrifice of the widows.

    Ann called BS on that, and I think she was right.

  22. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The R’s keep whining about press bias, but this crap just writes itself!

    And to be balanced with negative D news, Obama farted today.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #21 – Bobbolina

    Pffft. What the Two Dollar Whore actually claimed was that the 9/11 widows “used their grief to make a political point.” And called them “The Witches of East Brunswick”. That’s a little on the nebulous side, as far as I’m concerned, and I don’t recall her “winning” anything other than the disdain of the 15 people in the country who didn’t yet recognize what an asshole she is.

    Their “political point” was to press for an investigation of government failures in the lead-up to 9/11, in order to prevent a similar event in the future.

    She’s nothing more than the Howard Stern of the extreme right (without Stern’s comedic skills). She just says shit to attract attention. The only noteworthy thing she ever did in her Nicorette gum-infused, Chardonnay-soaked life was to fuck Bill Maher.

  24. stopher says:

    She may have had it broken on purpose for cosmetic reasons. I’ve heard of that being done.

  25. bobbo says:

    #23–Mustard==she lost if what you say was the point. I seem to recall the group was also supporting someone running for office. Well, its history and not worth the effort of looking up.

    I’ve seen some of Maher’s “girl friends.” Much younger and totally babelicious, not Coulteresque at all. Course if he claims the deed, I’d believe it. Not a gentlemen if he did.

    In general, Ann goes over the line but her detractors twist it just a bit more winding up misquoting her to a different moronic effect thereby giving the win to Coulter when she says “Thats not what I said, lets discuss what I actually said.” and I agree with that.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #25 – Bobbo

    I believe the “Witches of Eastwick” ended up supporting Kerry in 2004, but wtf. Who are they supposed to support, Dumbya??

    That was three years after 9/11. Calling it “using their grief to support a political point” seems to be stretching the truth a little tight, even for the Two Dollar Whore. Their main raison d’ĂȘtre was related to the 9/11 incident.

    As to Bill Maher banging her, who knows. Some people think trannies are hot. Chacun à son goût.

  27. Named says:

    Anyone who thinks Anne can win a debate just needs to watch this. Shes a typical neo-con. She has a list of hot-topics and hot words and pushes them repeatedly.

    Remember… she’ll get back to you…

  28. bobbo says:

    Mustard–see, you are starting to agree with me. If the 911 widows were out supporting some political candidate then they were operating out of their legitimate zone.

    It went like this:

    Widows–elect Candidate A. We like him.
    Coulter–A is an idiot. Elect a repug.
    Dems–OH you can’t criticize the opinions of the Widows because they lost family members on 911.
    Coulter–You Dems are idiots.

    Win to Coulter.

  29. bobbo says:

    #27–named. Nice video. In fact it shows Ann’s legal training. When confronted by controverted “facts” she slowed down. Hannity would have blustered on.

    For fun, I think the most accurate position is to say Canada did not provide troops although they were “involved” so it would be easy to confuse the point:

    That said, Hannity is worse than Coulter, hence much more popular.

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 – Bobo

    You’re working too hard at this. The 9/11 widows were around for years before any election took place that they voiced an opinion in. They were working for a legitimate cause. Somebody asked them who they thought would make a better presidetnt.

    The fact that they (including the one who voted for Bush in 2000) expressed an opinion on a candidate running for office has no more significance than Iraq vets, Jack Nicholson, or Warren Buffet endorsing a candidate. The group didn’t form with the purpose of supporting Kerry, the group didn’t go on the campaign trail with Kerry, they just said that they were going to vote for him. Is Nancy Reagan supporting McBush “exploiting her grief (at Ronnie’s death) to make a political point”?


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