Anne Coulter’s jaw wired shut after fall | Seattle Times Newspaper — How did we miss this story?

Hard-right firebrand Ann Coulter, who fell a few weeks ago and reportedly broke her jaw, is having her jaw wired shut, according to the New York Post. She will have it unshut in a few weeks to record the audio version of her book “The New Ann Coulter.” No word from Coulter.

  1. bobbo says:

    #63–Rick==you say:

    1. re homosexuals: but when I see them I don’t see healthy, balanced people. // You can diagnose from a distance huh? Well, statistics/reality 101==your personal perception is just and only that. Says nothing about gays, and a whole bunch about yourself.

    2. “Liberal” has come to mean bloodthirsty, unborn-baby-killing, dope-smoking dumbass in my book. /// Your book? Thats from Ann Coulters Book of hatemongering libel.

    3. I don’t think she’s anti-Democratic. She’s probably against those who adhere to principles of the Democratic party. /// Thats what Capital “D” Democrat means as opposed to small “d” democract which she is also against. If you needed “Party” added to it for context, well – – – – –

    4. “I think the scientists have established a kinship between humans and animals” //// Kinship? Why yes, thats exactly it. Add kinship to Democratic on your next trip to the dictionary.

    Yes, Rick==you are Ann Coulter’s targeted audience. Stand UP on your hind legs and take a bow.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #62 – Lyin’ Mike

    Big woop. As Coulter fails to point out (SOP when the facts show yet another Repuglican fuck-up), this is just one more failure in the almost endless list of Dumbya’s failure. If they had tried the people in Gitmo, and punished them as appropriate, this would never have happened.

    Instead, they keep alleged terrorists (some who are, some who aren’t) in Gitmo, incommunicado, without trial, without outside communication, without respite from waterboarding. Then they just let them go. Guilty? Not guilty? Fuck it. Just send them home.

    I used to read Ann Coulter just for shits and giggles, but her extremist blathering is too ridiculous even for comedy. There’s not a whit of truth in it. Ever.

  3. Balderdash! says:

    #59 -> Social liberal and economic conservative

    These are mutually exclusive terms. If you believe the government should be hands off in social situations, you have to believe the same when it comes to monetary policy.

    The maintenance of artificial prices through legislation has done more harm to the social aspects of the this country than anything else they’ve done.

  4. Named says:


    You referring to tough as nails Republicans like Mark “Love me some paige boys” Foley and Larry “airport stall toe tapping not gay” Craig?

  5. bobbo says:

    #67–balderdash==how do you define those terms? You are careening all over the place in your response==a pin ball going for home.

    An economic conservative would tend to not endorse price supports and rather have the free market control. Thats my position too.

    But the main overlap would be that “basically” my social liberalism would have the government out of private lives while maintaining a social safety net of fiscally responsible programs and THAT controlling program would form the outline of the tax policies needed to fund what the people want so as to have a balanced budget.

    Details to make this work would be assailed from all sides, of course.

    Price supports is wasteful and stupid==but hardly the worst thing by far that the Federal Government does year in and year out. Try again.

  6. Robert Hamilton says:

    What’s more likely, she broke her jaw in a fall or after her boyfriend decided he had heard enough and just said Bammo!

    Let’s see, Obama is President
    OJ is in jail
    Ann Coulters jaw is wired shut

    Proving that God IS a Liberal!

  7. QB says:

    Anne Coulter needs an orgasm more than any white woman in history. The question is whether she’ll be able to unclench her jaw after the wiring is removed.

    “I’m not saying that Anne Coulter is cold, but Eskimos have 48 words for her.”

  8. mv says:

    Q—How often does anyone break a jaw by falling?

    There is a playboy cartoon with Alec Baldwin that explains why.

    # 13 Special Ed said,
    Apparently she broke her Adam’s apple as well.


  9. bobsyeruncle says:

    # 21 harold said:
    “They should wire her hole shut so she can’t have children.”

    You mean her penis hole?

  10. Ann Coulter says:

    If you have ever wondered if you were an idiot, Ann Coulter is your test.

    If Ann Coulter makes sense to you, you’re an idiot.

    Thank you Ann, for that handy litmus test.

  11. bobbo says:

    #74–Fusion==Peggy Noonan’s personage but not her name came to mind. She has always given me a bit of the creeps in her “oh so sweet” delivery of her own conservative spin.

    But yea, single digits.

    As to hypotheticals, they are useful in teasing out the basis for the opposing position. Is it personality or actual philosophy? Unfortunately, it does take a quality of mind to accept artificial limitations when analysing why we think the way we think. Reality is that way too, hence the misfortune.

  12. lividd says:

    Mr. Mustard once again you own this debate. I am fast becoming endeared to your reasoning, your rants are priceless, and entertaining.(and almost totally correct)at least from my point of view.

  13. bobbo says:

    livvid==ah, the mob is always attracted to the noisiest, brashest, foulest mouthed braggart in the pack.

    The King of Condiments does have its spicy appeal.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #76, Bobbo,

    As to hypotheticals, they are useful in teasing out the basis for the opposing position.

    If this were the High School debating club then maybe. But bobbo, get a grip on reality. This is a blog. We don’t write dissertations or papers on our positions. I confess I am as guilty as anyone but too often we do digress from what the topic is under discussion into some other irrelevant ground.

  15. bobbo says:

    #79–well thanks Fusion. I’m not arguing for a debating club, although, thats not a bad thing and I think hoped for over at the cage-match.

    I approach every subject with a “challenge the assumptions” approach and hypotheses help do that.

    I don’t think even this blog is restricted to one approach/one attitude only. If it were, what would that be? Vulgar Inanities? No==we all, each and every one of us makes our contribution, gets ribbed or flayed or supported in turn.

    FREEDOM—its a good thing.


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