Geri Moss with Ladamien

TAMPA – A Bay Area 5-month-old is a lucky guy after being brought to the hospital last week with a condition called water intoxication.

Ladamien Barton’s mom says she wasn’t getting enough cans of baby formula through the WIC program, so she was stretching it out.

Directions say mix six scoops with eight ounces of water, but mom Geri Moss said she was mixing four scoops to 14 ounces of water instead.

She didn’t realize that was a no-no until Ladamien developed seizures and couldn’t breathe.

“He was off in a daze, he wasn’t following my hand, he started screaming,” Moss recalled. “He curled up in a ball. I went to lift him up but he stopped breathing. As soon as he stopped breathing, I put him on his back and started doing CPR.”

“Another hour he would have been dead,” offered UCH pediatrician Dr. James Orlowski.


Found by Cristina Fischer.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Yeah, Ladamien? Oh well, the kid should just be thankful he doesn’t have Ashlee Simpson for a mother; he’d end up being named “Bronx Mowgli”.

    The kid looks kind of cute, but those Elvis sideburns on “mom”? Blecchh!!

  2. CountSmackula says:

    Just add ‘La-‘, ‘Ja-‘, ‘Tre-‘ to any normal name and become ghettofabulous!

  3. newglenn says:

    “he stopped breathing. As soon as he stopped breathing, I put him on his back and started doing CPR.”

    “Another hour he would have been dead,” offered UCH pediatrician Dr. James Orlowski.”

    Another hour of not breathing?

  4. Esteban says:

    What are the odds that s(he) is a regular meth user?

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #3 – newglenn

    >>Another hour of not breathing?

    With a name like “Ladamien”, I’m sure his father is Jor-el or Kal-el or one of the other Kryptonians. As such, he has powers far beyond those of ordinary babies. X-ray eyes, superstrength, and the ability to hold his breath for over an hour.

  6. deowll says:

    Sad. Water isn’t food and that kid looks wasted but then so does the person holding it. I don’t think this is a government issue. I think this ia a parent issue.

  7. Are we waterboarding infants now?

    #1 – Mister Mustard,

    The kid looks kind of cute

    OK, maybe Christianity does give you a kinder disposition. From where I sit, that baby is fugly!!

    In fact, that baby just may be the poster child for vasectomy.

    That said, I am glad the poor fugly baby didn’t die from the waterboarding. I don’t support death penalty for ugliness.

  8. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #2 – That sounds like some racial shit!

  9. Normal Parent says:

    This is troubling on so many levels. First, and obviously, What is “mom”? Gay boy? Skinny lesbian? Meth head? What? Second, Where did the baby come from? This “mom” and a Turkey baster? Missing black father? Trailer trash dad? What? Third, and this is, perhaps, the most troubling part, why can’t “mom” breast feed junior? Oh. I think we ALL know the answer to that one. If this person is on “WIC”, then “she” certainly has enough formula to feed the kid. Unless “mom” is selling the formula to other “moms” in her housing project. Fourth, When does Child Protective Services remove the kid from this freak?

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    7 – Scottie

    Hmm. Maybe it is the Christian thing. Or maybe as the proud parent of a household of rugrats (now becoming second-generation rugrats), I’m more favorably inclined to see the inherent beauty, the heart-rending greatness, the limitless potential of the little motherfuckers.

    Even Heidi Klum’s baby isn’t “ugly”, it’s just “interesting-looking”.

  11. Fedup says:

    typical democrat. Im sure she really considered the issues before she voted too.

  12. Brandon says:

    Right. I wonder if people realize that WIC is designed to supplement, not replace, the hard work required to keep afloat and overcome in tough economic times.

    Seeing as these are the same geniuses naming their babies “Ladamien”, my money is on “No.”

    That being said, babies are adorable, not matter the physical deformity.

  13. hhopper says:

    The best thing about babies is that they’re not assholes yet.

    I don’t hold much hope for this one.

    Mister Mustard – The dumb magazine left out an apostrophe.

  14. Carcarius says:

    Ladamien… hmmm. It sounds similar to a talented RB for the San Diego Chargers. Maybe she is a fan and wanted to name her son after him but screwed up the name.

    When it comes to infants… always follow the directions on the container!!!

  15. #10 – Mister Mustard,

    Nope. That baby’s ugly too. Obviously, I’m not exactly an “all babies are cute” kind of guy. On the upside, when I tell someone their kid is cute, I mean it.

    Mostly though, I’ll go with the definition of child on this page:

    Godling’s Glossary

    Lots of other good definitions on that site as well.

  16. bobbo says:

    Most babies are adorable==defensible.

    All babies are adorable regardless of physical deformity==moronic wish.

  17. Kevin says:

    I’ll bet that “mom” has newspaper articles cut out ready to be framed so she can show Ladamien when “they was famous and yer good ol mama almost keeled yew.”

  18. green says:

    Another story meant to promote the idea that licensing should be required to give birth.

    Laying the foundation for the nazi mom campaign (palin, clinton) in 2011.

  19. Sinn Fein says:

    “Ladamien?” Named after Daddy, no doubt…

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #13 – hhopper

    >>Mister Mustard – The dumb magazine left out
    >>an apostrophe.

    Hey, look at the rest of the title; they obviously don’t speaka da English too good!

    “Heidis Baby: Exklusiv 12 Seiten! Top-model, Mama, sexy Ehefrau – wie schafft sie das alles?”

  21. Pmitchell says:

    I wonder how much meth you can trade a can of formula for ?

    Ill bet he/she/it knows

  22. Special Ed says:

    Tell me that’s not the mom, my dick will go into hibernation if that’s the case.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    So far it seems the general consensus is she is a meth addict trading her babies formula for drugs. And this is based upon the baby’s name?

    What a bunch of low life, cowardly, asinine bunch you guys are.

    Fact, most new mother’s don’t know the basics. The do as they think should be done.

    If she was given enough formula to last 2 weeks and thought it was to last 4 weeks is that her fault or the WIC worker that didn’t explain it? And yes, WIC does give sufficient formula to last a month for those in our area. And no, not everyone is as intelligent as Paul Mitchell.

    Most States do have programs that help new mothers with exactly these problems. Around here it is called Healthy Families. They do help and have saved many children from harm, purposeful and the inadvertent.

  24. chuck says:

    On the other hand, the water also diluted the Melamine in the baby formula.

  25. James Hill says:

    Holy shit, even the virgins around here wouldn’t breast feed from that… thing.

  26. Stephanie says:

    Mr. Fusion, you are also under the assumption that that kid is her first and only!

    I’m sorry but something fishy must be going on if she can’t get off her ass to obtain more food for her child. Beg, borrow or steal honey!

    If that was my child (God knows his name wouldn’t be Ladamien) I would be selling what I could: furniture, blood, plasma… and yes… the last resort, if ya’ know what I mean.

    She kinda looks like one of the Hanson brothers waaaaay back in the day.

  27. alphgeek says:

    Kids don’t come with instruction manuals, maybe nobody explained the issues to her.

    And she did apply CPR and save her own child’s life. Not trivial, especially with an infant.

    But I’m sure everybody commenting here would have done much better. At least those of you able to reproduce in the first place…

  28. Pmitchell says:

    Ya know we here conservatives being the butt of all of mr mustards jokes do seem to be able to read the damn directions on a jar of formula and as was mentioned above if I did not have enough to last a month I would get off my lazy dead ass and find a way to feed my child be it beg barrow or steal. last time i checked formula costs about 7-10 bucks a can at most so even a quick plasma donation will get 2 cans and you can donate every week ( remembering from my old college days needing beer money )
    so mustard even if this inbred was only 1/3 as smart as I she could have easily fed her offspring

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 – Paulio Mitcheli

    >>Ya know we here conservatives being the butt
    >>of all of mr mustards jokes

    Oh, Paulio! I’m shocked. Shocked!! Conservatives are only the “butt” of my jokes when they’re moronic idiots. Granted, that’s true more than 50% of the time (OK, most of the time, if you’re talking about neocons), but whaddayagonnado? If they were smart, they wouldn’t be neocons. In any case, you’re so groovy, I’m sure you adhere to the “breast is best” philosophy and would never run into this problem.

    And I’m sure that you have all the necessary mental horsepower to read the jar. Perhaps even this “inbred” has the same mental horsepower. Perhaps until the money ran out, she even mixed it up full strength as per the instructions on the package.

    It’s not a question of intelligence. Until you have been abandoned, broke, terrified, with an infant to care for (all of which may have been the case for her), you don’t know how you’d react were you in her shoes.

    And who knew that diluting the formula would cause water intoxication? I’ve got one a them thar high-priced edgiecations, and I didn’t know. I’ve heard about water intoxication in marathon runners and in people with electrolyte imbalances, but I didn’t know it could be caused by diluting infant formula. Did you?? Or are you about to become the butt of another one of my jokes?

  30. E=MC2 Baby Formula says:

    Reading these comments was ALMOST as entertaining as trying to determine whether the “mom” is Male,Female,Shemale or ?Fale?
    Anyway, I really get a kick out of those who actually come to this woman’s defense!

    This “woman” is a combination of Pee Wee Herman and Axle Rose…on CRACK!

    A little common sense here folks….car won’t run on Yellow water…plants won’t grow when fed Vodka, Yellow snow IS REALLY dog piss, and a baby’s body knows the difference between Baby Formula and Beige-Colored water in a bottle! WHY isn’t this “woman” being called up on charges instead of being coddled by the press? Why doesn’t WIC take this sickening opportunity to TEST the majority of these women to ensure that they know their ounces,quarts, scoops, teaspoons and the boiling point of water?
    This is what happens when we take for granted that “Nature” will take care of everything, and that “Instinct” will tell a Mom what to do…that’s CRAP these days and this baby should be a poster child for selective ignorance and “It’s Everybody Else’s Fault” Syndrome! If you’re so poor that you can’t even afford to pay for FOOD for your child…..DON’T have a CHILD!’


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