(CNN) — After eight years as senator from New York, Hillary Clinton is trading places, moving from Congress to the incoming administration.
Former President Bill Clinton has been mentioned as a possible replacement for his wife in the Senate.
On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama announced that he asked his former rival to be his secretary of state.
That means the scramble begins to replace Clinton on Capitol Hill. Among those mentioned to take her seat as New York’s junior senator is her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Found by Jay.
What! Schumer is not having any of that
You know–Bill Clinton is a proven liar on many levels and really should be in jail for selling his pardons, securing graft from the chinese etc.
Hilary really has NO QUALIFICATIONS for Sect of State, a very important position.
When Questions about Hilary and his campaign statements to that effect, Obama laughed it off saying the reporter was playing a game.
Raw putrid politics on display.
How can Obama soar like an eagle if he surrounds himself with turkeys?
Meet the new boss—————-.
#2 – sad, but true. Is this the change we need? I am feeling better and better about throwing my vote out to the Constitution Party. There’s still a possibility they do make the right decisions and actually produce a positive result by the end of the next 4 years but I am not too optimistic about it happening. We’ll see…
Bobbo, well thought out and wisely said.
I was going more for the “Change you can believe in??”, but yours was better!
On a similar note, with Obama surrounding himself with Clintonites, and Ted Kennedy having thrown in his weight and influence, I beg this question.
Just who is going to actually run the Obama presidency?
Is Barack going to become just a figurehead?
Does anyone believe that Bill, Hillary, and Ted are going to let Barack run the show as he sees fit?
Isn’t it becoming more and more obvious that Hillary has decided to try and “help” Barack have a successful presidency so she can ride his popularity for her bid in 2016, and isn’t going to allow him to mess it up?
I say go for it. Anything that rubs the Repukes nose in their own mess is a good thing.
Why would Bill take such a huge cut in pay? He’s making a fortune with his paid talking gigs with the Saudis.
I think this is a brilliant idea. Bill Clinton will take the seat and when Obama screws him, he’ll switch to becoming a reaganesque Republican and lead the GOP back to taking back both the Senate and the House!
Awesome choice to have Bill in the Senate. Two time president as New York senator and Hillary as Sec of State – WOW!
I want to see Chelsea Clinton as Supreme Court Justice if only to get to the angry, sore loser republicans watching from their prison cells.
Will Ted Stevens survive? Will Cheney and Bush be able to witness this from Gitmo?
Barf. YUK!!
It’s so good to see the repukes are willing to trash everything even further down their toilet with these statements. You folks are sick MFers and the reason a black man was able to win is the country feels absolute disgust with everything you have done over the past eight years and everything you have come to stand for.
#12 So how did you come to that conclusion? Are you hallucinating? Hillary is widely seen by both parties as a terrific pick for Sec of State.
Bill is a two time popular and successful president moving to the Senate.
How did you conclude this is the Dem’s turn to “screw things up”? What is you basis? Are you just foaming at the mouth again so early in the morning? You need to learn to love yourself.
Idle talk, he couldn’t afford the pay cut. Hillary was an olive branch to part of the party. Appointing cabinet members is as much about politics as it is qualifications. You have to pay the piper.
# 6 Malcolm said, on December 2nd, 2008 at 1:12 am
I say go for it. Anything that rubs the Repukes nose in their own mess is a good thing.
How is this rubbing it in the noses of the Repubs? Loyal Democrats seem to be much more upset at the choices as they do not exhibit the Hope and Change that Obama stood for.
And your attitude exhibits carelessness. Everyone should be interested in that the best choices are made in the interests of the country. Anything just to taunt the opponent is not healthy.
I would have been impressed if your new change monger was to remove all lying politicians from office, and put real people in. We had that chance of a lifetime with the Arizona/Alaska ticket. You fuckers blew it, opting out of longstanding quality, proven integrity, instead, you elected in a new complexly wired hybrid who is playing chess with the Clintons.
Ho-hum. A couple of dweebs from the Washington Post float Bill’s name in an op-ed, and the Dvorakian right-wing contingent goes berserk. Get a grip (on something besides your shriveled-up vaseline-coated peckers), won’t you?
Bill has no interest in the job:
And to the dimwits who decry the “lack of change”, get a grip (on something besides your shriveled-up vaseline-coated peckers), won’t you? “Change” doesn’t necessarily mean “to surround oneself with inexperienced imbeciles”.
You seem to forget that we’re moving OUT of Dumbya’s regime, where the underlings actually run the government, and the “leader” does nothing more than move his lips like a ventriloquist’s dummy. Hillary, Gates, Emmanuel, etc. will carry out Obama’s policies, not vice versa. The fact that they know wtf they’re doing is a benefit, not a liability.
That’s the way things go, when you have a LEADER in office, and not an intellectually challenged chickenwawk.
#20 Mister Mustard – Well said. You are hereby the “Condiment King”. All hail the mighty Mustard! Long live the hot dog accessory!
#20, Mustard,
Very well put. As I was reading through the prior posts I was thinking the same thing.
#21, TML,
I like dijon style, even on my ‘dogs.
Bill Clinton would make a great addition to the Senate. Not so much to rub the Republican’s noses in it,but because he is a good man, very intelligent, knows most of this stuff already, and has good popularity in New York as well as the nation.
Whose bright idea was it to “mention” this out loud? I thought we’d finally put Bill Clinton behind us.
#23, Oven,
I thought we’d finally put Bill Clinton behind us.
That was your first mistake, thinking. If you had just kept your brain shut you wouldn’t be looking like the foolish, jealous, right wing nut you usually are.
As someone who lives in Albany NY this on John’s BS meter highly unlikely or total BS. The talk here Bill is not a even contenteder.
More likely to get the job is Andrew Cumo State AG, Kirstine Gibrand Us rep, and a hand full lesser names dotting the state.
#2 – “You know–Bill Clinton is a proven liar on many levels and really should be in jail for selling his pardons, securing graft from the chinese etc.”
In other words, he’s perfectly qualified to become a U.S. Senator.
Doesn’t anyone care that Hillary is Constitutionally not eligible to be Secretary of State?
It says that no one from the House or Senate can serve during the time for which he was elected in a civil office whose salary has increased during that time.
No, no one cares what republicans say anymore. Furthermore, not only do they no longer care, no one is even listening to you guys anymore except in a circle jerk capacity.
This is from the Albany Times Union. Bill not even on the list. As a political junkey My guess is Andrew Cumo. This would take someone off the list for a primary change.
Bill Clinton is a non factor Albany poltics.
From The Albany TU
“During a Monday afternoon news conference at the Capitol, the governor asked the media to take a day to set aside speculation about Clinton’s possible successor in order to honor her service to the state and the remarkable new turn in her career.
The media failed to cooperate, peppering Paterson with questions about his timeline for making the decision and the criteria he’ll use to assess the contenders. Asked point-blank for his opinion of Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand’s fitness for the post, the governor paused.”
“When you asked that question, did you think I was going to answer it?” he said.
Paterson reiterated that he would wait until after Clinton had completed confirmation hearings before naming her replacement; Clinton’s office said she will not officially step down until she has been confirmed.
Possible contenders for the post include state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo as well as several current members of Congress, among them Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, Nydia Velazquez, Louise Slaughter and Brian Higgins. One prominent potential replacement, downstate Rep. Nita Lowey, said Monday she’s not interested in the job.
Please not Andrew Cuomo.
That coming from a left wing nut that you usually are.
I just wonder if the Senate Democrats would really want him. I can’t really see him taking a traditional freshman Senator role in the Senate. He’s too much of a political “superstar”. I seriously doubt if any of those Democrat old-timers are just going to give-up a prestigious Senate chairmanships.
As for, “rubbing the Repub’s nose in their mess”, the Dems don’t really have the moral high ground on this issue, they were negligent in their duties as well. The important thing know is everyone pitching in and cleaning up the mess
The comment about “Just who is going to actually run the Obama presidency?” I think at this point that question a little premature. Although, there were questions that came-up during the election about his voting record in Illinois that made me wonder if maybe he was a person who could be controlled by others. The truth, I guess will be forthcoming in the next four years.
I don’t know why people are so upset that Obama’s administration is filled with Clintons.
What else is he supposed to do? He can’t go back to the Carter years too much. Plus unlike Bill, he has no power base of his own, since he only started out in politics about 10 years ago, and that was in the State Senate.