(CNN) — After eight years as senator from New York, Hillary Clinton is trading places, moving from Congress to the incoming administration.
Former President Bill Clinton has been mentioned as a possible replacement for his wife in the Senate.
On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama announced that he asked his former rival to be his secretary of state.
That means the scramble begins to replace Clinton on Capitol Hill. Among those mentioned to take her seat as New York’s junior senator is her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Found by Jay.
#64, Lyin’ Mike,
The simple solution has been to resign her elected office then accept the appointment. This has happened several times in the past including under Bush appointing some Republican dipshit Congressman, Porter Goss,as head of the CIA in 2004. (He was fired after truely screwing up the Agency 18 months later)
Many other Cabinet positions have been filled by Senators and Congressmen through history.
Resigning doesn’t work either. That even violates the ‘spirit’ of the Constitution.
#70, Lyin’ Mike,
Geeze, can anyone be that blind ??? If she resigns her office, as has every other politician that has joined the Cabinet or other high level post, how would that be breaking the spirit of the Constitution?
Besides Porter Goss by Bush,
Clinton appointed Sen. Lloyd Benson as Sec. of Treasury and Congressman Leon Panetta to head the OMB,
John Q. Adams appointed Henry Clay as Seceratary of State.
Abe Lincoln appointed Senators William Seward at Sec. of State and Salmon Chase to Sec. of Treasury.
Look, I could go on giving examples of previous Senators and Congressmen that have become Cabinet Members, but why? Face it, it is legal and with precedent.
#70 – Lyin’ Mike
>>Resigning doesn’t work either. That even
>>violates the ’spirit’ of the Constitution.
I guess that’s why Dumbya picked it as his way to circumvent that goddamned piece of paper, huh?
If there’s a way that violates only the letter of the law, and one that violates the letter AND the spirit of the law, leave it to the Chimperor in Chief to pick the one that violates both.
That guy sure does know how to ACCOMPLISH his MISSIONS, doesn’t he?