Candles burn in front of the Taj Mahal hotel

Daylife/Reuters Pictures

As Prasan Dhanur prepared his 13-foot boat on Wednesday evening for a hard night of fishing, he saw something strange.

A black inflatable lifeboat equipped with a brand new Yamaha outboard motor threaded its way among the small, wooden fishing boats at anchor and pulled up to the concrete pier of the slum where Dhanur, 24, has lived his whole life as a fisherman.

Ten men, all apparently in their early 20s, jumped out. They stripped off orange windbreakers to reveal T-shirts and blue jeans. Then they began hoisting large, heavy backpacks out of the boat and onto their shoulders, each taking care to claim the pack assigned to him.

Dhanur flipped his boat light toward the men, and Kashinath Patil, a 72-year-old harbor official on duty nearby, asked the men what they were doing.

“I said: ‘Where are you going? What’s in your bags?”‘ Patil recalled.

“They said: ‘We don’t want any attention. Don’t bother us.”‘ Thus began a crucial phase of the recent terror attacks…

Thus began the slaughter of the innocents that transformed Mumbai for the next three days. And more.

  1. bobbo says:

    If the goal was to kill innocent people, many more would have died. Those with American and English passports were specifically targeted so the concept of “innocent” is not exactly accurate as such.

    If the dispute is about Indian mistreatment/objectives in Kashmir, I don’t see why foreigners would be targeted.

    So maybe this really is Al Quadda showing the Great Satan its worldwide reach?

    Zorkor?–any details here?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:


    If you check the history books you’ll understand the reason why they specifically targeted people with British & American passports.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #1 – Bobbo

    Who said they were “specifically targeting” those with American and British passports?

    According to the latest articles in the drive-by media, “Contrary to earlier reports, it appeared that Westerners were not the gunmen’s main targets: they killed whomever they could. By Saturday evening, 18 of the dead were confirmed as foreigners; an additional 22 foreigners were wounded, said Vilasrao Deshmukh, the chief minister of Maharashtra State, where Mumbai is located.“.

    Eighteen out of (at least) 183 leaves 165 non-foreigners, and it’s not clear how many of the foreigners were Americans and Brits; if they were specifically targeting us, they only had a 9.8% success rate.

  4. sargasso says:

    Indians in a boat, heading towards India. Very unusual.

  5. eaze says:

    Their intent, whatever it was, was not their own genuine intent. Otherwise they would have had a banner or something so that people could understand their motivation. Their goal was to enact a terroist attack and they were clearly instructed to do this by whatever national government.

    I do not think Pakistan did this as they have enough to worry about right now. Either China or the US would make sense although it wouldn’t surprise me if it was the UK so that they can use the example to increase their terroism laws.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 4 sargasso said, “Indians in a boat, heading towards India. Very unusual.”

    Hmmm. The article didn’t state that they were Indian. Link?

  7. eaze says:

    Oh and the fact that they are calling this India’s 9/11 is bullshit. India has been victim to around 20 terroist attacks in the last few years with several of them resulting in similar number of death so this isn’t the ‘shock’ that the media is playing it out to be.

  8. zorkor says:

    Well the attackers wanted to take revenge on the foreign nationals due to their country’s non-stop support for Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir. You see there is a well known saying among Muslims that ” A single day of a lions life is much better than a 100 days of a fox”. Due to their continuous suffering from the hands of Indian govt sponsored terrorism, they decided to take it in their own hands.

    “Its better to die once than to die again and again every day” said one of the attacker to Indian news channel. He was talking about continuous Indian brutality against Muslims in India.

  9. GF says:

    First are my condolences to those families who lost loved ones in Mumbai.

    I don’t think it was a mistake that they targeted the financial backbone of India and home of Bollywood. It’s all part of their game plan to disrupt the pillars of finance and change the framework of who controls society’s great wealth as we have known it. It won’t work considering that the current system has made life better for people than ever before.

  10. bobbo says:

    Well, if the goal is to kill as many as possible AND its a suicide mission, doens’t make any sense to barricade one in a hotel.

    Why not stay on the streets mowing people down? Start fires at the base of highrises?

    If its revenge for muslim insults, why not attack churches?

    Can’t “send a message” if what you say/do is all jumbled up.

    Terrorists are hard to figure out. Take Zorkor for instance–who wouldn’t want to live a 100 days as a fox? Analysis like that cannot be refuted.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #6 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Hmmm. The article didn’t state that they were
    >>Indian. Link?

    Well, they were either Indians or Pakistanis.

    And until 1947, Pakistan was part of India, so until then future Pakistanis WERE Indians. After that, about 7 million Hindus and Sikhs left Pakistan for India, and the same number of Muslims left India for Pakistan. Former Indians were now Pakistanis, and former Pakistanis were now Indians.

    So, as long as they could speak the local lingo, how’s a poor harbormaster to know what country they’re from? A bunch of guys who look like Indians and talk like Indians headed towards India in a boat would not draw much attention.

  12. HMeyers says:

    @#5 “Either China or the US would make sense although it wouldn’t surprise me if it was the UK so that they can use the example to increase their terroism laws.”

    Wee! A truther.

  13. chuck says:

    What I think is odd are the reports that the claims by the Indian government that the gunmen were carrying Pakistani passports.

    If they entered the country illegally, with the intention of killing people (and perhaps escaping) why would they bring any identification with them showing their country of origin?

    That makes as much sense as the 9/11 hijackers who all carried their Saudi passports with them. They were on domestic flights. You don’t need a passport to travel on a domestic flight. How hard would it have been to get a fake driver’s license?

  14. daveg says:

    Most Indians still call it Bombay. It is the Indian nationalist party that changed the name. It was a stupid and unnecessary change.

  15. Ron Larson says:

    I think the the Pakistan ISI has involvement, but not official. The ISI is out of control and is now accountable to no one. The latest Pakistan government has recently tried to reel them in, but they are failing. The IS does what it wants. And the ISI (and the military too) regard India to be Pakistan’s biggest threat. More so than the out-of-control Taliban ruled NW regions of their own country.

    Fortunately, the ISI does not have access to Pakistan’s nukes. The military does… for now. We can only hope that the military will execute a coup of fundamentalist or ISI tries to get control of them.

    There is no easy answer. Having a failed nation next door is like living next to a drug addict. Always drama for no sensible reason.

  16. cmon says:

    #11 MM: “So, as long as they could speak the local lingo”.

    What exactly do you know about languages in the subcontinent? There’s no “local lingo” shared by all present and former citizens of Pakistan or India. English, maybe… Also, 20-somethings born in Pakistan were never Indians..sheesh.

    #14 Chuck: “That makes as much sense as the 9/11 hijackers who all carried their Saudi passports with them. They were on domestic flights. You don’t need a passport to travel on a domestic flight. How hard would it have been to get a fake driver’s license?”

    If you were on a glorious suicide mission, wouldn’t you want your identity known?

  17. chuck says:

    #17 – well, I’m not questioning the national origin of the 9/11 – I’m sure they were Saudis.

    What does seem suspicious to me is that the Indian government can figure out the identity of 10 people (in a country of 1 billion) within 1 day of the attack. And they back up the claim by saying the men were carrying Pakistani passports.

    It may be true that all were Pakistani, and perhaps directed by militant groups from Pakistan, but regardless I don’t think the attackers were waving their ID cards around.

  18. They had no excuse to kill innocent people.

    If you are gonna kill people ATLEAST kill the person who abused you. (dont recommend that either)

    When african americans were in slavery they did not go CRAZY and run around killing innocent people.

    This is why they should separate religion from politics!

  19. Glenn E. says:

    “Dhanur flipped his boat light toward the men, and Kashinath Patil, a 72-year-old harbor official on duty nearby, asked the men what they were doing.”

    So glad that they employ the elderly to guard their ports. I guess there’s no retirement at age 65, in India.

    You know, if these guys were targeting anything specific, it would be Jews. Regardless of where they come from. But the news doesn’t appear to want to jump to that obvious conclusion. It might produce less sympathy for reprisals, if the attack were labeled as anything ethnically inspired. And not aimed at Americans and Brits, in general.


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