
The religious language was tucked into a floor amendment by Riner and passed the General Assembly overwhelmingly. It lists the Homeland Security office’s initial duty as “stressing the dependence on Almighty God as being vital to the security of the Commonwealth.”
Included in the law is a requirement that the office must post a plaque at the entrance to the state Emergency Operations Center with an 88-word statement that begins, “The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God.”
Thomas Preston, Gov. Beshear’s Homeland Security chief, said he is not interested in stepping into a religious debate.
“I will not try to supplant almighty God,” Preston said. “All I do is try to obey the dictates of the Kentucky General Assembly. I really don’t know what their motivation was for this. They obviously felt strongly about it.”
Riner said crediting God with helping ensure the state’s safety is appropriate.
Just in case anyone in this neighborhood thinks some other part of the world is political leader of the loonies.
> Riner said crediting God with helping ensure the state’s safety is appropriate.
So if there is a terrorist attack or natural disaster in KY, then God must have felt they deserved it. Sounds a lot like the crap about Katrina being New Orleans’ punishment for sinning.
I believe in an Almighty, but also believe Riner’s statement to be asinine.
Atheists like Mr. Ketchup and Misnomered Scott are ruining the USA. It’s no surprise they voted for O’Bumma. Frankly I can’t wait for the second coming of Christ to see the expressions on you people’s faces when we believers go up and you head downward.
They have zero clue of how and why this nation was formed or, if they do, deny it, hoping it will go away and have the constitution replaced by the Communist Manifesto. (Which is what Obumma is working for)
These yahoos think there is a constitutional separation of church and state. Ok, let’s see the statement that does it. Chapter and verse, quote it. And don’t bother with Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. It’s just a letter and is not the law of the land.
If you people think that this Utah thing establishes a religion you are illiterate, pure and simple. Illiterate.
And read up on these while you are at it. Sorry there are no pictures, but maybe you can have somebody read it to you.
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
#31 – Red Blue Green
>>I’d rather not think about what
>>other sexual fantasies you must have
>>to account for your own anti-
>>religious spew.
“Anti-religious spew”?? Aw shit. I can’t win on dvorak dot org slash blog.
The God-haters berate me for being a Jesus freak, and now the radical religious right is berating me for being anti-religious.
Fuck all of ya. I’m a free-thinking, radical, non-pigeonholeable, hip-and-happening, slightly dangerous, highly intellectual bohemian. Oh wait; that would make me an Atheist!
In any case, Person of Color, if you think my spew is anti-religious, you’re a dumber douche bag than you appear.
#32 – Big One
>>have the constitution replaced by
>>the Communist Manifesto. (Which is
>>what Obumma is working for)
Huh? I thought we already flushed the Constitution down the toilet after Bush declared it to be a “goddamned piece of paper” and proceeded to wipe his ass with it.
>>“As for me and my house, we will
>>serve the Lord.”
Great. Just leave me the fuck out of it. I have no interest in serving the sick, sadistic bastard that you worship. I’m just saying.
#32–Ivor==quite right you are. Letters from Jefferson and Proclomations from Lincoln are not the law of the land.
How come you ignore that the Supreme Court sets what the law of the land is and they have ruled the First Amendment Creates a wall between church and state as desribed by Jefferson in his letter?
You do see the difference? Please describe for us how YOUR INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO WORSHIP AS Y OU PLEASE has ever been interfered with—-as opposed to Y OUR DESIRE TO FORCE YOUR RELIGION DOWN OTHER PEOPLES THROAT has been thwared.
You do see the difference don’t you?
As a bonus, tell us what you will think if God, being all merciful, lets all us sinners in.
#35 – Bobbo
>>As a bonus, tell us what you will think if
>>God, being all merciful, lets all us sinners
Man, will he be pissed. All those years living like an asshole, when he could have gotten in anyway.
Why are liberals so upset by this?
For years I’ve seen on this blog, posts about how Homeland Security Initiative X is a violation of privacy, and people are just living in fear, and that the risk is very small, and the attackers should be treated as criminals with regular law enforcement tools, after the fact. Given all that, it is just God’s hand that protects you from attacks.
Lyin’ Mike:
You must have been hitting the highballs pretty heavy this evening. Your post makes no sense whatsoever.
How (in the name of God) does requiring that the DHS post a plaque saying ““The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God. at the entrance to the State Emergency Operations Center in any way mitigate anti-freedom/ Big Brother secret acts they may commit??
If anything, it would EXACERBATE the perception in the eyes of many, as so many unspeakable atrocities have been committed already “in the name of God”.
You best get back to your Seagram’s and ginger ale, and leave the posting for times when you’re thinking more clearly.
Lying is one thing – that’s what you do; blathering nonsensical gibberish only serves to embarrass you.
33. MM. …I mean “your” in the French “vous” & “vos” sense. The collective anti-religiosity. You think anyone pays attention to what you personally write? Fair enough, you’re inscrutable except when you’re not. And an atheist, except when your ass is in a sling, or some such thing.
#22 – Mister Mustard,
I don’t claim the study to be conclusive. However, it’s not the only one saying exactly the same thing. More religiose nations tend to have higher violent crime and other social ills than secular ones. It’s a strong correlation. Though, I admit that causation is not proven.
#26 – RBG,
But enough about homosexuality.
Um … homosexuality is a belief system in your demented brain? You should take your meds. If you don’t have any, perhaps you should get some.
#30 – RBG,
They teach their superstitions to my kids.
Superstitions? What superstitions? I think you may actually be psychotic. You have a serious split from reality.
I’m neither kidding nor deliberately being insulting. I think you actually have a medical condition requiring treatment.
I hope you won’t be offended and will actually look into therapy. I doubt it. But, I genuinely do hope so.
#39 – Red Blue Green
>>MM. …I mean “your” in the French “vous” &
>>“vos” sense. The collective anti-religiosity.
Hmm. You say *I* am inscrutable?? “Vous” is a personal pronoun meaning “you” (plural or formal singular), “vos” is a personal pronoun, meaning “your” (plural or formal singular).
How that fits in with your statement “I’d rather not think about what other sexual fantasies you must have to account for your own anti-religious spew“. is beyond moi. Sounds to me like you’re referring to me, myself, and I, not the “collective anti-religiosity”.
As to your absurd statement that I’m an Atheist, ass in sling or not, haw!!! Now you’re just embarassing yoursef, mon fils.
Say, are you one a them thar moonshine sippin’ inbred mutants what thinks all pole smokers, rump wranglers, and ass bandits are condemned to an eternal lake of fiiiiire, and it’s your own personal cross to bear (ou “votre propre croix personnelle à soutenir”, if you will) to prevent them from doing what they want? Huh? Are ya?
#40 – Scottie
Yeah, I know. I’m just fuckin’ with ya. I realize that the higher the proportion of snake handlers and tongue-speakers, the wackier the society.
I have to admit, though, I got a kick out of RBG calling me an atheist. For a boring Saturday night (the kids want to watch “Annie” a SECOND time), that really got me chuckling. Me, little ol’ Mr. Mustard, an atheist. Spawn of Satan! Promulgator of all things evil! Good one, RBG. You’ve got a bright future in stand-up comedy, RBG.
# 37 MikeN
Jedi Knights protect us. I’ve seen them on TV so I know they exist.
If they don’t protect us, then I know that the professional men and women who dedicate their lives to protecting us are the doing the job. Those guys I believe in – and they do exist.
I’m free because guys died on beaches. What I don’t understand is why conservatives have to diminish their sacrifice.
41 MM. Both “vous” and “vos” can be 2nd person plural. Second person plural is not as easily discerned in English. Glad to be of assistance.
My comments are relevant to the anti-religious types collectively and you got in the crossfire. Collateral damage.
So you’re an atheist/not an atheist and your ass is/is not in a sling. Happy now?
As I said, we’re really not paying the deserved attention to you that you might wish.
#40 Mis Scott. Superstition as in: there is no connection between you believing there is a evolutionary basis for homosexuality, and there actually being one. Just because you say it’s so, doesn’t make it so. Superstitious people make connections where there are none.
Religious people think you are just as nuts for your denial of a deity.
If the religious people disappear be happy. You are now one of the left behind.
Conditions on Earth will shortly be even more hellish than they are now. The death rate should exceed the birth rate by a lot.
Of course it might be hard to tell. Most of people that profess aren’t any nicer (rightous) than the guy that posted the silly article so they might still be around.
In any event if there is a Hell I’m sure there always room for one more lost soul by the fire.
#43, QB,
I’m free because guys died on beaches. What I don’t understand is why conservatives have to diminish their sacrifice.
Very well put. Although I am very sure most of the regulars will understand those two sentences, there will still be those who prefer to credit “god”.
Really, who cares what an atheist thinks? An atheist that is bothered by the idea of people thinking GOD exists, or is it the idea that GOD fearing people might impose standards of behavior and a civilization.
The really interesting thing is that it’s the relativistic and atheist culture that has gotten us into our current mess economically and politically. That’s where everyone else, except the Euros, have a problem with us. It is true that the Euros think we are too religious, but then again is that where we want to go? I don’t, and those that do could go to Europe instead and stay there. The majority of Americans still reject that culture and that’s what is really making the Globalist mad. Funny how Globalist and relativist and atheist go together along with abortion and group think.
You think that’s bad you outta live here in KY… That’s minor….
# 44 RBG said, on November 29th, 2008 at 9:35 pm
#40 Mis Scott. Superstition as in: there is no connection between you believing there is a evolutionary basis for homosexuality, and there actually being one. Just because you say it’s so, doesn’t make it so. Superstitious people make connections where there are none.
Wow you’re an ass. OK, here goes. First, homosexuality has been observed in over 1500 species and well documented in over 500 species. So, if your wacko idiot of a god is so against it, he sure did create rather a lot of it.
I don’t claim that homosexuality has an evolutionary basis, as in having a positive purpose. Perhaps it does. It’s certainly widespread enough that it could be the case.
However, it seems clear that there is no strong selective force against homosexuality and that it is indeed well within the realm of “healthy and normal behavior” whatever those things may mean.
How do you explain homosexuality? Satan? If so, how exactly do you reconcile belief that Satan exists with the existence of an all-knowing, all-benevolent, all-powerful god?
Clearly the two cannot exist in a single universe.
God would have gotten rid of Satan the minute he turned to the dark side of the force, or some such nonsense. No. Homosexuality is here to stay. You can’t legislate it away, unless you are willing to follow your bible and actually kill people for it. You can’t pray it away because a universe in which prayer could actually be used to accomplish things would be one in which the laws of physics were continually being temporarily suspended in order for some self-important wack-job talking to god to have his/her wishes carried out.
Such a universe would be demonstrably different than the one in which we live.
Religious people think you are just as nuts for your denial of a deity.
So, people with actively delusional beliefs in complete contradiction to observable reality think I’m insane? I’m OK with that.
And, if I die and find out that there really is a heaven … if it’s filled with the likes of you rather than the likes of Mr. Mustard … I will be happy as hell to be going to hell. A heaven filled with evangelical religious idiots would be more of a hell for me than the lakes of fire.
Luckily though, I don’t need to choose between those. Real death will be just like it was for the billions of years before my birth. I expect to feel exactly the same as I did for those billions of years.
I don’t fear that.
#47 – traaxx,
Really, who cares what an atheist thinks? An atheist that is bothered by the idea of people thinking GOD exists, or is it the idea that GOD fearing people might impose standards of behavior and a civilization.
And now you just explained perfectly why I am an antitheist. Who cares what an atheist thinks??!!? Are you so fucking intolerant that you would not even listen to a word an atheist had to say on any subject?
The idea that God(r)-fearing idiots might impose their One-True-Morality(tm) on those of us who have brains is indeed exactly what the fear is. Religious idiots of your ilk believe they know what’s best always every time and in every situation.
Is the life of a born human being with diabetes or Parkinson’s disease or any of a number of other illnesses worth more than a blastocyst that has not even begun to differentiate its cells into the organs that would give it even the life of a mosquito? Clearly not.
Is it OK if a number of women die either in backroom abortions or in the even more dangerous act of childbirth to save a fertilized egg? Clearly so.
Is it OK to trample the rights of those who are different than you, either by sexuality or by religion? Clearly so.
God(R) made it so. God(R) personally gave you all of the answers. God(R) personally told you the One Right Way To Behave.
Yes. You are scary as hell, scarier actually because you exist.
The really interesting thing is that it’s the relativistic and atheist culture that has gotten us into our current mess economically and politically.
Ah, clearly it was atheists who flew planes into buildings and recently shot a whole bunch of people in Mumbai.
Oh. No. Those were religious folks.
Clearly then it was the godless Wall St. executives. Do you have any study showing that Wall St. bankers are less religious than the general population? Clearly you do. Please post some links.
That’s where everyone else, except the Euros, have a problem with us. It is true that the Euros think we are too religious, but then again is that where we want to go? I don’t, and those that do could go to Europe instead and stay there.
America, love it or leave it. Thank you Archie Bunker.
The majority of Americans still reject that culture and that’s what is really making the Globalist mad.
Hell. The majority of Americans reject any culture. We can barely read and write well enough to blog.
Funny how Globalist and relativist and atheist go together along with abortion and group think.
I’d respond to this, but without having read a truckload of right-wing propaganda, I fail to make any sense out of this statement at all. It literally sounds like gibberish to me. Want to try to express this “thought” again in a clearer way?
#44 – Red Blue Green
>>Glad to be of assistance.
You repeated what I said. That’s the only part of your communiqué that made any sense. Even with your “clarification”, your postings are still gibberish.
>>My comments are relevant to the anti-
>>religious types collectively and you got in
>>the crossfire. Collateral damage.
Tee hee. If you think you’re doing “damage” to anyone, collateral or otherwise (oooh, you big Jeebus-loving CIA stud!!), you are more delusional than I had feared. Your ineffectual floundering is interesting to watch, but don’t deceive yourself into thinking that you’re having any effect. The days of your “believe my way or stand aside, Infidel” coercive religious indoctrination are long behind us, Praise the Lord!
>> As I said, we’re really not paying the
>>deserved attention to you that you might
Truth be told, I wish you’d completely ignore me and leave me alone, not just here, but (more importantly) when it comes to making decisions regarding secular issues (like how to best protect our communities against attack).
As we both know, totalitarian religious cults (yours, al Qaeda, etc.) ALL have “god” on their side (different “gods”, but “gods” nonetheless), so they pretty much cancel each other out. Let’s obey the Constitution, for once, and put our limited government resources into initiatives OTHER than a silly plaque on the door that divides, rather than unites.
#51 – Mr. Mustard,
You are a rare example of someone actually trying to follow the teachings of the commie, pinko, liberal, long-haired, hippie freak, fictional character from the number one best seller in history as he is most usually portrayed rather than portraying him as that but then voting repugnican, denying health care to millions, stopping important medical research, bombing the living fuck out of people of other races and beliefs, and generally being misogynistic.
You are truly to be commended.
Take comfort from the derision of RBG. It means you’re doing it right (or Left) as the aforementioned fictional character would want.
Perhaps I’m mistaken and there are many such people in the world. However, if there are, not enough are willing to be vocal and point out the fallacies of the claims of the God(R) fearing masses spewing their hatred.
#47 – traaxx,
Here are a couple of questions for you:
Why would anyone fear a benevolent god?
Since clearly no one of any intelligence at all would do so, do you admit that your god is a mean, vindictive, war-mongering, genocidal, xenophobic son of a bitch?
A god that demanded or caused fear in his/her subjects seems to me to be completely unworthy of worship. But, as you said, “who cares what an atheist thinks?”
Maybe we should just pass a law denying freedom of speech to atheists so that religious(tm) folks won’t have to be subjected to thought. Thinking is very very dangerous after all. I think it was invented by Satan(c).
49 Mis Scott. I’ll note your animal examples are more in support of rare bisexual behaviour. Similarly, some dogs are erroneously compelled to hump human legs. But this isn’t evolutionary proof legitimizing human bestiality.
So you have your bisexuals, the polygamous, you have men who believe it right to have sex with children, with animals, you have women who become men but then continue to bear children, and so forth. All claiming natural science is on their side. The Gays just have a better press agent.
Society is rightfully ever-increasing its toleration for eccentric ideas and groups – ‘cepting towards Christians on DU, of course.
Imagine referring to gays with the same ferocity seen above.
#47 traaxx
I live in Canada. Our economic woes are far less than in the US. It has nothing to do with atheists or god fearing people. It had a lot to do with good policy around our banking institutions.
The problem that people have here is this:
Bad things happen == Atheists fault
Good things happen == God’s benevolance
How about just plain personal competence for a change? How about a little hard work and thought?
How about stopping the God blame game?
It’s liberal security policies that leave people’s safety in the hands of God.
#56 MikeN
#54 – Religious Bigoted Gnatbrain,
Actually, there are definitively homosexual animals. Consider lesbian gulls who stay together year after year raising their chicks with one or the other mating with a male just for the sperm then coming back to nest with her mate for yet another year in an otherwise monogamous relationship.
Would that be so different than a lesbian human who goes to a sperm bank?
That you lump homosexuality with bestiality and pederasty shows you to be a completely ignorant fool. Do you think that either a child or a sheep is capable of consent? You can’t be that stupid … can you?
# 54 RBG
Animals, especially herd animals, exhibit homosexual behaviour – especially when there is overpopulation. Don’t worry, a large ungulate isn’t going to come over an redecorate your bedroom.
59 QB. As I recall from decades back, ditto mice. Clearly there are environmental pressures that result in a range of interesting animal and human behaviors, including homosexuality.