The religious language was tucked into a floor amendment by Riner and passed the General Assembly overwhelmingly. It lists the Homeland Security office’s initial duty as “stressing the dependence on Almighty God as being vital to the security of the Commonwealth.”

Included in the law is a requirement that the office must post a plaque at the entrance to the state Emergency Operations Center with an 88-word statement that begins, “The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God.”

Thomas Preston, Gov. Beshear’s Homeland Security chief, said he is not interested in stepping into a religious debate.

“I will not try to supplant almighty God,” Preston said. “All I do is try to obey the dictates of the Kentucky General Assembly. I really don’t know what their motivation was for this. They obviously felt strongly about it.”

Riner said crediting God with helping ensure the state’s safety is appropriate.

Just in case anyone in this neighborhood thinks some other part of the world is political leader of the loonies.

  1. bigred says:

    “God is dead, and no one cares. If there is a hell, I’ll see you there” Trent Reznor of NIN. We made God up anyway so not like he is real or anything. If God was real would he really let 2 planes piloted by people not of the Christian faith slam 2 planes into the 2 Towers? Or start a war of choice for revenge/oil in Iraq. (thanks very much MR Bush) I think not! Now you will probably say “It was their time.” or “It was God’s will.” BULL POOP!!!!! It wasn’t my Uncles time to go so you can all go to your HELL! I’ll be here on the real planet earth.

  2. Kentuckygirl says:

    I lived in kentucky for 27 years and I am appalled that someone from New Jersey thinks that they can speak for the people of that state to tell them how to live and believe. God is everywhere and if you don’t want to believe in Him that is fine but don’t think you can go anywhere you want and take away other’s beliefs. Despite what you call people from Kentucky they will always believe in God. Any senator or congressman or elected official knows that they will never be elected again if they allow such a thing to happen. You may not like it but Christianity is a big part of people’s life Kentucky. We believe in believing the way we want to and if others believe different then that is their business. The people of Kentucky will not let some out of state group start dictating how they believe or how to run their business. If they don’t want God in New Jersey that is thier business but we want Him in Kentucky. If the people of Kentucky had a problem with the wording then they would take it up within their own state and solve the problem. We don’t need someone else coming in and thinking that they know better than us. Besides if thats the only problem those people have to worry about then I say they have a pretty sad and pathetic life.

  3. DunsScotus says:

    If you really love God all that much, Kentucky Girl, then you should invite the cruel, sadistic bastard to retire to your old Kentucky home. Then you can take care of him in his incontinent, dribbling, addle-brained old age. That way you could have the pleasure of watching him die, then burying him when he does, so the rest of us wouldn’t have to.

    Remember this: We’re all born atheist.

  4. millie says:

    This is the most annoying article I’ve ever read. You can’t actually believe what these people say, can you? Were depending on god now instead of depending on our national awareness, and intelligence? Fasinating!


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