NY Daily News

A Wal-Mart worker died after being trampled when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island store Friday morning, police and witnesses said.

The 34-year-old worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.

Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him.
A 28-year-old pregnant woman was knocked to the floor during the mad rush. She was hospitalized for observation, police said. Early witness accounts that the woman suffered a miscarriage were unfounded, police said.

You won’t see me shopping on Black Friday… no way. More photos here.

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. Skippy says:

    Named, you are right. I see many, many Americans using the same old tired arguments AGAINST health care, and always point to the flaws in those countries with it. Yes, there are flaws, absolutely. No system is perfect. And yes, we pay more taxes for “free” healthcare. But at least I’ve never heard of any Canadians going bankrupt or losing their life savings because of a simple medical procedure.

  2. HMeyers says:


    Yes, they should be held responsible.

  3. HMeyers says:

    “T IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE CROWDS. It is the fault of planners! ”

    ^^ #56 has the winning comment.

    The Wal-Mart didn’t protect the employees. The people in the front of the line might very well have had little control over the situation.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 64 Skippy said, “I see many, many Americans using the same old tired arguments AGAINST health care, and always …”

    I know conservatives. No one I know of is against it, as long as there is a choice of whether to be in or out of the system, and paying accordingly.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #67 – Paddy-RAMBO

    There’s nothing preventing wealthy Radio Shack counter boys from seeking the best medical care money can buy, anywhere in the world.

    However, the entire foundation of insurance is pooled risk. Many pay, only some benefit. That’s the way it works with car insurance, that’s the way it works with home insurance, that’s the way it works with health insurance.

    If we let all you young, virile, handsome, healthy counter boys at Radio Shack opt out, leaving only the aged, infirm, and sickly to participate, it would guarantee financial insolvency, and devolve into the “welfare” system you decry so vehemently.

    I don’t hear any whining from the participants of universal health care available in every other civilized nation on the face of the earth. Put on the big-boy pants, and try to make America a place we can be proud of.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 68 Mister Mustard said, “However, the entire foundation of insurance is pooled risk. Many pay, only some benefit.”

    So, just like now. If I choose I can get ins or not. If not I don’t get the benefit.

    I’m pro choice. Not anti-choice.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #69 – Paddy-RAMBO

    You take that same approach with the IRS? The DMV? Would you like to withhold the portion of your taxes that goes to building interstate highways or the military, perhaps, and then you can be banned from the highways, or be offered up as a prisoner of war without protection? Hmm?

    You sound like an anarchist.

    And have some compassion for the less fortunate. Not everyone has one of them plum jobs working the counter at Radio Shack. In a civilized country, access to adequate basic medical care should be a basic civil right, not something reserved for the elite counter boys at Radio Shack! You already get to play with those remote-controlled cars when you’re on break!

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #70. I use roads, the military protects ME, I don’t use YOUR doctor visits.

    Pretty simple to understand even for someone like you with an IQ <50

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #71 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>I don’t use YOUR doctor visits.

    Are you really as dimwitted as you appear, or are you just jerking our chains? It’s hard for me to believe that even a counter-boy at Radio Shack could be as much of a numbskull as you wish us to believe that you are.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 72 Mister Mustard said, “Are you really as dimwitted as you appear,”

    You are anti-choice. That’s all you have to say. Don’t beat around the bush…


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