1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Have you ever been hit with a soccer ball? Those things are PAINFUL.

  2. sargasso says:

    I remember the old soccer balls made of natural animal hide, which became water logged in the rain and weighed five pounds. Break your toe kicking one of those suckers.

  3. hhopper says:

    When I worked in TV, I was on the sidelines shooting a basketball game for the sports segment and the ball hit me like that right in the nads. The whole gym went wild. I went to my knees… didn’t drop the camera though.

  4. Named says:


    Well, so long as you didn’t drop the camera…


  5. Special Ed says:

    #3 – Hung like an elevator button, huh?

  6. hhopper says:

    It points left now.

  7. Stefan says:

    I know you Americans don’t care, but that’s Michael Ballack. Captain of the German national team.

  8. Special Ed says:

    #7 – We certainly cared when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!

    #6 – A basketball hit is tough, it covers such a wide area. You are lucky you didn’t end up with 3 Adam’s apples.

  9. Hastur says:

    #8 – “the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!”

    You’re kidding, right?

  10. zorkor says:

    #8 – “the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!”

    Another stupid American idiot!

  11. bobbo says:

    I’m pretty sure it was the Muslims that attacked Pearl Harbor, or will in the future. Time is such a relative concept, as is morality, as is thinking you half a half chance in hell of achieving your objectives by attacking women and children.

  12. Alex Wollangk says:

    I REALLY hope people are kidding here. Just in case, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and they attacked a military installation primarily sinking ships and so very few women and children were involved. Pearl Harbor is still primarily a Navy base and so even today very few women and children would be involved in a bombing there.

    And “Muslims” aren’t in favor of attacking women and children any more than “Christians” are. Yes, there are militant fringe muslim groups (lower case intentional as I have very little respect for them) who have taken elements of the Qur’an and used them to justify attacks on innocents. But I would be very surprised if there was a holy book on the planet that wasn’t used this way.

    The only possible exception would be the Buddhist “Tipitaka.” Buddhism has such a strong thread of non-violence it would be hard to use that way, although some would just see that as a challenge…

    But what does this all have to do with a guy being hit in the ‘nads with a soccer ball. I know that the snarky “I know you Americans don’t care” got people’s dander up and all (heck, I was annoyed) but c’mon? Pearl Harbor? Sheesh…

    And yes, there are quite a few soccer/football fans in the US who do, in fact, care even about European teams. I don’t follow sports much so I don’t particularly, but it’s because I don’t follow sports and therefore am not a soccer fan at all. I have several friends at work who I guarantee would have known exactly who they guy was and probably how many goals he’s scored in every game he’s ever played. Me? Not so much… (And if I revealed some ignorance of soccer/football by suggesting that a team captain or specifically Michael Ballack scores goals, I never did claim I follow the sport.)

  13. Special Ed says:

    #9 and #10 – you obviously never saw John Belushi in the movie Animal House, that line was from the movie. Yes, just another American idiot. That is why you all can just kiss our collective asses. How much has you countries milked from our taxes?

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, hopper,

    Ya, riiiight.


    #11, bobbo,

    I don’t remember, but I thought the thing was they wore burkas while flying 72 Virgin Airways.

  15. Jingle ‘Balls’?!?


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