Ain’t CG great?

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Apple will do a Young CG Elvis with an iPhone as his guitar.

  2. deowll says:

    I’m sure some guy somewhere can hit a ping pong ball in flight with one of those things.

    If you hit a ping pong ball with a one of those things I’d think the energy imparted would have been much greater.

    I think this was a fake.

    Of course he didn’t seem to be going all out either most of the time. For all I know those might have been made out of hollow plastic for kids to play with.

  3. deowll says:

    Sorry, my bad, This is the real Bruce Lee who is of course long dead.

    What I’m waiting for is not what amounts to blue screen tricks but making a body scan based on video then having it act/perform new material.

    I think they could do that now. This doesn’t look like it amounts to that yet or if it is it is very low res.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    You should have presented this one as real — it would have had me believing it for a while. Very well done.

  5. sargasso says:

    Which one is, Chuck?

  6. magnumpc says:

    Is that trick question? None are “Chuck”…

  7. Nighthwk says:

    That’s not Lee, but it sure is very clever.

  8. FRAGaLOT says:

    Wait why is Bruce Lee wearing that yellow “Kill Bill” outfit (i know it’s B&W, but still!)

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Frag,

    I thought it was fuscia or maybe a light rose.

  10. TheEdge01 says:

    The outfit Bruce Lee is using is from his movie Game of Death. In fact, Kill Bill’s outfit is a homage to the one used by Bruce Lee (see trivia section on Kill Bill’s entry at


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