![]() Sharda Janardhan Chitikar, left, grieves the death of her two children Daylife/AP Photo by Gurinder Osan
As I would expect, Daylife is doing the best job of collecting news photographs from the terror underway in Mumbai.
![]() Sharda Janardhan Chitikar, left, grieves the death of her two children Daylife/AP Photo by Gurinder Osan
As I would expect, Daylife is doing the best job of collecting news photographs from the terror underway in Mumbai.
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Can you believe this
What on earth are they expecting to accomplish except evil
Allah Akbar
So just what is the answer to stop the Muslim extremists?
I smell false flag terror attack (like 9/11 attacks), it went too easy.
The Crusades worked.
Eideard said “Political thugs who attack civilian populations deserve no mercy.”
Hmmm…kind of like Saddam did to the Kurds, or Al-Queda did on 9/11?
In the end, it will either be:
1. Islam will rule the world (god forbid).
2. Islam will be defeated and prohibited in the civilized world.
I say: push the button.
Long live the non-muslim world!
i still havent heardf anything saying WHY these people attacked india, what their motivations were. does anyone know? or has anyone heard who is responsible?
#8 – Lainey
It’s the Deccan Mujahideen. They did it because the infidels were acting inappropriately towards women and children.
““You threatened to murder them and your mischief went to such an extent that you even dared to abuse and insult Maulana Mahmood-ul-Hasan Qasmi and even misbehaved with the Muslim women and children there.“.
India’s been dealing with Islamofascist terror for longer than the US. Unless Congress and The One show a big-ass set of brass balls, you are looking at the future of ‘religious pluralism’ in the US.
#3, the sad fact is their is no real good answer. Their are a bunch of very effective answers, but to do that we would have to go places as a nation that would probably stain us forever.
In the end, any state that supports terrorism needs to be economically destroyed, quickly and effectively. The problem is that many of the states that support terrorism also hold allot of oil, and oil is very important in the modern world and will be for the foreseeable future. Also, some of our allies engage openly in deals with these terrorist states. Russia being a prime example of an ally that deals routinely with terrorist supporting countries. Their is really no way to beat Islamic terrorism unless the civilized world stands united against it, which is just not going to happen.
In response to those who wonder what to do about Islamofascism and fret about the problem, it would be instructive to study the Barbary Pirates.
Yes, the Islamic Pirates from the 10th to the 19th Centuries. They weren’t operating from Somalia then, but, it should sound familiar. This is the response Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the ambassador to Britain from Tripoli gave Thomas Jefferson when he asked why his government was hostile to American ships, even though there had been no provocation:
“It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.”
Sound familiar? BTW, after the fall of the Roman Empire, slavery was primarily perfected and practiced by the Islamic Africans and Arabs. The next time one of your Liberal friends wants to put down the USA about slavery, point out to them that it was BLACK Arabs and Africans who did most of the capturing and selling slaves to Europeans, so they can blame their black ancestors for slavery.
And read up on how Jefferson and the European governments solved the Islamofascist problem in their day. Hint, it wasn’t through sanctions and speeches at the UN.
#8 – Apparently they are pissed off at the shitty phone service they got for their Dell computer.
Amazing how the liberal hacks don’t want to talk about Biden’s now accurate prediction. Liberals fail at life, even on Thanksgiving.
Very sad to see this continued terror in India for two years now. I hope another flare up with Pakistan is not in the making.
James Hill – Let it go, bud. Your team lost so stop being angry at yourself.
It’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault.
It’s not your fault.
#14 – It wouldn’t have taken Biden to see this coming. Arabs in the Middle East were working phone banks for Obama. He’s their guy, let the missiles fly, Obama ain’t doin’ nuthin’ ’bout it.
#14 – Jimmy
>>Amazing how the liberal hacks don’t want to
>>talk about Biden’s now accurate prediction.
>>Liberals fail at life, even on Thanksgiving.
>> (oh, and Chaucer’s idiotic comment too)
Guess what, guys? There’s only one president at a time, and right now it’s GEORGE DUMBYA BUSH.
Your dull-witted comments about Obama “being tested” and letting “the missiles fly” show not only how bitter, disillusioned, and pouty you are that The Old Guy lost, but your complete failure to grasp even the simplest concepts of cause, effect, or even WHO IS THE FUCKING PRESIDENT AT THIS MOMENT.
Better get back to the beer and the football, dudes. You’re going to wake up from this Thanksgiving with headaches and red faces that just won’t quit.
#15 – “Very sad to see this continued terror in India for two years now …”
Wake up. At least 30 years ago Will Durant wrote, “…the Mohammedan conquest of India was probably the bloodiest story in history.” I think this was from a volume in the ’50s. Either way, this goes way back, even before Bush(!), much to the consternation of those afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Notice how he refuses to discuss the fact that Islamists wanted Obama elected and why. Not to mention the Russians. You really think they want him elected because he’ll bring peace and harmony to the world? Why would Islamists and Putin want someone like Putin elected? The perception that he’ll be a inexperienced, pliable, weak opponent sure seems likely.
#19 You guys are such pussies, such pushovers that it’s amazing.
The Islamic fanatics, Iran and the rest of them found Bush to be the perfect scape goat for their failures. Bush was the perfect embodiment the “evil empire”. Now that will be gone.
Are you kidding? The last 8 years of Bush in office have been a huge victory for these clowns. Can things have been any worse? I mean let’s count the ways:
> 3,000 dead Americans on 9-11
> Bush send another 4,200 to die in Iraq
> Bush bleeds the US at $10B a month
> Quagmire in Iraq
> 4 trillion debt
> Everyone in the world hates the US.
> Should I go on?
I mean, are you bozos for real?
#19 – Chaucer
>>The perception that he’ll be a inexperienced,
>>pliable, weak opponent sure seems likely.
Well, if that’s the perception of the militant mujahideen, it’s further evidence of just how dimwitted they are. And man, are they in for a rude awakening.
>>Notice how he refuses to discuss the fact
>>that Islamists wanted Obama elected and why.
If by “Islamists”, you’re referring to regular ol’ Muslim folks, like the guy who sits in the office across from mine, the fact and the reason is that they’re smart, educated, and reasonable. ALL smart, educated, reasonable people voted for Obama (or at least did not vote for McBush).
McBush may have “experience” (albeit the wrong kind), but he’s certainly weak and pliable. He may pop his cork at imappropriate moments and call his wife a “cunt”, but that shoor don’t make him a strong leader.
A small point somebody may have forgotten. India has nukes.
I think its ILLEGAL to Bear/Bare arms in india…
Its terrorist HUNTING SEASON..
You see some BASTARD bombing/shooting up people…YOU SHOOT BACK..
The West should be used to seeing these things happen cuz in the end its them and their policies against the Muslims world which is causing all this.
East timor gets immediate independence from Muslim Indonesia by the UN and western countries while Muslim Kashmir is getting brutalized and destroyed by the so called world biggest democrazy India.
The constant blow jobing of Israel by the West especially and US is creating more hatred agains the West in the Muslim world. Israel can kill as much as its heart desires as long as they have the full license to kill from illegitimate father called America.
Muslimc countries in contant threats, embargos, bombings and military occupation under the name of false WMD’s, Democrazy (Democracy), war on terror is not making 1 billion plus Muslims happy.
So when you see these incidents, try to use whatever brain you have left and think whats the cause of this instead of blaming Muslims and Islams.
#25 Pedro
Just as your name sounds like a brain disease , your comments prove that you are a silly little girl with nothing to do.
I will say that as long as the West pushes us around, you will see things like these happening. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. No go and play with your barbie doll Miss Pedro.
It’s not hard to get the public worked up into an anti muslim frenzy- the postings here are a perfect example of what happens when the right wing media and the Murdoch press feeds the gullible what it wants them to hear. This has false flag written all over it. Ultimately this attack will lead to the bombing of Iran by Israel, a forcible take over of the Pakistani government and a re-igniting of the conflict in the Middle East. And to all you knee jerk muslim haters out there- fuck you all.
# 24 dorkor said, “The West should be used to seeing these things happen cuz in the end its them and their policies against the Muslims world which is causing all this.”
So, the reason Muslims have been attacking India for over 3 centuries is because of the US.
Hmm. Time for you to see the wizard…
You know, what Zorkor and Rick say is pretty close to the truth. Either “the West” (aka every one except the Muslims) becomes completely subservient to Muslim law and control by the Ayatollahs, or there will be constant terrorist attacks from them.
Who can disagree with that?
Too bad “Moderate Muslims” don’t understand that message any better than the average westerner. Given PC and head in the sand diplomacy, things are unavoidably going to get worse before they get better.
Lock and Load.
But Islam is a peaceful religion. yeah.
#32 – gmail
>>But Islam is a peaceful religion. yeah.
That’s right. Those murderous lunatics aren’t “Muslims” any more than the Christians who shoot abortion doctors and beat up homos are “Christians”.
They’re rabid hatemongers, using their “religion” as a cover for doing what they really want to do anyway.