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El Jueves– Aunque mucha gente lo vea como un peligroso comunista con cuernos y rabo, y además negro (no mucho, pero un poco negro); aunque muchos vean en él poco menos que la figura del Anticristo; en fin, aunque muchos crean que con él vendrá el fin del mundo, y no con el cambio climático, que eso del cambio climático sólo es un invento de izquierdistas y progres, lo cierto es que una amplia mayoría de este planeta ha sentido la victoria de Obama como un orgasmo, un pedazo de orgasmo.
While many people see it as a dangerous communist with horns and tail, and also black (not much but a little black), although many see in it a little less than the figure of the Antichrist, anyway, though many believe he will come with the end of the world, not climate change, that climate change is only an invention of leftist and pro, the truth is that a vast majority of this planet has felt the victory of Obama as an orgasm, a piece of orgasm .
A little puzzling… I’m not sure whether this is pro Obama or not. The translation is from Google Translate.
The article is rather neutral and basically says much of what has been written about him in American press of him being the popular phenomenon that he is.
Pretty cool to see articles of him all over the world.
The full title of that publication is “El Jueves – Humor Desenfrenado (La Revista que sale los Miercoles” (loosely) “Thursday – Wild Humor (the Magazine that comes out on Wednesdays)”.
It’s like The Onion of Barcelona.
#1 Funny, I never even so much as get wood when I vote…
Maybe that’s the reason why Michelle is so happy while Hillary is so grumpy.
I think Angel is jealous of Michelle. Even though he’s probably more of a Bill Clinton, he would prefer a little Obama in him…
El Jueves is a mix between MAD and The Onion, problable closer to the former. It is mainly political satire, left-biased (for an American audience, close to far-left), raunchy and highly controversial.
A year ago or so it was sequestered for a caricature showing the Prince and Princess of Spain doing “it” doggy style. The subject was the government’s decision of giving 2.500 € for every newborn – so the Prince said “So… this will be the closest I have been to working”
About this cover, well, typical politically incorrect stereotype and typical cinicism about any politician.
Also, about the translation:
The cover says “Look at the pendulum and repeat with me: Everything is fine”
The text is basically right but just to clarify: “Progre” is a derogative shortening of “progresista” (progressive, liberal); “un pedazo de” is literally “a piece of” but is here and usually used in the same way as “a hell of a”
Hell I didn’t know this blog had so many Spanish readers. El Jueves is what you’d get if you took National Lampoon crossed it with Mad magazine and told the writers NO HOLDS BARRED. I don’t think you could publish and distribute something like this in ‘the land of the free’. These guys have no taboos and nothing is sacred. Typical Spanish sense of humour.
Thanks, Mr. Mustard, for putting it in perspective.
There is such a double standard regarding respect for other countries.
In the countries I’ve live in (not Spain) even the small perceived insults or lack of respect creats an OUTRAGE. With protests, angry editorials, etc. etc.
oh jezz.. every person that has held the office of the president in the past 50 years or so has been labeled as the anti-Christ, even Dubya. But he was so incompetent he couldn’t even pull that off. The Four Horsemen got laid off because of a failed anti-Christ. Satan asked for a government bailout loan but was denied.
#15 – FRAGaLOT
>>Satan asked for a government bailout loan but
>>was denied.
Just goes to show you how Dumbya had become an impotent figurehead. You KNOW he’s sympathetic to the cause.
If Satan had any sense, he would have asked President Cheney. We know he’s an admirer, and he could have snuck a bailout through one of his Secret Committees.