Calls for national infant formula recall spread | KOMO News – Seattle, Washington | National & World News — I love the way things have changed in this country. Blame the messenger. Since this contamination was an accident due to crappy manufacturing as opposed to the Chinese intentional use of melamine, then it is OK. Ha. Unbelievable.

Disclosure that laboratory tests have detected traces of contamination in several major brands of infant formula generated concern and confusion Wednesday, with a national consumer’s group and the Illinois attorney general demanding a Food and Drug Administration recall and the federal agency saying it had released inaccurate information on what chemicals were found in which top selling products.

As worried parents called manufacturers looking for guidance about the presence of melamine and a key byproduct in U.S.-made formula, the FDA reiterated its position that the baby food is safe and parents should continue feeding it to their babies, contending the extremely low levels of contamination do not present a health danger.

Also, a spokesman for one major manufacturer criticized the FDA for its release of the inaccurate information.

“We’re getting inundated by calls from moms confused about the situation,” said Pete Paradossi, a spokesman for Mead Johnson, one of the three major manufacturers of U.S.-made formula involved in the problem detections.

Melamine is the industrial chemical found in Chinese infant formula – in far larger concentrations – that has been blamed for killing at least three babies and making at least 50,000 others ill.

The FDA and other experts said the melamine contamination in U.S.-made formula had occurred during the manufacturing process, rather than intentionally as was done in Chinese production. The manufacturers insist their products are safe.

“The levels that we are detecting are extremely low,” said Dr. Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “They should not be changing the diet. If they’ve been feeding a particular product, they should continue to feed that product. That’s in the best interest of the baby.”

Best interests of the baby? Man, these guys have a lot of chutzpah.

Found by Aric MAckey.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 34 Thomas said, “Is this some sort of fear that everyone will treat Obama as well as they have treated Bush?”

    Don’t worry. I’m sure the Repubs will treat Obama the same as the Dems treated Bush when he took over in Jan 2001…

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #35 – Paddy-RAMBO

    Everybody knows Dumbya got a raspberry when he took over because Poppy’s SCOTUS cronies gave him the election, rather than counting the actual votes to see who won. (And then when he started doing actual stuff, and it became clear just what a doofus he was, things went downhill from there.

    Obama, on the other hand, won the presidential election fair and square. He’s the people’s choice. And so far (even though he doesn’t assume the Oval Office for 52 more days), he’s doing a bang-up job.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 36 Mister Mustard said, “Everybody knows Dumbya got a raspberry when he took over because Poppy’s SCOTUS cronies gave him the election, rather than counting the actual votes to see who won.”

    Nice fairy tale.

    But, like I said, I’m sure the Repubs will treat Obama the same as the Dems treated Bush. 😉

  4. bobbo says:

    Paddy-0==what bad things did the Dems do to Bush? Name ONE!!!!!

    No, the dems laid over a barrel and let Bush screw them royally. Pelosi when gaining a majority said “Impeachment is off the table.”

    You can’t get more spineless than that. I expect the Repugs will put the country first over partisan politics and do everything they can do to impeach Obama asap. Charge him with CTWWNBBE. ((Changing the World While Not Being Black Enough))

  5. Alex Wollangk says:

    I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree with the FDA on this one. 0.25ppm of Melamine is likely to be lost in the background. I’d take a serious look at other things in the baby’s environment before I worried about a report of 0.25ppm of Melamine if I wanted something to worry about. I guarantee you’ll probably find something significantly more distressing without having to look very hard at all.

    This reminds me of the photo of a pregnant woman smoking a cigarette. The caption read that she was worried that the noise from the construction next door was going to harm her unborn baby…

    And it is frequently not in the baby’s best interest to change formula unless they are used to changing formula. If a baby has been on one formula for a while if you change it they can end up with digestive problems. Unfortunately some parents view these digestive problems as a reason to change which formula they’re using which can end up being REALLY unpleasant (and in extreme cases, dangerous) for the baby…

    And for the “breast is best” crowd: there ARE occasionally times when breast feeding is not an option. Get over it. Yes, occasionally mothers use formula when breast feeding would be a better option, but other mothers try to breast feed beyond the point where it becomes obvious breast feeding just doesn’t work. My wife and daughter were lucky enough that breast feeding worked, but we have friends where it just flat out didn’t. If the mother doesn’t produce enough or the baby just never manages to figure out latching on, then you give the baby formula. Starving a baby because the mother has some weird hangup about how they need to breast feed isn’t in ANYONE’s best interest although there are some “lactation consultants” that believe otherwise…

    (The main reason I put that in quotes is to differentiate them from the true lactation consultants who keep the best interests of the mother and baby foremost. They keep their religious commitment to insuring every baby in the world is breast fed, by force if necessary, very much secondary. A friend of mine had one of these “lactation consultants” that absolutely went completely nuts around the concept that anyone would possibly EVER feed a baby formula. She actually said she would rather her baby died than drink formula because breast feeding is what it takes to “be a good mother.” Talk about creepy. It gives the whole group a bad name which is unfortunate because there are some really good people out there who help some mothers breast feed who otherwise wouldn’t be able to.)

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #37 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Nice fairy tale.

    Heh heh. Are you really as delusional as you seem, or are you just hung over from your Thanksgiving bottle of Mad Dog?

    >>But, like I said, I’m sure the Repubs will
    >>treat Obama the same as the Dems treated

    Well, then you’re sure wrong. Not only was Bush an asshole and Obama’s an honorable man, but the Repubs are ALREADY falling all over themselves to suck up to Obie. They know that if they dis him, they’re going to get their asses handed to them on a tin plate.

    😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😐

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 40 Mister Mustard said, “>>Nice fairy tale.

    Heh heh.”

    Like I said, a Fairy tale. And like a fairy tale no demonstrable, verifiable factual proof.

    I’m sure rebubs will treat Obama with all the respect given to Bush when he was elected & took office.

    You’re okay with that, right?

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 38 bobbo said, “Paddy-0==what bad things did the Dems do to Bush? Name ONE!!!!!”

    I don’t know. Why are you asking me? I just said, the Repubs will treat Obama the same as Dems treated Bush when he took office.

  9. bobbo says:

    #41–Paddy-0==what bad things did the Dems do to Bush? Name ONE!!!!!

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 43 bobbo said, “#41–Paddy-0==what bad things did the Dems do to Bush? Name ONE!!!!!”

    What are you babbling about? Who accused the Dems of doing anything bad to Bush?

  11. bobbo says:

    #42–Paddy-0==ok, I’d hate to go back thru your other postings to remind you, as my memory of what you have said should not be as good as yours.

    So, I take you at your current word that you don’t know of any bad things the Dem’s did to Bush on his taking office.

    Maybe the repugs already criticizing Obama’s lack of “change” before he even takes office is too sensitive on my part?

  12. JimD says:


    Corps can DO NO WRONG !!!


    Ordinary Citizens can DROP DEAD !!!

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 45 bobbo said, “I’d hate to go back thru your other postings to remind you, as my memory of what you have said should not be as good as yours. ”

    Go for it. So where did I say that the Dems did something bad to Bush when he took office in 2001?

    Or, are you ODing on you meds again?

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #47 – Paddy-RAMBO

    Gosh, RAMBO. You must be like Sarah Palin, slack-jawed and mute when someone asks you what newspapers you read.

    Otherwise, you would know that Dumbya was treated just as he should have been when he “took” office; like a cowardly draft-dodging skunk who weaseled his way into office on the coat-tails of Poppy’s SCOTUS. And, as we all now know, that treatment was far too benign.

    Obama, on the other hand, is an honorable, honest, representative of the people, and the Repugs know that they’ll be wiping windshield at intersections if they don’t play nice.

    Too bad, huh?

  15. Alex Wollangk says:

    While I may have just missed something, I didn’t hear much about the Dems dumping on Bush right after he took office. Of course, I do spend quite a bit of time “under a rock” so to speak so I very well could have missed it.

    That said, even though I didn’t vote for him I would have been pretty annoyed by anyone making life difficult for him just to make things difficult. There are enough valid reasons to make life difficult for him that are MUCH more important. 🙂

    On the other side I don’t think that any President should have a “honeymoon” so to speak. Ideally, every elected representative SHOULD be acting in 1) the best interests of the world followed by 2) the best interests of the country followed by 3) the best interests of their constituents meaning the many actual VOTERS who put them in office, not the few who paid for the campaign. Of course, I’m not so deluded that I think that this is going to happen. In some ways it’s better that things tend to get up-ended in that self interest may prevent them from doing things “for the good of the world” that would drive me crazy. Especially if they feel that the good of the world is best served by the whole world being converted to the Christian faith.

    (Yeah, I’m Christian, but I always take it personally when people use the religion I’m so partial to in order to justify the horrible things that people seem to do so often. I’ve never come so close to committing assault as when a guy went off on me about how the Bible justified his horrible treatment of homosexuals and then paused in the middle of his rant to point at a waitress and say “I’d do her”… I SO much wanted to beat the crap out of him. The biggest thing that saved him was the fact that the waitress he pointed at was lesbian so I could confidently say “No… No you won’t. Not even if hell truly does freeze over.” in my head. I just nodded, looked pained, and avoided him from then on out. There are some battles that just aren’t worth it.)

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #50 – ‘dro

    >>#48 For the luv-o-god, WTF does Melanine have
    >>to do with Obama. Give it a damned rest
    >>already!!!! Fixated much?

    Well, I expect that Obama will support the FDA in their efforts to provide Americans with safe food, drugs, and cosmetics. Instead of nickle-and-diming them to death, as our 52-days-from-history “leader” has done.

    Then maybe they can hire a few more inspectors, buy some new equipment, and we won’t have melamine in our infant formula and e. coli in our spinach.


  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #52 – ‘dro

    >>Omama is not yet in office. Give it a

    I suggest you afford the President-Elect a little more respect, boy.

    As to giving it a rest, if the Republican National Committee would give it a rest (rather than firing off weekly swift-boating press releases criticizing The Guy Who’s Not President Yet, maybe others would give it a rest.

    And if you REALLY wanted to do the world a favor, why not send a note to the object of your adoration, Sarah, and ask her to please STFU. The ’12 election isn’t for another four years. We’ve just been through a two-year neverending campaign, the last thing we need is to jump into a four-year marathon of listening to her gibber into any camera she sees.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #52, Peehead,

    #51 Melamine levels are SAFE. Omama is not yet in office. Give it a rest!!!!

    Can you cite some documentation of any study that states the melamine levels are safe? The whole point of the article is that the FDA refuses to set an allowable limit but insists these measured amounts are safe.

    You also miss the fact that infant formula is pre-mature infants and many mature infants sole food source. That 0.25% may be insignificant when the food it is in comprises only 5% of the diet. When it is 100% of the diet and it is passing through immature infant kidneys it could very well be a different matter.

    Oh, and BTW, Bush is still responsible for the FDA. His political cronies have stopped enough investigation and findings for political reasons already.

  19. brendal says:

    Congrats, Dems…you’ve succeeded…we’re now a Second World country. Great.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #55 – Brenda Lee

    >>Congrats, Dems…you’ve succeeded…we’re now a
    >>Second World country. Great.

    How’s that, Miss Lee? How are the Dems responsible for our third world country status? By failing to shoot Dumbya? And the other neocon wingnuts? That’s about the only way we could have prevented the disintegration of America that we’ve been subjected to over the past eight dreadful years.

  21. the answer says:

    She can shrink my head anytime.

    As for the Melanine. Again just another reason not to buy anything from China ( or at least as little as possible )


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