What a slimeball. I wonder how much Fox News paid for this “interview”. Full transcript is here.

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  1. Paddy-O says:

    McCullough asked, “I wonder how much CNN paid for this “interview”.”

    Nothing. It wasn’t a CNN interview.

    [fixed – ed.]

  2. Ian says:

    This little bastard needs to be arrested.

    Either he killed her and is now giving her family false hope that she is alive (probably for a paid interview), or he sat on this information.

    I can’t believe that he is allowed to run around free. Someone should do something if the law won’t.

  3. bobbo says:

    Take your pick from Faux Spews:
    1. Alien abduction.
    2. Obama’s failure to bring change.
    3. Continuing revelations from vander slouch.

    Its all Fantasy.

  4. Dave T says:

    I miss the old 1970’s Chicago cops. We would know what happened to Natalie, Stacy Peterson and the rest.

  5. James Hill says:

    #4 – Those tactics are still in use. When someone is let loose like this moron, it’s only in the hope that they convict themselves… because the cops know they can’t.

    If she was alive, this guy’s nuts would have been hooked up to a car battery a long time ago.

  6. The Ox says:

    #2, arrested for what, exactly? Being a dumba$$ and habitual liar isn’t a crime. Who knows what to believe in this case?

    If Holloway was indeed “sold”, that fact would help explain the fruitless search for any remains. None the less, color me skeptical at this point. We’ll just have to see where it all goes. If the Western Union transfer checks out, maybe we have something. Till then…

  7. Brian says:

    He likely popped off because he wanted some more media attention, then recanted because he was lying and realized how bad it would look.

    I sincerely doubt this dope is smart enough to pull off a crime as seemingly untraceable as this one.

  8. Paul says:

    The guy is a sociopath, but incredibly brilliant. How can you nail the guy on anything? There are so many stories out there that when/if he takes the stand the jury will not know what to do.

    For all the giftedness that this guy has he sure wastes it. What an scumbag. This girl is missing/dead and he could care less. I wonder how long until the family pays someone to make this guy “disappear.”

  9. McCullough says:

    #8. Lets take up a collection…I’m in.

  10. SparkyOne says:

    Is there a paypal account that I may contribute to?

  11. OK says:

    #4 Agreed, I have always thought that this douchebag and a large propane torch should become intimately acquainted. Im sure the world would know what happened to her in a heart beat.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    #9, Count me in also.

    Fox news should be kicked in the ass for even allowing this crap on the air.

    All they are doing is feeding his ego and extending his 15 minutes of fame (infamy).

    Now that he got away with this piece of journalistic dogpile, watch him try again and again and again.

    And I will feel sooo bad if he ends up face down in the gutter…

  13. gquaglia says:

    #8 This guy’s idol must be OJ Simpson. He basically got away with it, but for some reason can’t seem to keep his mouth shut. One can only hope he will end up the same way.

    No doubt his influential father was in on the cover up, regardless. Maybe the son can be a politician someday. It worked for Ted Kennedy.

  14. gquaglia says:

    Fox news should be kicked in the ass for even allowing this crap on the air.

    What do you expect from Scientologist VanSustran.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    How much for Palin?

  16. James Hill says:

    You know, the idea of starting a trust fund to kidnap and torture this guy is pretty smart. It it would get the blog hits, so you know JCD would go for it.

    Is that kind of thing illegal? Would we have to set it up off shore?

    #15 – Just another bitter woman who wishes she was Caribou Barbie.

  17. Special Ed says:

    This kid Urine is a real piece of work. I recall what his father was overheard telling him, “no body, no case.” Gee, thanks dad!

  18. Angel H. Wong says:



    You’re a Republican AND a Mac user. That’s a bigger oxymoron than either Military Intelligence or Christian Scientist.

  19. Special Ed says:

    Damn, for a nanosecond I kind of liked James Hill in #16.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Ed,

    I understand that that is even longer than a split nano second !!!


    I just love the way all the trolls come out of the sewer over Natalie Holloway. They even propose torture, wonder why he is walking the streets, or even still alive.

    Face it assholes, there is no evidence that he had anything to do with her disappearance. Dream on all you like, but under our system of laws, there must be sufficient proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Like it or not, that is what separates from a civil society from anarchy. Reasonable doubt does not include retracted “confessions” to questionable news outlets made for money.

    For all you that really want to get this guy’s ass, how many of you care about Asha Degree? How many have even heard of her? Do any of you give a rat’s ass about some pretty young black girl?

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Jimy Heel,

    Yes, setting up a fund to illegally kidnap and torture someone is illegal. Even contributing to such a fund, regardless of where it is set up, could also get you a felony Conspiracy charge.

    As usual, even suggesting others do something illegal can get you an accomplice charge or conspiracy. This though, is the type of justice craved by assholes, wing nuts, dip-shits, Republicans, and the Bush Administration. Until it happens to them then they would want ALL the rights and protections under our Constitution.

  22. bobbo says:

    Why not charge vander slouch based on his confession? Thats done all the time even with less corroboration as in the inconsistent alibi’s he’s used in the past, his directly related activities in bringing Asian prostitutes into Denmark, etc. Yes, his retraction is admissable too.

    Let the jury decide.

  23. James Hill says:

    #18, #19 – Did you know that Thanksgiving was established as a day to praise God? Well, since you decided to worship me on this day, I thank you.

    #21 – And a double helping of worship from Confusion! Nevertheless, I think you’re being intellectually lazy (not that I’m shocked, or anything). I’m sure we could come up with a way to legally contribute to someone who plans to use… creative… means of intelligence gathering in a country amenable to those methods.

    If it works for interrogating terrorists, we can make it work for us. Keep hope alive… just long enough to kill it creatively.

  24. TOMMOLIO says:

    Vandersloot you suffer from an all too common affliction these days. Your folks never beat the crap out of you (when you deserved it!!.) Your parents (dutch peices or crap) never called you into check as you repeatedly ignored basic, compassionate, empathetic, human emotions. I only hope you and others like you get what you give.Welcome to the human race you loser scumbag!!


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