Dial M for murder: The Mafia gun disguised as a mobile phone | Mail Online — Cripes, what next?

As startled Italian police discovered, the device seized in a raid on a Mafia gang is actually a pistol.

The phone gun – complete with a dummy display – holds four .22 bullets.

  1. alexiaco says:

    in this part of Italy, criminal organisation its called Camorra. look in wikipedia for details.

    btw, we missed you on twit

  2. soundwash says:

    now THAT would make a great stocking stuffer
    for a few friends of mine..very slick.

    -where can i get one?


  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I believe you can buy one of these from CONTROL headquarters.
    They are offered as a spy pack that comes with a Bic pen blowgun and Shoephone (t).

  4. Paddy-O says:

    “There have been many media accounts of these cell-guns including a report by Lucrezia Cuen on ABCNews.com on December 6, 2000. Most of the information in this particular eRumor comes from that report.

    The cell-gun can fire four .22 caliber rounds.”

  5. Ron Larson says:

    Take that, iPhone Fan Boyz!

  6. Miguel says:

    John, did you get that one in Portugal? 🙂

  7. eyeofthetiger says:

    zip guns can be made of almost anything a barrel can be inserted into. I’d bet the operator would most likely shoot themselves than hit their target. Wonder if there is a ring tone?

  8. Miguel says:

    There’s a key tone… click

    Ring tone should be… BANG

    😛 I know, lame… Not one of my best days 😀

  9. chuck says:

    Does it use 3G?
    Any limits on downloads?
    Can I use it with my Verizon plan?

  10. Greg Stanza says:

    Wow, that totally looks like a real phone from 1998.

  11. mister mustard says:

    Hey, if if shoots the bullets reliably, it works. It’s a success.

    That’s more than you can say for the dog shit off-again on-again communications devices they sell as cellular “telephones”.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Mr. Mustard, Bobbo, Lyin Mike, Jimmy Hill, paddy-ho, hhopper, and even you JCD. Happy Holidays!

    [Thanks, ML. Same to you. – ed.]

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #12, Have a good Thanksgiving.

  14. mister mustard says:

    #14 – ‘dro

    Feliz Navidad, m’hijito.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Your shot did not go through.

    Please check the number and shoot again.

    Or if you need assistance please dial 2-2-6-4.


  16. bobsyeruncle says:

    um… can you hear me NOW!?

  17. Angel H. Wong says:


    Don’t worry, Apple is working along with Taser corp to develop a plugin for their iPhone. Of course, you have to pay a monthly fee of $30 in order to be able to tase someone.

    AND you have to pay a $50 installation fee if you want to another taser cartridge installed once you used up the other. Any website teaching you how to do it yourself will receive a cease and desist letter from Apple’s lawyers.

    Also, you cannot use generic taser cartidges even if they are identical to the Apple brand ones save for a small tweak where the iPhone’s BIOS checks if it’s an original Apple product.

  18. Hugh Ripper says:

    I’m sure I saw this thing in an episode of Spooks…

  19. James Hill says:

    #12 – Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    #18 – Your best post ever.

  20. Special Ed says:

    I think they are writing an application for iPhone that will do that.

  21. Montanaguy says:

    “That conversation just blew me away….”

  22. brendal says:

    “Can you kill me now?…Can you kill me now?”

  23. brian says:

    Meme FAIL.
    You’re gettin kinda crusty. This has been around for at least 8 years.

  24. James Hill says:

    #26 – So fucking what? It’s funny. Great humor doesn’t age.

    Go eat a turkey.

  25. Traaxx says:

    Whatever, I doubt anyone sells such things legally in teh US. BATF would have a fit. With OBAMANATION here that may be the only defense you have left though


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