More than 60 people have been killed in a series of attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai with two five-star hotels among the targets of gunmen armed with powerful assault rifles and grenades.

Maharashtra state police chief A.N. Roy told the NDTV channel that “unknown terrorists” had opened fire in “at least seven to eight places” across the city.

“Fifty-eight bodies have been brought in. There are another 50 who are injured, some critical, who have been transferred to the nearby J.J. Hospital,” a spokesman for the city’s St George’s Hospital told AFP by telephone.

Television reports put the death toll as high as 80, while the Press Trust of India said as many as 200 people had been injured.

At the time of posting, CNN is covering this as an ongoing attack – hostages held at two or more hotels – terrorist gangs hurling hand grenades from the roofs of the hotels.


At least 78 people have been killed and hundreds wounded in a series of attacks by terrorist gunmen at seven sites in Mumbai, including two luxury hotels.

Johnny Joseph, chief secretary for the Maharashtra state of India, said at least 78 people died and an estimated 200 were injured. He warned the death toll could rise further.

The attacks have taken a tragic toll on the city’s top police brass: The high-profile chief of the anti-terror squad Hemant Karkare was killed; Mumbai’s additional commissioner of police (east) Ashok Kamte was gunned down outside the Metro; and celebrated encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar was also killed.

The attacks appeared to be aimed at getting international attention as the terrorists took upto 40 British nationals and other foreigners hostage. The chairman of Hindustan Unilever Harish Manwani and CEO of the company Nitin Paranjpe were among the guests trapped at the Oberoi. All the internal board members of the multinational giant were reported to be holed up in the Oberoi hotel.

Two terrorists were reported holed up inside the Oberoi Hotel and commando operation was on.

An unknown outfit, Deccan Mujahideen, has sent an email to news organizations claiming that it carried out the Mumbai attacks.

  1. bobbo says:

    Dallas–no relationship. Just the tautology of definition.

  2. bobbo says:

    TV guy just said Mombai was the “Worlds Largest City.” I thought it was Mexico with about 23million but its been a few years, so I looked it up:

    Tokyo by a large margin. Interesting to compare Tokyo and Mexico City, haven’t been to Mombai.

  3. mister mustard says:

    #33 = Bobbo

    Tokyo has the largest population within the metro area, which includes surrounding suburbs. For population within the city proper, the ranking is:

    1. Mumbai
    2. Karachi
    3. Delhi
    4. São Paulo
    5. Shanghia
    6. Moscow
    7. Seoul
    8. Istanbul
    9. Mexico City
    10. Tokyo

  4. bobbo says:

    Mustard–link? as I don’t know the difference between a “metro area” and a “city proper.” I guess I can imagine the difference but how relevant is it?

    Seems to me what is relevant to the biggest city (sic as we are talking most populous) in the world title is when you are driving around does it feel like the same place, yet somehow that doesn’t include everything between the Tehachipi’s and Tijuana.

    How could THAT be defined? Contiguous space occupied by 5 story buildings no more than 100 yards apart–or what?

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 Dallas said, “Is it me or is there a direct relationship between fanatical religion and terrorism?”

    The actual problem is medieval level societies mixing with modern civilization.

  6. bobbo says:

    #36–Paddy==not even close. Fundies were killing people in the name of their merciful god back in the dark ages too.

    No, terrorist attacks by religion is a function of small minded faith driven people thinking ideology is more important than people. Kinda like repuglicans.

  7. mister mustard says:

    #35 – Bobbalina


    As to your concern about what “feels like the biggest city”, that might be the one with the most people per km^2, which would be Mumbai (29,650/km^2), followed by Kolkata (23,900/km^2), and Karachi, Pakistan (18,900/km^2).

    Noo Yawk Schitty is 114th, with 2050/km^2.

  8. bobbo says:

    Mustard–interesting links. When NYC is 114th for “density” and behind Tehran, you know everything is “fiddled.”

    I’ve never felt more in “a big city” than downtown Manhattan. Never felt more in “a huge urban sprawl” than Tokyo.

    Highlights “everything is definitional” and how hard that can be.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 37 bobbo said, “not even close. Fundies were killing people in the name of their merciful god back in the dark ages too.”

    Basically, what I said. When they advance as a culture to what we consider “modern” it won’t be a problem. Until then, just seal them off from all trade & interaction.

  10. bobbo says:

    #41–Paddy==its NOT what you basically said. Murderous Religious Fundamental Anti-Humanist urges are not modified by “modern” society. Look at that group in Japan that releases poisons in the subway for example.

    No, these Murderous Religious Fundamental Anti-Humanist urges are functions of philosophy–not societal growth.

    And YES–more should be done to isolate these movements although that would require spending some money on poor people so THAT gets us back to the repuglicans.

    Full Circle.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 42 bobbo said, “Murderous Religious Fundamental Anti-Humanist urges are not modified by “modern” society.”

    Exactly, that’s why that part of the world needs to be quarantined. They don’t get “modified” when they step from their primitive society into our modern one.

    I think you got it., finally.

  12. green says:

    #43 – It’s a shame pigs are allowed to voice their ideas/hatreds in the west. It does make weeding out the dredges of this society that much easier though.


  13. James Hill says:

    #16 – Epic fail on your part, as Biden made the statement that turned out to be true.

    No one is placing blame. Why so defensive?

    Tired of being owned?

  14. mister mustard says:

    #45 – Jimmy Colina

    >>Epic fail on your part, as Biden made the
    >>statement that turned out to be true.

    No, Jimmy. Epic fail on YOUR part. You went from being the soi-disant “owner” of everyone on this blog to being a pathetic, Obama-bashing liar, just like all the other pathetic Obama bashers.

    What Biden actually said was (and this is quoted from Faux Spews, so you KNOW it’s 100% accurate):

    “If Barack Obama is elected president, there will be an international crisis to test his strength within the first 6 months of his presidency.

    “Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.” he told a fundraising crowd in the Pacific Northwest on Sunday. “Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”


    I know you don’t like the drive-by media, but even WND and Faux Spews are in agreement that OBAMA’S PRESIDENCY DOESN’T START FOR ANOTHER 53 DAYS.

    I’d say I owned you, but I’m not sure I want someone who sinks to that gutter-level as a posession.



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