More than 60 people have been killed in a series of attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai with two five-star hotels among the targets of gunmen armed with powerful assault rifles and grenades.

Maharashtra state police chief A.N. Roy told the NDTV channel that “unknown terrorists” had opened fire in “at least seven to eight places” across the city.

“Fifty-eight bodies have been brought in. There are another 50 who are injured, some critical, who have been transferred to the nearby J.J. Hospital,” a spokesman for the city’s St George’s Hospital told AFP by telephone.

Television reports put the death toll as high as 80, while the Press Trust of India said as many as 200 people had been injured.

At the time of posting, CNN is covering this as an ongoing attack – hostages held at two or more hotels – terrorist gangs hurling hand grenades from the roofs of the hotels.


At least 78 people have been killed and hundreds wounded in a series of attacks by terrorist gunmen at seven sites in Mumbai, including two luxury hotels.

Johnny Joseph, chief secretary for the Maharashtra state of India, said at least 78 people died and an estimated 200 were injured. He warned the death toll could rise further.

The attacks have taken a tragic toll on the city’s top police brass: The high-profile chief of the anti-terror squad Hemant Karkare was killed; Mumbai’s additional commissioner of police (east) Ashok Kamte was gunned down outside the Metro; and celebrated encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar was also killed.

The attacks appeared to be aimed at getting international attention as the terrorists took upto 40 British nationals and other foreigners hostage. The chairman of Hindustan Unilever Harish Manwani and CEO of the company Nitin Paranjpe were among the guests trapped at the Oberoi. All the internal board members of the multinational giant were reported to be holed up in the Oberoi hotel.

Two terrorists were reported holed up inside the Oberoi Hotel and commando operation was on.

An unknown outfit, Deccan Mujahideen, has sent an email to news organizations claiming that it carried out the Mumbai attacks.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    I sure hope they catch the terrorists alive, that way the TV can show them spewing out their hate-ladden rants just like the ones in Indonesia.

    Hopefully afterwards they’ll be executed. No love for ignorant, religious a-holes.

  2. sargasso says:

    They have five star hotels in Mumbai?

  3. James Hill says:

    “Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.

    “Watch. We’re going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

    “And he’s going to need help . . . to stand with him. Because it’s not going to be apparent initially; it’s not going to be apparent that we’re right.”

    In The Year of The Joe, that’s the best quote of them all.

  4. Eideard says:

    #3 -Thanks.

  5. Special Ed says:

    Nuke them, that would put a stop to this shit. But then Dell, Verizon and the rest would lose their call centers.

  6. hhopper says:

    Mister Ed,

    Sometimes your humor gets a little rough around the edges.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Islam, the religion of peace.

  8. well, who is responsible? its india so it appears the tagrets are not US, but why are they doing that and who is it and what do they want?

  9. ECA says:

    70+ killed EQUALS DOZENS??

    Until we find out WHO did it, there is not much to do.
    AND claiming its was AlQueda, just to Make it sound BIG, isnt working.

    For those that remember the MLK marches, and the CIA/FBI paying a few to THROW ROCKS during a peace march..So that the COPS could instigate a RIOT..

  10. Special Ed says:

    #7 – No one ever said humor was pretty. In this case I wasn’t trying to be funny.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    This isn’t the first or even the worst muslim terrorist attack in India. These things go a long way back.

    Check this out for an eye opener.

  12. Carcarius says:

    Bruce Schneier has an interesting article in one of his cryptograms that discusses terrorist motivations:

    The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Terrorists

    Some of the theories in the article explain that many terrorist groups are motivated to achieve social solidarity. It’s not always politically motivated.

    In this case, it appears that these terrorists are simply want to wreak some havoc by not only killing people who are fighting their tactic (such as the anti-terrorist chief) but by taking westerners captive are trying to get attention from the West. Maybe they are trying to force a move.

    The terrorism tactic is here to stay. It is effective and the perfect way for social miscreants to get their jollies… they should be exterminated with haste when possible.

  13. Special Ed says:

    They were targeting British and Americans. They apparently had advanced warning of these attacks. If nothing else an advisory should have been issued.

  14. The DON says:

    Not intending to belittle the terrible situation in Mumbai, but does anyone know why Indian media always insist on over amplifying the audio to extreme distortion levels? I encountered this when I visited India where the TV’s had a volume control which went from 0 to 11 in less than 1 degree (not radian). The rest of the dial made no noticable difference.
    Thanks for the feed link HarHar.
    I hope these gits are stopped quickly

  15. doug says:

    #4. Jumping the gun a bit, aren’t we? as much as y’all would like to start blaming things on Obama, it really breaks my heart to tell you that the Dear Leader is still in office.

  16. ECA says:

    ALL this does, in the end, is make MANY LOCK themselves up and HIRE more cops to patrol the areas.
    Loosing our freedoms to RANDOM Violence.
    This is similar to the THOUGHT that someone put RAZOR blades in the Halloween candy.. It MIGHT have happened 1-2 times in LARGE cities FULL of nuts…but HALLOWEEN hasnt been the same, in 30 years..
    Paying and supplying a FEW NUTS, to run around a town and ENJOY themselves..Is like asking a bunch of Hillbilly red necks to run threw town with SHOT GUNS..Firing into the sky.. Or SUGGESTING to the Bloods and Crypts, that a RUN threw the OTHER GROUPS area, SHooting at HOMES is a cool IDEA..
    ALl that happens, is that FENCES, WALLS, GATES, GUNS are bought to protect OURSELVES..

  17. Special Ed says:

    #17 said, “Hillbilly red necks…”

    Hey, hey, hey, let’s not get personal!

  18. soundwash says:

    /jaded conspiracy 101 mode

    too well organized. i say its a not a terrorist group per se.. just a cover to send an “internal” message… sounds more like a typical Op backed by a CIA type organization.. you get to enforce the false flag war on terror and apply some “pressure” to some key local and industry players to play ball..yada yada

    anyone know where to get a list of all the people killed/hostaged… i’d like to compare the list and see if any crosslinks show up..

    take a look at the products the parent company controls (Unilever) It’s a who’s who of brand names we (usa) know well. they have quite spread across the categories.. that’s a lot potential manipulation depending on your agenda…(if any)


    (yeah, too much time on my hand at times, i know.
    so sue me.)

  19. doug says:

    #19. definitely too much time on your hands. if there was a conspiracy, at least some of the chief Indian internal security people were not in on it:

    “Three top police officers, including the chief of Mumbai’s anti-terrorist squad, Hemant Karkare, died in operations at the hotels.”

    Indian anti-terrorist honchos gots tha balls.

  20. MikeN says:

    If only India hadn’t invaded Iraq.

  21. mister mustard says:

    #22 – Lyin’ Mike

    Many more comments like that, and your name is going to be changed to “Stupid Mike”.

  22. Jopa says:

    #22 – loved it!

    #23 – sod off you bastard!

    Islam is a religion of desert pirates and should be abolished.

  23. soundwash says:

    #20 i know i know…but as inferred, the point of the attack was to send a message..

    (and also renew terror fears, could also possibly cover be used to help scare off 4 day “historical market rally” we just had. i’m sure the rally suckered alot back in. -the market is being manipulated big time..should crash back to down below 7000..then 5500..soon.

    -lol…oh and in NYC we have a terror alert for the transit system..they have the anti-terror pawns with full automatic weapons swamping Grand Central station as i type.
    (just heard it on the radio)

  24. soundwash says:

    ..cont. (hit enter by accident)

    #21 pedro, pedro…

    you should know by now i have a fine collection of tinfoil hats. -and a cat to put them on.. 😀

    -fwiw: the CIA trained and armed bin laden and al-quaeda to fight the russians in Afghanistan..
    its all just a way to keep the arms trade going.

    i mean come’on, -technically, a war on terror is the perfect arms scam. its a stateless entity.
    its war that can never end. -no “state” to conquer.

    plus, you can slowly get the people used to giving up their liberties little by little by staging terror alerts and false flags. combine it with the upcoming global financial meltdown and resultant chaos and you’ll have the lemmings begging for a (well-armed and financed) police state.

    they’ll be signing up for federal government jobs in droves. civilian carbon-tax snitch patrols and homeland security positions.

    a perpetual invisible boogie-man that could also be your neighbor, hell bent on killing you..because you love freedom.. brilliant.

    i just wish the morons running the show picked some other planet to play god with..

    /me hands pedro a custom tinfoil hat with a built-in CO2 detector with alarm and carbon tax deduction chip. -just in case you expel too much
    CO2 “pollutants” while chasing down a suspected “enemy of the state” -we’ll all have to pay our “fair share” soon you know..

    -sounds absurd doesn’t it? -it wont be in a few years. (well, i’m sure they’ll change the hat, i hope)

    (…waay too much time…)

    -now, where did i put that Faraday cage.. 😮


  25. Reptiles says:

    A great religion of peace
    Can i ask what these people are trying to accomplish in any way or form ?
    Imagine the friends and families of these poor victims of this wonderful planned attack
    Who and what monster would take pleasure in such planning and practice
    Bunch of reptiles

  26. green says:

    They need US bombs to achieve these casualty numbers in one shot.

    Hate on, Nazis. er yanks.

  27. doug says:

    #22. but since Iraq is the central front of the GWAT, this couldn’t actually be terrorists, right? I mean, shouldn’t they all be there?

  28. xplosive_shift says:

    Stupid terrorsits. what the …. is their problem…leave ppl alone. Ugh…i feel sooo angry rite now.

  29. Dallas says:

    Is it me or is there a direct relationship between fanatical religion and terrorism? This seems to be the most important issue of our time after gay marriage.


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