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I guess if Palin is as you describe her that is the reason over 80% of the people of Alaska approve of the job she is doing. But then again you will now trash the people of Alaska. Whether or not she is the Republican candidate in ’12 the Republican’s should decide, not Democrats like yourself.
#63 – Robin1943
>>I guess if Palin is as you describe her that
>>is the reason over 80% of the people of
>>Alaska approve of the job she is doing.
Uh, that 80% figure was before TrooperGate came to light. Even though she’s not going to do any hard time for her misbehavior, it sort of took the bloom off the rose. It’s kind of hard to keep respecting someone who brings her nasty family divorce matters (nice family values, btw!) into the workplace and tries to strongarm a supervisor into shit-canning somebody just because her sister is pissed at the guy.
Other than that, what’s not to like? She’s the governor of a state that’s mostly wilderness, a lot of the people are like the First Dude (ie seditionists), and they’ve got oil money pouring out of every orifice, so no financial worries.
Heck, if my state had no income tax, no sales tax, and everybody got $3269/person back from the State Permanent Fund as they do in Alaska, the governor would be the most popular kid on the block.
But “one heartbeat away from the presidency”?? Come on. Surely you jest!!
As to who will select the candidates for the ’12 elections, I have no choice in the matter; the Republicans will most certainly decide. Democrats have no say in the matter, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have opinions. And the way she’s pimping herself in front of any camera with a battery in it, it’s hard not to have an opinion.
And as I said, I really DO hope they run Palin in ’12. That would be the best possible scenario for a Democratic candidate.
GregA, no she ain’t going away. One thing this last election had was the media fascination with Palin and Obama which is a long way from over.
Obama is on Barbara Walters tonight. Expect to see Palin on the View and Oprah in the near future. Personally I have lots of coding and reading to catch up with. đ
The election is over. Take your partisan crap and …..go see a shrink.
#66 – Deooowwwwl
>>The election is over.
Somebody ought to tell Sarah.
Nominating Palin for President or VP is exactly what the Democrats want to happen (I will often vote Demo, but will also vote for competent Republicans).
Palin on the national ticket guarantees that the Demo candidate (Obama or whoever else if Obama decides to be a one term candidate) will win. McCain had a good chance of winning until he picked Palin as a running mate.
Actually I’m not interested in her either good or bad. Others seem to be addicted.
Give it at least a year and let the dems show what they can and will do.
A couple of observations. Blaming either party for the total mess is wrong. Both Bush and the last guy that ran against him made some effort to prevent the Freddy Mac and Fanny May mess.
They were stopped by people that wanted people to get loans they didn’t have the resources to pay back. Some members of both parties supported this including a lot of the biggest big shots in Congress now.
These people are on vidio saying that no problem existed.
I don’t think either party is responsible for the bad leadership in the big three car companies. All three need to be regorginzed. They are being replaced by foreign managed companies most of which make cars in the U.S.
Unless they can figure out how to make money no amount of tax payer money is going to keep them going expect as very over priced welfare companies.
deowll, nicely put.
Unethical politicians use lies to deceive the public. Ethical politicians use truth to deceive the public.
# 23 LotsaLuck said, “those of a âprogressiveâ bent, have a tendency but make personal attacks (what the intellectuals call âAd hominemâ) against those who disagree with them.”
After the decades of:
Reagan / Gingrich / Nixon / Agnew / Rove / Bush / McCain / Pailin / Saxby Chambliss / Limbaugh / Hannity / (too many to mention) name-calling divisiveness,
you actually try to lay that on the progressives? What planet have you been living on?
Meanwhile, you throw out the term “intellectuals” as a pejorative (the only way the right wing knows how to use it) as though thinking is a bad thing.
I guess “it depends on whose ox is being gored”, as the saying says. Now it’s your ox and you don’t like it, and I don’t blame you. And now you want to “just get along”? Fine. I’m up for that, as are most people who think and love our country.
However, turning a blind eye to history – especially to the failings of one’s own “group” – is no way to move forward constructively, neither as a country nor a party.
Forgive and forget? No.
Remember, learn from and admit one’s own mistakes, then ask forgiveness.
Then I’ll forgive.
Forget? No, because history will repeat itself sooner if I do that.
Republican ism is at the brink. The party needs to split into its true components; the ones who really have conservative motives, and those who want to have nepotism, fundamentalism and stupidism as their core, small mind values.
#72 – Buzz
The former generally switched over and voted for Obama.
The Dittoheads, Palinites, and people who are sending “Get Well” cards to Ann Coulter are a dying breed. They just haven’t realized it yet.
#62 – Mustard said, “(anti-choice, enforced religious indoctrination, book-banning, and sedition [e.g., the First Dude’s separatist rebel political party]) are antithetical to what America and Americans stand for.”
Unfortunately for his position, all those criticisms have been shown to be lies or taken out of context by actual news organizations who use facts rather than accept everything they want to hear.
When reality intrudes on the discussion, one could then compare her to the other 49 Governors and what they’ve done for their states. When you discuss actual policies and accomplishments, you may find things you don’t like, but at least those could be discussed like adults rather than sounding like parrots recently escaped from the Olbermann Asylum.
#74 – Chaucer
>>Unfortunately for his position, all those
>>criticisms have been shown to be lies or taken
>>out of context by actual news organizations
>>who use facts rather than accept everything
>>they want to hear.
Gosh. I hadn’t heard that they were lies. As to being “taken out of context”, perhaps you could provide the context, the one that makes her sound like something other than a screeching right-wing kook, and dumb as a box of rocks?
And as to comparing her to the other 49 governors, I’d like to do that. If you can point out anything constructive that she’s done (other than to channel oil money around, like the Sheik of Araby), we can have that discussion.
#75 – Mustard. First request, RE:book-banning. The person who first spread the Palin smear is identified as âAndrew Aucoin,â a commenter on the blog of librarian Jessamyn West. West has done the right thing in keeping the bogus comment up and pointing out in her main post that âthere appears to be no truth to the claim made by the commenter, and no further documentation or support for this has turned up.â
Then there’s the fact that a number of the books on the ‘banned list’ were not even published when Palin allegedly tried to have them banned.
This is the list:
, which has nothing to do with Palin.
Would you care to back up your inflammatory statement with PROOF.
RE:anti-choice. Of course, it is more correct to say Palin is anti-abortion since ‘choice’ is merely a euphemism for the abortion lobby’s position. You state anti-abortion is, “…antithetical to what America and Americans stand for.” Yet, Americans consistently vote for legislation for reasonable restrictions on abortion on a regular basis. The most extreme position is that of the abortion lobby which wants abortion available to anyone at anytime and on the taxpayer’s nickel. This position polls miserably every time it is taken nationally. Yes, I know pockets like San Francisco and NYC will poll differently.
Lastly, petro-products are one of Alaska’s prime resources. Any reasonable analysis of her performance would be extremely critical if she DIDN’T maximize her State’s position in the oil market. Then there’s support for Alaska’s seniors, the Alaska SeniorCare Program, signing on to the amicus brief for the Heller case, and vetoing spending to the tune of over $200 million a year.
I’ll put that record up against Kathleen Blanco, Janet Napolitano, Eliot Spitzer, and Jim McGreevey, amongst others, any day.
geoff==how extreme is NOT ALLOWING abortion including in cases of rape and incest?
Now on choice vs abortion. There are “pro-abortion” folks like myself who think it should be mandated ((Just as anti-abortionists like Palin demand the opposite)) but the only true compromise and legitimate governmental position is in fact “pro-choice” where the people involved make the decision without the intrusion of government enforced criminal oversite.
Hard to tell about the book burning. That would be COMPLETELY CONSISTENT with being anti-choice, so the charge is at least “credible.” I could believe Palin only inquired as to how to ban a book purely as part of an investigatory scheme and in my mind that is bad enough. Freedom. Keeping government off people’s back==incredible concept, one that religious fundies don’t accept.
I also accept you might think Palin is the best governor around. That says even more about you than her. She afterall doesn’t have a choice.
#77 – bobbo asked, “how extreme is NOT ALLOWING abortion including in cases of rape and incest?”
A:Pretty extreme. It is the extremists on both sides which are keeping this argument going. Until both sides agree on a “line” before which abortion is allowed and after which is infanticide, this debate will not get solved.
“but the only true compromise and legitimate governmental position is in fact âpro-choiceâ where the people involved make the decision without the intrusion of government enforced criminal oversite[sic].”
More or less. There will have to be a decision made on when life begins for legal reasons. Also, ‘pro-choice’ has different definitions depending on the organization involved. The term encompasses the extreme of Peter Singer (kill ’em after their born), all the way to moderate restrictions.
And no, I never said Palin was the best Governor, but I agree with some of her policies and with a small government philosophy, which is what the debate should be about, rather than her wardrobe.
Geoff==half way reasonable.
EVERYBODY agrees life starts at conception. Its part of the red herring debate the right loves to bloody the water with, along with photos of screaming fetuses and so on.
No, as the SCOTUS clearly wrote==the issue is at what stage of development do certain rights append which also answers the obverse which is when do those right NOT attach.
Surely, mere fertilization does not a person make? And surely, rational people would not destroy their future keeping deformed fetuses on life support for 35 years for no discernable purpose.
But some will disagree.
#79 – bobbo wrote, “EVERYBODY agrees life starts at conception.”
I would suggest reading the exchanges in print between Camile Paglia and Naomi Wolf. There is clearly a segment of the extreme Left which refuses to have an honest discussion about life and rights.
Regarding what makes a person? I’ll defer to The One, that’s above my pay grade. I do know that there needs to be a reasonable debate and decision on when we grant those basic human rights of ‘personhood.’
#76 – Chaucer
RE; Book banning. I never said Palin actually banned books. What I referenced was her ATTITUDE toward book burning, as evidenced by her questioning of the librarian as to what she (the librarian) would do if Sarah tried to ban books, and the her (the librarian’s) subsequent firing when she said she would fight the banning tooth and nail. Of course, she (the librarian) was re-instated after the public furor after Palin fired her. She’d LOVE to ban some books, c’mon Chaucer, as a literary figure yourself you just KNOW she would; it’s just that annoying, pesky constituency that complains when they are told which books they can read and which they can’t that stops her.
I think those ridiculous lists of “books Palin banned” etc. were actually circulated by the Repubs, so they would have a straw man to knock down. And hope that people would overlook what Palin’s REAL OPINIONS on book banning are.
As to her anti-choice views (and make no mistake about it, her views are anti-choice, you’re trying to obscure the real debate here. Sure, there are lunatics on one fringe who think that 2-year-old kids should be aborted, and lunatics on the other fringe who think that anyone who even thinks the words “birth control” should do hard time.
That’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m talking about the regular old run-of-the-mill Roe v. Wade abortion – the kind Palin wants to criminalize. You know, in cases of rape or incest, during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, the kind that is routinely AFFIRMED by voters as an element of reproductive freedom. She’d prefer to send young women back to the dark alleys and abortion mills, where they can sicken and die.
As to petro-products, who knows if she’s done a good job or not? They’ve had oil money squirting out their ass, everybody gets a $3000.00+ check every year, so nobody’s complaining. Maybe if she were a better manager of oil money, they wouldn’t be shaking in their boots about <$50 barrel oil, they’d be living high off the hog from her wise investments of all that money. The petro-products issue is a wash. If somebody gave me a billion dollars, I’d be rich. No matter how shitty a money manager I was. Big woop.
And I notice you completely ignored the issue that goes right to the mean-spirited, bullyish, thug-like nature of her nasty little heart – TrooperGate. That cause her popularity to drop by 25% (from 80% to 60%) overnight, no matter HOW much oil money she continued to throw at them.
As how she stacks up against a homo adulterer, a hetero adulterer, and a governor who, as AG of Arizona pussied out when it came to prosecuting Cindy McCain for her drug felonies, well. Your choice of comaparators pretty much indicates whom you think she’s better than.
Heh. Heh heh heh.
#79 – Bobbolina
>>EVERYBODY agrees life starts at conception.
EVERYBODY may say they agree, but not EVERYBODY acts according to their beliefs. To wit, anti-choicers who have no qualms about taking birth control pills. Contrary to their fantasy, birth control pills mostly do not act by inhibiting ovulation; a more frequent means of contraception is by preventing implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium.
Among us left-wing lunatic “pro-abortion” types, that’s more commonly referred to as an “abortion”. And a smooooooth one at that. No need for expensive morning-after pills, inconvenient and sometimes painful d&c, etc., just keep popping those Ortho-Novums, and out goes the baby with the bathwater.
For all their idiocy, at least the Papists are at least consistent in that regard.
Even on Thanksgiving, angry liberals can’t stop talking about Sarah.
I don’t blame them: The shine’s already worn off Obama.
#83 – James Hill
>>I donât blame them: The shineâs already worn
>>off Obama.
I don’t blame you for being pissy, Jimmy. For all the disdain you heaped on Obama, he continues to SHINE ON, just like a CRAZY DIAMOND!! w00t!
Sorry, but YOU are the one who’s owned this time around. How does it feel to be on the business end of this pineapple? Haw. HAW!!
So much to be thankful for this year: The government has been taken back by The People, Jimmy Colina dining on humble pie… YES!!
#84 – “Obama, he continues to SHINE ON…”
Stock market down about 900 points since his election, with a low last week almost 2000 points down. Ya, he shines. I guess you gotta be a Crazy Diamond to get it …
#85 – Chaucer
>>Stock market down about 900 points since his
In case you missed these details, Chaucer, it’s 53 days until Obama takes office, and HE HAS NO FUCKING POWER TO FIX THE MESS WE’RE IN. Yet. In addition, we’ve had about 23409836502049 loser “capitalists” bellying up to the bailout bar, asking for money (and then MORE money) to fix the monumental fuckups they’ve committed in their “free trade” “laissez-faire” “de-regulated” environment. Those idiots should have been watched more closely than a 3-year-old with a gun. Their completely irresponsible (and criminal) actions can’t be completely undone right now by a guy who’s going to become president a couple of months from now.
#80–geof==I can’t think of a more reasonable position than that set forth in Roe v Wade. Its the extremists State Authoritarian Right Wing Nuts like Palin who agitate for unreasonable positions.
When it comes to abortion, which is the more immoral position? Deciding when and how abortions are performed if at all, or in one group demanding their position be enforced by the state on all others==even when its the minority view?
If you come across a link about Paglia or Wolf having a discussion about when human life begins verses when fetuses should be treated as human beings (sic==meaning “persons” meaning a right to life and liberty) I’d love to see it. Sounds like more red herrings to me.
#85–geof==what a poser. Stock market is a financial vehicle “mostly” driven by economic factors. Personalities like Bush and Obama may have some effect but its hard to prove and completely overwhelmed by other issues.
It rained here last night. Should I blame Obama? How about the crash would be even worse if not for Obama as Bush is so bad????
When people make such ridiculous connections, ALL they think is thrown into doubt, although I have to admit, not much doubt is left.
Where is your good christian charity in at least waiting for a crime to be committed before finding someone guilty??????
Pro-Life indeed.
#88 – bobbo, never having claimed to be a Christian, that’s a red herring.
The stock market is influenced by many things, this is true. One thing about is we look at the past for trends. One trend is that this is the largest post election market drop in over 100 years.
True, the election isn’t the only factor, but to claim that investors are not reacting to Obama’s previously stated policy positions is willfully ignorant. The market is MOSTLY dominated by economic factors and investors are looking at what they expect Obama and a Democrat Congress to do and they are NOT voicing their confidence. I can also guaran-damn-tee you that a 5% or 10% uptick after the election would have been interpreted as a ringing endorsement for the P-elect.
Geof–you don’t have to be a christian to evidence good christian charity nor to be criticized for not showing same.
I suppose “investors” like you could base their economic decisions on political considerations==in fact, thats how repugs get elected, so yes, that is a fact. Note to self==when discussing factual matters, don’t forget to include what idiots do. They are part of the market as well.
I wonder where the “evidence” is for all this values based stock market investing. We have Joe the Plumber, good repuglican, a low-level wage earner dreaming of buying his bosses business concerned about inheritance taxes, so yea==I can see many other low level fantacists worried about their massive capital gains taxes when 95% of all Americans live by shuffling credit cards.
#78, #80, #85, #89, etc. – Chaucer
I note the deafening silence when it comes to defending your Goddess when it comes to TrooperGate.
Tee hee! No matter how much you may adore her for her anti-choice stance, her anti-homo stance, her Fahrenheit 451 approach to stocking libraries, and her secessionist politics, even YOU, the great Geoffrey Chaucer, has to admit that she revealed herself as a petty, mean-spirited, back-stabbing little fuck when it came to TrooperGate.
I don’t blame you for remaining mute.
#24, James Hill,
Another pathetic thread by a hack editor⌠who I own. Not unlike all the other editors here.
Ok then asshole. He owes me $50. You seem to own him, you pay before you see what eight broken fingers feel like. I’ll give you a hint. It makes it hard to wipe your ass and when you’re as big an asshole as you tell everyone you are, that will make your life a little more difficult.