Republicans have lost their identity. What do you think Republicans should do? Maybe they should start helping President Obama fix the mess they made?
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The hate here is amazing. It is humorous, though, to see people’s bias and ignorance laid out in print.
After the debacle that was the Democrat party through the 80s, the SAME exact things were written about the end of the Democrat party. Look at the Gallery of Losers who ran for the Democrat ticket in ’88 (hint, one of them ran AGAIN this year and ended up with the Silver Medal). Even at her worst, Palin hasn’t touched some of the whoppers spoken by other politicians:
Robert ‘Sheets” Bird, “There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time.”
Rev. Jesse Jackson, “Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and to New York City as “Hymietown” in January 1984 during a conversation with Washington Post reporter Milton Coleman.”
Then there’s Barney “Lollypop” Frank, “I do not regard Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as problems … I do not think we are facing any kind of a crisis.”
Of course, William “BJ” Clinton, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinsky.”
Oh, but Palin, now SHE’S really stupid and doesn’t know how to handle the media. Ya, right, I got a bridge (to nowhere?) to sell ya’.
Then, out of the wilderness in ’92, comes this hick Governor … from, of all places, Arkansas! Of course, HE had ‘no experience,’ as well as many other, familiar sounding criticisms.
Look back also at the ‘rising stars’ in the immediate aftermath of previous elections. Most were nowhere to be heard of when the next election cycle comes around.
The fact is, the end of the Republican party is vastly over rated. Whether you like it or not, the singular dominance of the ‘two party system’ will be with us for years to come.
#28 Jimmy – Since you have professed ownership of me (and others), you must realize that with ownership comes responsibility. Among these responsibilities is that of the financial welfare of the owned. In light of your claim of ownership I would request you to send the financial support due me to the American Red Cross.
If you cannot see yourself clear in doing this, then you must relinquish said ownership and all benefits of said ownership.
Hard line neocon Republicans love Palin because it gives them someone young to look at who epitomizes their moronic policies.
Look, the Republican party needs to get back to its core values if it ever wants to be relevant again: small government, small taxes, small spending, shedding aside the religious right and all the shit they bring with them.
Until that happens, they will be absolutely and totally irrelevant.
And Palin? Tell this bitch to go back to her hole in Alaska and stick her head in that turkey neck snapper.
#31 $#$%$Fdfda or whatever your handle is – You make a good point about the crazy characters in the last administration’s pack, but I didn’t see any that actually killed 4,000 people and simultaneously drove the whole US economy into the crapper. But what a bunch of crazies those Dems were. Sheez, I’m still laughing 8 years later.
#30 – Paulio Mitchelli
Naw, your Uncle Dave wasn’t lying to ya. The problem is that it’s darned difficult to find people in the administration-elect to make complete assholes out of themselves by fucking things up as badly as Dumbya and his band of losers have done.
Sure, you can get a few yoks out of the occasional Barney Frank “fag” joke, but overall, most people (exluding the die-hard Palinites and other oddities) think that Obama is leading us back towards the path we should be following.
And you gotta admit, even if Obama spends the next 4 years smoking crack and jerking off, he’s STILL going to do a better job than Dumbya and his gang of fools.
>>After the debacle that was the Democrat
>>party through the 80s
Bonzo and Poppy were in the driver’s seat through all of the 80’s.
but Mr mustard where is the change ? all I see is the Clinton administration part duex and this is not change that is the same old insiders with the same old lobbyists doing the same old screw you to the American Public.
before you go off on the glories of the Clinton admiration remember they set up this housing debacle we are in, they also set up the wall the prevented the 9-11 hijackers from being stopped and the attacks thwarted and although you would hate to admit it Under Presidents Bush there was more jobs and more wealth created than in the the 8 years of Clinton
#35 – “…most people (exluding the die-hard Palinites and other oddities) think that Obama is leading us back towards the path we should be following.”
Except for the “most people” active in the stock market who have been showing their disapproval since the election.
#36 – “Bonzo and Poppy were in the driver’s seat through all of the 80’s.”
What this has to do with the failure of Democrats to get elected or get anything done in the ’80s is ??
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m still waiting for the President-Elect to take office before I worry about who I will vote for in 2012.
# 37 Pmitchell said, “but Mr mustard where is the change ? all I see is the Clinton administration part duex”
Well, Volcker was appointed by Reagan to the Fed.
#37 You are either a liar or a Limbaugh listener. Clinton had a net gain of almost 23 million new jobs in his eight years. As of April of this year Bush has a net job creation record of just under 5 million. Now, unless you are claiming that Bush has created a net of 18 million jobs in the last 7 months you obviously have no freaking idea what the hell you are talking about.
By the way… the fact that there are Clinton era folks in the Obama administration matters not one whit. The President sets the agenda and the tone of the administration. Obama rolled the Clintons during the primaries.. what would make you think he is going to roll over to them as PotUS?
If the Republicain party even has a future, sure make her it. To be so blind to the fact of what she stood for and her practices just shows the the Repub’s are stuck in the dark ages. It’s the 21st century. Wake up
#42 – “… and her practices just shows the the Repub’s are stuck in the dark ages.” ???
Practices? Is she a witch? Should we burn her? Maybe only if she weighs more than a duck … or a very small rock.
You guys need to start working those grief recovery steps. I see several of you have slipped back into denial;)
You lost because America hates you at least as much as they like Obama. Until you address and fix that the only hope you have in four years is an ABO (anybody but Obama) ticket. That however is counting on Obama screwing up more than Bush… Which even you guys admit is not likely;)
I hope so.The GOP will fail big time if they follow this shallow loser.
Boy, the liberals must really be afraid of Sarah Palin. The next election is four years away and you are already trying to trash her. If your man Obama is the savor of the world as you think he will be a shoe in for reelection, so why don’t you lay off Sara
She appeals heavily to the hard core right wing of the party, especially the “values voters” types although fiscal conservatives kind of like her. Moderate and liberal republicans (go figure) don’t like her.
She could easily win the nomination and then flop in the election since she couldn’t win the center. She is a polarizing figure which tend to be losers in general elections. Reagan was the opposite which is why he was a winner.
I still think Pawlenty or Jindal. 2012 will either be impossible or cake walk for the Republicans depending on the economy in three years.
#45 – “That however is counting on Obama screwing up more than Bush… Which even you guys admit is not likely;)”
Hoover raised taxes, to 63%(!) in the middle of a Great Depression.
FDR gave us a New Deal with progressive taxes which have stomped on the working man for nearly 100 years, oh ya, but they’re looking out for the little guy. Ask your Gran how they spend their Social Security checks 😉
Obama won’t have to do much but implement the policies upon which he campaigned to make the reign of Bush II look like a cocktail party.
P.S. I apologize for staying on topic, please go back to your partisan bashing which is far more entertaining. 😉
#47 robin – I’ll lay off her when she goes away.
To quote Joeeph Goebbels, “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over”.
It seems like the liberals are following this tactic and I guess we will just have to listen to your propaganda for the next four years.
#52 Robin – Just like a neocon to quote an infamous Nazi to support a position.
Still, I’d be happy to not mention the ding-bat Palin if she would just stfu and go away.
#37 – Paulio Mitchelli
>>Under Presidents Bush there was more jobs and
>>more wealth created than in the the 8 years
>>of Clinton
Now THAT’S a good one! You’ve got a link to support that, I hope? And not do-nothing jobs where smooth operators shuffle around other people’s month, leveraging it 2000:1, and then walk away with a $100,000,000.00 golden parachute when the whole house of cards collapses. Real jobs, real wealth.
>>but Mr mustard where is the change ? all I
>>see is the Clinton administration part duex
>>and this is not change that is the same old
>>insiders with the same old lobbyists doing
>>the same old screw you to the American
Ooooh! “part duex”! Is that the second-generation version of Mighty Putty, sold in the wee hours by Billy Mays on TV? Oh. You meant “deux”?
OK, the change comes from the leader. It doesn’t mean that Obama is going to surround himself with dimwitted bubble-headed “mavericks” like Palin. It means he has a new vision for how things should be done, and his experienced underlings will carry out that vision. You know…. “leadership”?
#43 – Chaucer
>>Mainly because he IS a part of the
Sure he is. What more defines “the Establishment” than the President of the United States. That doesn’t mean he has to be an asshole, like President Cheney/Rove and his puppet boy. And so far, with 54 days to go before he even takes office, he seems to be doing a bang-up job.
What do you expect, Abbie Hoffman to come back from the grave and run for POTUS? “Establishment”, indeed.
I’m quoting a Nazi, you are following his tactics.
Partisan Politics = Tarot Card Reading for the Dimwitted.
Keep shuffling those cards, but everything is “Dark Sky.”
Amusing though. I would have assumed some sort of grace period to give Obama a chance to screw up before he gets labeled with all of Bush’s failures. I was dimwitted on that one myself == imagine giving the repugs an ounce of good will.
Generally, losers go away after elections. You see or hear McCain anymore? Nope, he is gone, because he lost.
Palin on the other hand… is acting like she won the election, in one of the most spectacular cases of sour grapes and denial in my memory. She makes Al Gore look like a Gracious loser.
If Palin wants to be left alone, she should exit the national scene. I think she likes the attention, and contrary to your beliefs, it certainly appears Republicans fear her far more than Liberals.
You guys are getting behind her and defending her because she is literally the only republican on the national scene, all the others are gone. The Republican party has effectively been decapitated.
I mean, Rush Limbaugh is taking credit for the composition of Obamas cabinet. ROFL.
You and your two bit opinions are an irrelevant dead end;)
Generally, losers go away after elections. You see or hear McCain anymore? Nope, he is gone, because he lost.
Palin on the other hand… is acting like she won the election, in one of the most spectacular cases of sour grapes and denial in my memory. She makes Al Gore look like a Gracious loser.
If Palin wants to be left alone, she should exit the national scene. I think she likes the attention, and contrary to your beliefs, it certainly appears Republicans fear her far more than Liberals.
You guys are getting behind her and defending her because she is literally the only republican on the national scene, all the others are gone. The Republican party has effectively been decapitated.
I mean, Rush Limbaugh is taking credit for the composition of Obamas cabinet. ROFL.
You and your two bit opinions are an irrelevant dead end;)
Gotta luv that cartoon background scene if you saw the turkey farm interview.
Great irony and humour!
You are obviously a Democrat and voted for Obama, so why does it matter to you what the Republicans feel about Palin. Don’t we have the right to chose their own candidate. After all in the primaries Hillary came close to beating Obama, but the Republicans are not trying to trash Hillary in case she runs again in four or eight years. But here we have the liberal media and people like you denigrating Palin and trying to tell Republicans what to do. I suggest you spend your energy on supporting your victor and hoping he doesn’t screw up like Carter.
#61 – Robin1943
>>..but the Republicans are not trying to trash
>>Hillary in case she runs again in four or
>>eight years
One reason for that may be that, love her or hate her, Hillary is someone to be taken seriously. Palin, on the other hand, is a lightweight piece of Arctic fluff, winking, flashing her 44-year-old booty at the FL Rebupublican governors’ convention, saying “I’ll have to get back to you on that” when asked what newspapers she reads or what Supreme Court decisions she disagrees with, and generally displaying an ignorance of current events that would make her a prime candidate for “Jaywalking”.
Her ONLY claim to fame is her cuteness. If somebody who looked like Dick Cheney tried running for national office, he’d be laughed off the stage. Come on, even YOU have to admit it.
Her downfall (beside the fact that she don’t know shit about shit) is that many of the things she stands for (anti-choice, enforced religious indoctrination, book-banning, and sedition [e.g., the First Dude’s separatist rebel political party]) are antithetical to what America and Americans stand for.
I really hope the Repubs DO run her in ’12 or ’16. I will guarantee a continuity of responsible government in the United States.