Republicans have lost their identity. What do you think Republicans should do? Maybe they should start helping President Obama fix the mess they made?
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Sarah again?
Ok, I’ll check again but the last time I did she was still an idiot…….
Yep, she’s still stoopid.
“I’m like, OK God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I’m like, don’t let me miss the open door. Show me where the open door is,” she added.
“Even if it’s cracked up a little bit, maybe I’ll plough right on through that and maybe prematurely plough through it, but don’t let me miss an open door.
“And if there is an open door in ’12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I’ll plough through that door.”
So, its for God to know and Sarah to find out.
Republicans have lost their identity. What do you think Republicans should do? Maybe they should start helping President Obama fix the mess they made?
If you mean republicrats when you say “they” then, yes, I agree.
Palin is not the future of the Repugs==she is simply the perfect embodiment of what it currently is. So malignant that even the majority of Repugs see their problem. Captured by the idiot religious right without a real appeal to the Joe the Plumber fantacist.
Really, this will be studied for years in social psychology studies as emblematic of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony.
A Palin/Plumber ticket is not out of the question and I hope it comes to be! Palin is clearly the gift that keeps on giving.
How about a ban on Sarah Palin stories until she actually does something news worthy.
#6 Imp – I agree. I’m tired of having to constantly check on her ignorance.
OK these conservatives want Sarah Palin with a daughter who is having a baby out of wedlock? Who cannot handle the media without substantial coaching. If she is smart she will run for a senate or house seat and gain some national experience before attempting another run.
The Democrats were very scared of her popularity. How do you explain why that acted like she was running against Obama. Every liberal rag and blog was bashing her relentlessly, while McCain, who was running, got off easy. With 4 year more political experience and proper grooming, she will be a force to be reckoned with.
>>Maybe they (Republicans) should start helping President Obama fix the mess they made.
This is highly deceptive or in plain speak a flat out lie. We know for a fact that Democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd have their fingerprints all over the financial crisis.
Besides if any Republican was responsible we would be witnessing a full court press to destroy them.
This is a Democrat power-grab from start to finish and to state otherwise reveals you are not paying attention.
>>Maybe they (Republicans) should start helping President Obama fix the mess they made.
We will all be too busy Fixing Obama’s mistakes for the next 50 years. And frankly in 4 years the Republicans could run a rock against Obama and still win. Remember Obama was the celebrity candidate, and their is only one thing that Americans love to see more than a celebrity rise to power. That’s seeing a celebrity fall flat on their face.
#9 Her popularity is indeed scary. How American voters actually place someone like that in office is down right frightening.
Still, she played the pivotal role in the GOP defeat as she provided the perfect deflection of what was actually a decent candidate in McCain.
“….4 year more political experience and proper grooming…a force to be reckoned with…”
Neither time nor advanced carbon nanotube lipstick won’t be able to mask her astounding stupidity. The democrats have Tina Fey in boot camp now dumbing her down for an even better Palin act.
Republican fucktards spinning as fast as they can.
It would be truly funny if there weren’t so many of you.
We weren’t scared of her, except what she could do if elected (you know, like TRULY infringe on REAL freedoms).
But that’s besides the point. She’s not the best way forward for the Republicans and they know it. The more she pushes into the spotlight, the more she will split the party.
And no, people like her won’t actually work towards fixing the problems, they will only work on harming the current admin, as with Rush’s (ugh!) “Obama recession” reframing lie.
In short, no one needs nuts like her around and in power of anything, not even dog catcher.
#9 – Quag
>>The Democrats were very scared of her
That has got to be the funniest joke of the “Holiday” season. Ho ho ho!!
#10 Your stupid..
#11 – Bob
>>We will all be too busy Fixing Obama’s
>>mistakes for the next 50 years. And frankly
>>in 4 years the Republicans could run a rock
>>against Obama and still win.
Heh. Now Obama, on the other hand, is someone the neocon wingnuts are TRULY afraid of.
Fifty-five days before he even takes office, and the wingnuts are peeing and pooping in their pants, screeching about what a failure he’s going to be, how he’s going to stuff things up even worse than Dumbya (as if that were even possible), blah blah blah. Blahdy blah.
So far, Oboma has demonstrated leadership, common sense, fairness, and the ability to lead this country.
No wonder ya redneck fucks are shaking in your steel-tipped, bluegum kicking boots.
Not HER again… sheesh
The GOP deserves Palin, she represents their ideal.
They can have her.
I’m not scared, I am amused. I have no fear that woman will ever become President, unless she matures tremendously in the future. However, I do find a lot of what she represents disgusting, hypocritical, and reprehensible, and embrace the fact that she will foment the discussion the GOP needs to have between its libertarian, fiscal, and evangelical wings.
#15 Mustard, we’ll see! After 4 years of Carter 2, the Republicans could probably run a ham sandwich and win. Or maybe I should call it Clinton 3, because you know Hillary and Bill are going to try and run the show whether Obama knows it yet.
Yeah, but Democrats were SO helpful the last EIGHT years! Puhlease. I love how you democrats think you know what’s best for our party.
We could only hope for Clinton 3 right?
No, you right wing fucktards are as close to ANTI-American as I can conceive==absent actually wearing those white sheets in public.
The standard of measurement here is BUSH!! You pinheads should STFU for at least one year.
“The Obama Depression” is your big lie right out of the gate. Good thing it is so obvious even Palin might get it. She’ll “get it” but use it cynically for her base that will actually believe it.
See what you guys started? The stupidity is so gross, its “biblical.”
#22 bobbo said:
>No, you right wing fucktards……
I’ve noticed for quite some time that many folks, especially those of a ‘progressive’ bent, have a tendency but make personal attacks (what the intellectuals call ‘Ad hominem’) against those who disagree with them.
Now, I enjoy the vigorous give and take that all you politicos deal out to one another, but name calling kind of reminds me of, oh, I don’t know, 5th grade.
Any chance that we can, as the sage Rodney King once said, all just get along, and save the invective for our postings at dailykos or redstate or whatever?
[Bravo! – ed.]
Still holding on to Sarah to get hits?
Another pathetic thread by a hack editor… who I own. Not unlike all the other editors here.
This Thanksgiving, be thankful I’m here to make this place interesting.
#23–lotsa==whats wrong with a little bit of low-level name calling? Pretty sterile otherwise?
All a question of degree and balance.
The level of ignorance and hipocracy shown by many Republicans is astounding. They fawned over Bush for most of his term, laughed at their ability to block meaningful Democratic sponsor legislation for the last two years and now say that Bush is not a true conservative and the Democrats are responsible for the current economic situation.
And now many of them actually want to be led by a light weight like Palin.
Is there anyone left on the republican side with an IQ over 70?
#24 James – I’m sorry did you say something?
Just checking in….yep, Palin is still a dumbass.
#27 – Your worship is noted. You’ve been owned for years now, anyway.
Marc Perkel said, “Maybe they should start helping President Obama fix the mess they made?”
You mean the corrupt 75 year old financial system that JFK wanted to fix? Niether party is going to try and touch that EVER again…
Both “sides” are have been hip deep in this situation for decades. Look at the flood money being “printed” with the acquiescence of Dems & Repubs. Huge inflation is going to be the only long lasting result of this. One other thing. Eventually wages will rise along with monetary inflation, pushing more people into high tax brackets…
Bye, bye USA.
I remember a comment by Uncle Dave on here about a year or 2 ago about the reason this blog spends so much time bashing conservatives was that they were in power and if the dems/liberals took over he would be just as tough on them but I still only see badly written hit pieces about conservatives like this one
Uncle Dave did you Lie to me or simply forget?