Don’t forget to put the cat in the closet for the night.

  1. mthrnite says:

    Add a “slightly” more powerful second laser at knee-level to more easily facilitate the capture of the burglar… and it even makes julianne fries!

  2. wiglebot says:

    Good think he had his handy Leatherman tool from instructables

  3. Iditarod Dog says:

    The schematic isn’t drawn correctly, and unless one knows how a basic transistor switch works, they won’t be able to built it…

  4. Skippy says:

    Ugh, like #3 said, the schematic makes no sense. Plus there’s a bunch of other things glossed over, including polarity and type of power supply for the laser source, and not to mention how difficult it is to direct laser light like that with such a kludged together system of mirrors, not to mention what happens if a cat gets in the way, or blinds itself by looking into the laser…

  5. chuck says:

    Aren’t we lucky – the good folks at will be happy to provide you with all the parts required for this fun project!

    I guess that’s one way to get around ad-blockers – just make the ad into the blog.

  6. jobs says:

    #3 Why won’t it work it look like it should.

  7. nonStatist says:

    More wacky news from Florida.

  8. Gavino says:

    Could I use this useful system to easily prevent auto theft to my S.U.V. ?

  9. JoaoPT says:

    I can see my wife saying:

    “Take those awfull mirrors and stuff off my walls!!! Or your baggage will be at the door!!”

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Cool. Even useful. I could imagine using it in the kind of sleazy hotels I sometimes go to with thieving staff.

    But under $20 bucks? You’d better have a good electronics junk box.

  11. danijel says:

    Why not use IR instead of visible light laser?


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