This guy is nothing short of amazing. He could make more money in a circus.

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. deowll says:

    I’m impressed.

  2. jobs says:

    When he started this job he was 6’3″.

  3. Ivor Biggun says:

    This guy is obviously taking jobs away from other union haulers. He must be stopped immediately. Time for OSHA to enter the picture….

  4. Ron Larson says:

    Where is the rest of the video? I want to see how he got them down without dropping them.

  5. Jonnie says:

    …would love to see an xray of his vertebrae – good grief.

  6. monkeystick says:

    …while balancing on a boat no less

  7. Libertican says:

    Dear Mr. Chudi,

    I am sorry to inform you that your application for a grant to develop your Hilarious Hatwear has been denied. However, since you now walk with a serious limp due to dropping a brick on your right foot, we have forwarded your application to the Ministry of Silly Walks.

    Milton D. Chapeau
    Ministry of Hilarious Hatwear

  8. cluteman says:

    How much weight do you think that is?

    Incredible talent!

  9. QB says:

    I was feeling pretty cool because I figured a new design pattern in my code today. Then I was feeling smug because I found a better way to visualize data inter-correlations.

    Then I watched this guy and realized I’m not so fancy pants smart after all. That guy is truly amazing.

  10. Brickie says:

    Twenty bricks at around 3kg each is sixty kilograms.

  11. hhopper says:

    Damn, that’s 132 pounds.

  12. That is an amazing video indeed. Any idea where it was shot. Which place, country?

    Best Wishes,


  13. Gaolbird says:

    #13 – Shinil

    My best guess – INDIA

  14. Fausto says:

    Is it real? Real bricks?

  15. bud says:

    I do not think your typical brick is 6 pounds, or three kilos. Probably about half the estimate given eariler in the thread, 70 pounds or so.

    Doesn’t make it less impressive if the bricks are lighter.

  16. lou says:

    Digg story

  17. newglenn says:

    info accompanying youtube video:
    “A fisherman in Bangladesh is amazingly able to stack up to 20 cement bricks on his head while on a rickety boat, then carry them off for his day’s work. “

  18. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    I must admit, balancing bricks on your head is impressive, but balancing bricks on your head while in a boat then walking over a plank to shore is bloody impressive!

  19. greggyx says:

    Scenario 1: This is the other end of the Somalian piracy trade that you don’t see.A ship load of bricks went missing.
    I said ‘ship load’.

    scenario 2: he works in a Somali apple store bricking I phones?

    scenario3: Somali balance of Trade???

  20. tcc3 says:


    Impressive how you manage to be a grumpy disdainful asshole no matter what the subject. That’s how.

  21. tanya says:

    This sort of reminds me of the sommelier on a cruise I took — he could carry an insane number of wine glasses in one hand! But this is a whole other level…

  22. Dallas says:

    The mystery of the pyramids discovered!

    Wow. Truly amazing and also what it says about the human system of balance.

  23. smartalix says:


    As if we don’t get that part. Why are you always such a dick? How do you get through your day looking at everything like it was covered in shit?

  24. bobbo says:

    With everyone gushing here like little school girls being given free candy, I have to support Pedro’s excessively negative view.

    All things are best viewed with the most elements taken into account. Being excessively or irrelevantly impressed is most often much more harmful “in fact” than being excessively empathetic of the dire straights of too many of our fellow men.

    Well done Pedro.

  25. tcc3 says:

    Well, taking the most elements into account, the heat death of the universe is just around the corner.

    No point in getting excited about much of anything in that case.

  26. bobbo says:

    If by heat death you mean reaching absolute zero, I agree. That ultimate reality should be part of every comment.

    I’m cold already.

  27. hhopper says:

    Jesus H. Christ! It’s a given that the poor guy has a hard life… but what he’s doing is pretty damn amazing. How long would it take you to be able to do that… if ever.

  28. bbi_redphoenix says:

    This video is here to show you a cool thing.
    Those that look and see crappy working conditions have to be realistic. People live in shitty conditions everywhere in the world. Many find ways to be happy anyway. This guy probably sees what he does every day and isn’t impressed. We can look at it and think – wow! he has talent!
    That is a very cool thing.

    If all you see when you look at this is the crappy work/living conditions, then go donate some money to Mercy Corps or volunteer for the Peace Corps.

    Discussion is good, action is better. Become an ACLU member, volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or Amnesty International if you can’t appreciate this video for it’s face value. Heck, do it anyway, and make the world a better place.

  29. smartalix says:


    bobbo, who’s gushing like a schoolgirl? I’m fucking impressed, I don’t want to marry the guy. People have to do incredible things every day, shit the average American couldn’t do if their children were hanging over a meat grinder in front of them, to make their daily bread. Limp-dicked negative nabobs of negatism like pedro (a troll for sport, no shit) and enablers like you use that fact to dismiss the reality that this guy is doing something you and I can’t do, and if we could we’d probably be able to find an audience to pay us to do it in front of.

    What motivates people who look at everything like there was a turd hidden in it? What about a positive outlook is so toxic? Frankly, I would hate a life where I only looked at things with a sneer.


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