This guy is nothing short of amazing. He could make more money in a circus.

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Now you know why they hire these illegal immigrants.

  2. smartalix says:

    Recognizing that he has a miserable life does not detract from the skill of the feat. Why can’t I admire the skill and recognize his plight?

    Why are you such a dick? What animal shit in your mouth to make you such a sourpuss? Just because we should commisserate with him doesn’t mean we can’t recognize the talents he has brought to bear.

    Again, I ask you why are you so prissy and PC about this issue? It makes you look like a fucking hypocrite when it comes to criticizing that behavior on the part of “liberals”.

  3. bobbo says:

    Smartalix==pedro is just going overboard on an otherwise valid point not showing balance (aka the fairness doctrine?) in each and every post on each and every issue.

    Just like YOU.

  4. mister mustard says:

    #36 – Bobbolina

    You think Smartalix goes “overboard on an otherwise valid point not showing balance (aka the fairness doctrine?) in each and every post on each and every issue.”


    You stuffing that Thanksgiving turkey with salvia, or what?

  5. bobbo says:

    I just thought of that special on open pit mining somewhere–maybe for diamonds in South America or Africa==looked like the open pit of hell with men/boys treking up and down slippery muddy slopes to empty sacks of mud/dust/dirt/rocks/gems at the crushing mill all for $2 a day.

    Why didn’t I marvel at the balancing skills they demonstrated? Damn Liberal Media at the bottom of this.

  6. bobbo says:

    Mustard–I don’t know which way your criticism goes. I know you enjoy dumping on Pedro, so I will guess you are stupporting smartypants equally needlessly unbalanced criticism.

    You don’t see a part of YOURSELF in everything you say?

    BTW==just put two 18 pound turkeys in the oven. No stuffing, thats made on the stove top. Eat all year on that 23cents a pound meat. Sure hope the melamine level is safe enough for babies.

  7. mister mustard says:

    #39 – Bobbo

    I “enjoy dumping on ‘dro” because ‘dro is a dick. The only posts he makes are snide, sniggering, negative blathering with no content other than the Kuzconian equiavalent of “nanee nanee boo boo”. Seldom commenting on the posted article, he prefers to dump on the posters who respond to it.

    Somewhat like a James Hill without the sense of humor.

  8. Geoffrey says:

    That’s amazing, to be sure, but will be nothing compared to the balancing act all Americans will have to do for decades going forward with Bush’s 2+ trillion dollar debt that’s been foised onto all our backs thanks to the 1.5T big-bank welfare/bailouts thus far and the $2T Iraq and Afghanistan adventures.

    Good luck with that mountain of debt on your back.

    Think you are in as good a shape to manage the weight and stay upright like that man in the video?


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