For a while now, we’ve been noting that whenever you hear people warning about the impending broadband crunch, it’s politicians, consultants or lobbyists. When you actually talk to technologists, they point out that there’s no problem and that
will keep everything just fine — even without having to do any kind of traffic shaping or violation of net neutrality.
Yet, that won’t stop the lobbyists, consultants and top marketing execs from claiming otherwise. A trade group heavily funded by AT&T is out yet again, warning that the internet will collapse by 2012 if “something” isn’t done — with that “something” being basically big government subsidies to the telcos. Consider it the telco bailout plan of 2009. Hell, if we’re already bailing out Wall St. and Detroit, why not telcos as well?
Tech Dirt – November 24, 2008:
I think that the US Gubmint should just adopt a formal policy of nationalizing EVERYTHING! Bring back the politburo!
They also made the same claim if they didn’t get exclusive control over the net in 6 months, IE destroying net neutrality.
Well past that period, the fight still goes and the net still exists.
Wow. We get to add another $1,300,000,000,000 to the already $5,600,000,000,000
And now the Telcos.
Why do I get the feeling Bush Jr. and his cronies will do as much harm to the next administration as they can before the year ends?
Thinking ’bout revolution…
# 4 Angel H. Wong said,
Why do I get the feeling Bush Jr. and his cronies will do as much harm to the next administration as they can before the year ends?
Because you’ve been paying attention?
We already gave the telcos a bunch of money to increase capacity, years ago, and they didn’t do it. No more money for these jerks.
I suspect the auto industry will do the same thing with their money – absolutely nothing.
Love the graphic!
Wheres my fiber to the home from the last time they asked for a handout?
gotta love the fact that they use the specter of the year 2012 to garner extra fear factor.
[Comment deleted – see posting guidelines – ed.]
Everyone just jumps right in line when the money starts coming out don’t they?
#9 tcc3 – You didn’t get yours? Everyone I know has fiber optic to their home. 😉
i won’t be getting fiber optic in my apartment for a little while up here in the twin cities. and what i have heard about it from my bud in dc is that it does do quite well. maybe with time, they’ll get it going. but until they have fiber available to every home and a cell-phone network that doesn’t drop calls anywhere in the country, they don’t deserve a bailout. they have to build out infrastructure first and quit spending money on cheesy ads. nothing less.
I got this truck load of bran flakes, what that what that was?
Fiber to the home indeed…
Not sure what the telcos are complaining about. IPV6 (which greatly increases the number of IP addresses) is already in place in most newer PCs. The installation of local fiber optics is up to the cable and telco providers. They can install neighborhood by neighborhood and charge customers more for higher speed.
They could also do what Japan, Korea and the Scandinavian countries have, which is mandated speedups to keep up with technology. But they wouldn’t like that.
#14 – Jim
>>but until they have … a cell-phone network
>>that doesn’t drop calls anywhere in the
>>country, they don’t deserve a bailout.
You’ve pretty much ruled out any bailout for the telcos with that statement. We’ll see cell phones that can change diapers and act as sexual surrogates before we ever see a cell phone netword that doesn’t drop calls. Regularly.
Never going to happen.
Cell phone technology has been commercially available for almost 40 years, and they STILL can’t get the basic function to work right.
these guys are NOW wanting to get ALL the taxes BACK that they paid in the last 10 years..??
#9, tcc3, Gee, I’m surprised you didn’t get yours. I heard all the good looking people would be first in line. We’ve had our fiber optic for almost four years now.
I don’t think any of the telcos will be getting any money from Congress. As with the auto makers, they will have to prepare some type of plan that will have to include a lot of explanation of why they suddenly need money.
Here’s a thought – Say NO !!! To the telcos, let them collapse, and let Google take over the Internet !!! Then we will have someone who “Gets It” in charge of the Internet !!!
When people were talking about lame ducks, they must have meant Congress for allowing this to go on.
Bush wins, you lose. Pretty damned funny if you ask me.
I think its time for all of us that post to form a “DU bloggers consortium”. We can then go to congress and ask for a bailout. Maybe just $10 billion. Split amongst us, that will tide us over…
So, they are threatening the safety of a vital service, upon which many lives and livelihoods depend, if we don’t give them a big ransom?
Isn’t that, um, terrorism?