Hit & Run Woman May Lose Her Home Because of Decade-Old Blowjob – Reason Magazine — So apparently the act of oral sex is a sex crime requiring sex offender registration. Again the effort to criminalize normal sexual behavior and categorize it as a sex crime is an attempt to trivialize real sex crimes like violent rape. Only a sick legislature will do this. None is worse than Georgia.
Wendy Whitaker, 29, has been on Georgia’s sex offender list for more than 12 years. Her crime? She performed oral sex on a high school classmate just after turning 17. The boy was just shy of his 16th birthday. Both were sophomores.
After the international uproar associated with the Genarlow Wilson case Wilson, you’ll remember, was convicted of a similar crime—having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old while he was 17, Georgia’s legislature clarified state law to prevent these sorts of cases—what Whitaker did 12 years ago is no longer a crime in Georgia. But because some Georgia lawmakers stubbornly wanted to keep Wilson in jail, the legislature took a separate vote to keep the law from applying retroactively. Wilson and Whitaker are still convicted felons.
Whitaker is also involved in a second lawsuit—this one to keep her house. In 2006, she and her husband scoped out neighborhood surrounding the Harlem, Georgia home they eventually purchased to be sure they were in compliance with Georgia’s sex offender law at the time. That law prohibited offenders from living within 1,000 feet of any area where children congregate. Despite their efforts, local authorities ordered Whitaker and her husband to vacate shortly after they moved in. They had overlooked a nearby church, which was running an unadvertised daycare service.
Sex offender map of Georgia — Some odd “offenders” include a Peeping Tom categorized with violent rapists.
Meanwhile this is going on in Georgia
Found by Tim Yates.
Oh snap, there are 3 child molesters within a mile of my parent’s house.
Well, what else do you expect when you name a state after a mad monarch? Madness!!
Maybe we should allow certain states to secede after all – or force them to.
Strange but Georgia is very much like Texas. Both states are dotted with large, progressive, cosmopolitan populated areas(Atlanta, Dallas,etc) surrounded by a vast wasteland of backwards, 19th century-ish mentality.
I know conservatives don’t do oral sex (and that’s OK) but the laws in some of these places are REALLY outdated.
The picture above is obscene to teach a young kid this stuff. Awful.
It is pretty sad when a child molester is a child. Here is a clue you legislative dolts: make an exception minors.
Have any of you editors picked up on this story yet? It is just as insane.
#5 You have got to be pulling my leg. She attends “Licking Valley High School”!
Meanwhile these same scumbag politicians are probably the biggest sexual deviants on the planet. Do as I say, not as I do.
We hold this truth to be self evident.
She wasn’t on the list for a blow job. She was on the list for blowing an underage minor when she was above a certain age.
Disgusting…. If only it had been boy on boy….
Then the pasty white middle-aged Republican men would keep things quiet as long as they get to play with the boys too.
Sorry honey, I wish you the best of luck fixing the problem.
Georgia is as backwards as they come, no pun intended. I’m sure the people running the state are SDIQs (pronounced “ess dicks”) which stands for Single Digit IQs.
Pastors get away with it all the time.
Until recently in Georgia (or it may still be on the books) it was illegal for married couples to engage in sodomy (either oral or anal) in the privacy of their own homes.
The only small point I’d like to make is that various kinds of animal rutting seems to occur where ever you have people.
That some get incredibley harshly punished while others are ignored is the way the system works everywhere I know about.
#17, Doell,
That some get incredibley harshly punished while others are ignored is the way the system works everywhere I know about.
Which is neither acceptable nor means we shouldn’t change the system.
President Bush appears to be passing out the Christmas pardons. Maybe she can appeal to him? President Clinton would have pardoned her in a heartbeat.
(The Picture) – Look it’s a new Republican getting ready for 2012.