Fake? The BBC has also reported on this story, employing the same video.

  1. QB says:

    Not fake

  2. moss says:

    Recorded, appeared on TV news from several sources.

  3. Dallas says:

    Spectacular. Yet another sign that change is coming!

  4. ArianeB says:

    At least two other sources recorded it as well, but this is the best one yet. Last I heard they still not have found the crash site yet.

    Full story: http://tinyurl.com/6rresl

  5. comhcinc says:

    so when does the giant lizard start rampaging across the city?

  6. ArianeB says:

    Here are two other video sources of the same event (merged into one video)

  7. Mac Guy says:

    Looks pretty darn real to me.

  8. amodedoma says:

    That big, that bright, and they still haven’t found the impact site yet? If I lived near there I’d get my metal detector and go. Meteorites make good money on Ebay…

  9. GF says:

    Nothing but swamp gas, move along…

    Did anyone see any distinct shadows? The reflection at around 00:13 might help in a rough triangulation.

  10. killer duck says:

    #3 Yes, the end is near. Please prepare yourself.

  11. Erik Blazynski says:

    why does there have to be a crash site. This thing (if real) could have burned up on entry into the atmosphere. or could have been the size of a dime when it hit.

  12. Is this related to the ” Astronaut loses toolbag ” story? last week?

  13. Jeff P. says:

    #3: Please explain just how this indicates change is coming? You lost me there hoss.

    #12: Best comment yet. I almost blew my coffee out my nose.

  14. rectagon says:

    Why would you even question this as fake? It’s been on every major news network and in all the major newspapers. Sightings confirmed by thousands of people.

    Can you not do a little research?

  15. WmDE says:

    There may no be a crash site. It could have just passed through the atmosphere and kept going. I read a book about searching for meteors. The author said that if an eyewitness said “It came down behind that line of trees.” he was hundreds of miles from the impact site. If the eyewitness said “It did not move it just flared in the sky.” you were close to the impact site. Kinda like standing between the tracks looking at the oncoming train headlight.

  16. Gasparrini says:

    #13, I watch TV rarely. What makes you think that just because something is on TV it must be real?

  17. SvenGeiss says:


  18. Mister Mustard says:

    #13 – Rectagon

    >>It’s been on every major news network and in
    >>all the major newspapers.

    Yeah, kind of like Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, eh?

  19. Mac Guy says:

    #13 – Right… The news never screws up. Repeatedly. Not at all.

    Anyway, I reiterate that the video presented looks pretty real to me. The bright flash suggests an impact.

  20. chuck says:

    It was Jor-El, coming to visit his son, Kal-El, now that he’s been elected President.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 15 WmDE said, “There may no be a crash site. It could have just passed through the atmosphere and kept going.”

    No, escape velocity is ~25,000 mph. It was slowed too much. It either burned up completely of crashed.

  22. Eric Hoff says:

    Not fake! I saw it in person.

    …and it wasn’t Superman, it was the Transformers. They came back to make a sequel.

    P.S. It apparently landed near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, so it flew quite a ways!

  23. Presi says:

    There won’t be any crash site. Most of the meteors falling to earth are made of ice. They make spectacular bright trail while falling, but they burn completely at contact with the atmosphere before they can reach ground.

    If that wasn’t the case a major nuke-like explosion would have happened.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 Presi said, “If that wasn’t the case a major nuke-like explosion would have happened.”

    Really? You know the weight of this meteor?

  25. presi says:

    #24 do you mean “mass”?

    the size of the explosion is related to their mass, but what I was saying is that if a meteor has enough mass to reach earth it would make a big boom.

    They just don’t land.

  26. Gaolbird says:

    Meteor??? Isn’t this the Air Canada flight that experienced turbulence and had to make an emergency landing somewhere east of Vancouver?.. 1 person got hurt..

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 presi said, “but what I was saying is that if a meteor has enough mass to reach earth it would make a big boom.

    They just don’t land.”

    Actually, untrue. Many make “landfall” every year. Baseball sized. They aren’t large enough to make “explosions” when they impact.

  28. dg says:

    Don’t be silly, of course it is real. Looks exactly like it should. Textbook.

    Probably there is a fall of meteorites somewhere out in the wilderness. If the researchers can get enough videos they can calculate the path and find the fall. This was done for the Lake Tagish meteorite on January 18, 2000. See http://aquarid.physics.uwo.ca/~pbrown/tagish/

  29. Nimby says:

    The Magi bearing gold, frankincense and more gold are following it to Washington for He is elected.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Nimby,

    Well, they are early.


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