Fake? The BBC has also reported on this story, employing the same video.

  1. rectagon says:

    [Ed. – Comment deleted for violation of posting guidelines]

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Just goes to show all the UFO believer numbskulls…when something really does fall from the sky, lots of people see it.

  3. Santa says:

    #24, Paddy-O

    Really? You know the weight of this meteor?

    Really. Do you know? Or maybe I should ask, what do you know? I notice you like to say others are wrong but rarely ever give any argument or facts to back up your point.

    Maybe instead of coal I just dump some reindeer poop on your Radio Shack.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    There was a similar meteor that light up the night sky on the 1950s. My mom told me about seeing it when she was growing up in Louisiana in the 1950’s. She said it was lighter than day night, and streaked across the sky north to south. That one did not land anywhere, and either was burned up, or skipped across the atmosphere and went back to space.

    This video it looks like it exploded somehow.

    The Tunguska Event over Siberia in 1908 never actually impacted the ground. It exploded in the air, which I’d bet this one did too.

  5. WmDE says:

    #21 This one skipped!

  6. McCullough says:

    What happens when you get too close to a meteorite….skip to 1:40.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 33 Santa said, “Really. Do you know? Or maybe I should ask, what do you know? I notice you like to say others are wrong but rarely ever give any argument or facts to back up your point.”

    Since neither of us gave data, neither can be right or wrong about the weight/mass.

    Therefore, your assertion is illogical at best.

  8. Presi says:

    # 27 Paddy-O
    Jesus, man! I was explaining why in this case you won’t find a crash site.
    I was NOT talking about the possibilities to these meteors to reach the ground.
    No explosion, no crash site. That simple.

    Oh, by the way; get a life.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 38 Presi said, “No explosion, no crash site. That simple.”

    Umm, no. Small pieces don’t make explosions as their speed upon impact is measured in hundreds of miles per hour. Occasionally, one will hit a house. Look it up if you want.

  10. Santa says:


    Since neither of us gave data, neither can be right or wrong about the weight/mass.

    Very wrong. You challenged someone’s comment on a factual basis without offering any facts of your own.

    No, escape velocity is ~25,000 mph. It was slowed too much. It either burned up completely of crashed.

    How do you know how much it slowed? How do you know what the velocity was to begin with?

    # 25 presi said, “but what I was saying is that if a meteor has enough mass to reach earth it would make a big boom.

    They just don’t land.”

    Actually, untrue. Many make “landfall” every year. Baseball sized. They aren’t large enough to make “explosions” when they impact.

    Not true. Anything breaking the sound barrier WILL make a loud boom. Second, by the time they reach the earth, they do crash. Often violently. Making “landfall” implies a controlled, gentle landing.

    In other words, you are trolling again.

  11. Cap'nKangaro says:

    Way cool video.

    If Dvorak posted a story about Jesus H Christ returning to us and turning all Starbucks coffee into wine, I bet some posters would get into an arguement on wether the wine was red or white.

  12. CountSmackula says:

    @41 – Only after they jumped on your spelling of “wether”.

    Just sayin’

  13. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    Too bad it wasn’t big enough to leave a mushroom cloud. A Tunguska event would be cool.

  14. Meet Eor says:

    I especially like this statement “Scientists are now searching for the remains of the meteor.”

    Did you expect them to not keep busy spending taxpayers green energy, even though 99.99999% of meteors (ice) burn up upon entry.

  15. Santa says:

    #44, Meet Eor,

    Really !!! That many make it through the atmosphere? WOW !!! Who’ed a thunk it?

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 40 Santa’s elf said, “Second, by the time they reach the earth, they do crash. Often violently. Making “landfall” implies a controlled, gentle landing.”

    Here ya go.

    LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta — Scientists said Friday they had found remains of a meteor that illuminated the sky before falling to earth in western Canada earlier this month.

    Mr. Elf, if you want to learn more about this this type of phenomenon give me a call. 😉


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