Daylife/AFP/Getty Images
Stopped for a chuckle in DC – the day before his clinic visit

Members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family spent enough during a visit to the Mayo Clinic to give the area’s economy a shot in the arm, according to Rochester, Minnesota, officials.

Rochester officials say Saudi Arabian King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz arrived on November 15 for a checkup at the Mayo Clinic and was accompanied by at least five princes and hundreds of others in his retinue.

Rochester Convention and Visitors Bureau executive director Brad Jones says a conservative estimate of the royal family’s spending on the trip to Mayo Clinic is up to $1.5 million.

Officials say that should offset the area’s economic woes. Jones calls that a “great shot in the arm.”

It’s always good to receive a visit from the King. Any one of our Kings.

  1. Dallas says:

    The US sends $700 Billion over there each year so it’s only fair they spend $1.5M over here on quality mayonnaise.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Damn, but I sure hope somebody lifted Abdullah’s wallet!

  3. Jeanne says:

    A long time ago I worked at the Barrow Neurological Clinic in Phoenix, AZ, a part of St. Joseph’s Medical Center – a very catholic hospital. When some Arabian prince and his wives showed up for a week, the nuns took all the christian imagery down and let them smoke wherever they wanted, even though the ventilation system sent the smoke to all floors. Showed me how important money is when in conflict with religious conviction.

  4. bobbo says:

    When was “not taking money” and “not smoking” the core of any religious belief system?

    Religion sucks, no need to go overboard in criticizing it.

  5. jobs says:

    “It’s good to be the king”

  6. zorkor says:

    Where is your crown King Nothing ! “By Metallica”

  7. Could you imagine or not imagine what we would think of the saudi royal family if saudi did not have oil ?
    And yet after sept 11 their plane took off back to saudi – with all of these lovely people who paid Al-Qaeda to go bother someone else
    And we treat them for medical care
    Our good friends getting the best of american medical care
    Have I got this correct

  8. amodedoma says:

    Yeah but which is the bitch, and which is the butch?

  9. AdmFubar says:

    wow a whole $1.5 milliion.,. well they wont have anything to worry about in that area…..

    odd i wonder why they went to the mayo clinic, they usually go to the cleveland clinic…. i guess we are just too poor here to deserve their money any more..

  10. jccalhoun says:

    Nice to see the rich and powerful still live the high life and cart around dozens of toadies with them wherever they go. When these people use more fossil fuel and send more pollutants into the air on one trip than most of us do in a whole year that whole conservation thing seems kind of pointless.

  11. sargasso says:

    When the Sultan of Brunei visited NZ a couple of years ago, his entourage of family millionaires had a shopping spree at the local nickel and dime outlet stores. They can’t buy bamboo back scratchers, latex shoe insoles and sheepskin fluffy dice in the Sultanate.

  12. Sister Mary Hand Grenade says:

    Hopefully they got a finger up the kings ass without lube.

  13. chuck says:

    #7 – you’ve just described the US foreign policy: Be nice to people who have oil (and sell it to us). Bomb the people who won’t sell it to us. Ignore the people who don’t have oil.

    If the Saudis didn’t have oil, their country would just be called “the desert”.

  14. Even after 8 years of making a total asshole out of himself in public, Junior can’t lose that stupid smirk.

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    Apparently America has given the gift of democracy to Iraq. When is America gonna give that same gift to Saudi Arabia?

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    If anyone is looking for some hot Muslim babes, be sure to click the Google Ad on the side for “”. Muslim matrimonials! Join free! Browse photos now!!! w00t!

  17. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Hey, Abdulee, did you here the one about the Arab, the Jew and the pope crossing the desert?” – ‘W’

  18. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Pardon my spelling. 🙂


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