This is hilarious. Watch to the right side of the screen at around 40 seconds in.

  1. Speedbump says:

    New form of cow tipping 🙂

  2. Mark T. says:

    I wonder how much damage there is on the wing. That would have hurt, even for a cow.

  3. grass4 says:

    I can’t believe they didn’t see the cow.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    Cow tipping… cool style.

    I heard a story about a similar thing that took place about the time of the Falkland Islands war between the UK and Argentina. There are beaches on the Falklands that are sometimes full of penguins. The story is that the RAF pilots discovered that penguins are very curious creatures. So the pilots would fly their jet low over the beach, east to west, and the penguins would all look up and follow the jet, swiveling their heads as the jet went past.

    Then the jet would turn around the do the same thing, this time going west to east. Again, all the penguins on the beach would follow the jet with their heads.

    Last, the pilot would go out to sea, then turn around and approach the beach head on, low and slow. As the jet would pass over the penguins, they would all look up and follow the jet with their head. Expect this time they would all fall over backwards like dominos. A thousand penguins, all gently falling over at once.

    I heard it was a spectacular sight, and that use to crack the pilots up, until someone high up in the RAF ordered them to stop doing that.

  5. duffer says:

    Whoops. I bet that cow walks in slow circles for the rest of its life.

  6. ECA says:

    YA beat me…

    roll me over, in the clover..
    roll me over in the clover and do it again..

  7. amodedoma says:

    Bovine humour!

  8. m.c. in l.v. says:

    The pilot almost hit the pole sticking out of the ground while looking at the run-over cow. If I was the passenger I’d want a refund. This could have ended badly for all involved.

  9. brian t says:

    Failure of the single engine, immediately after takeoff? Damn right, it could have ended badly! That was an emergency landing, not a joyride. It’s been discussed on some aviation forums. No people hurt, plane in one piece = good landing.

  10. Digby says:

    Not funny. Unless, of course, it was a person getting hit by a f’in airplane.

  11. pjakobs says:

    hmm… two lucky guys right there. This was so close to making the news, I’d say.
    I wonder if the pic couldn’t see the cow due to the high cow-ling?


  12. AdmFubar says:

    what is most frightening about this he tries to get airborn again..
    when that engine first had trouble he should have got on the ground and gut the power asap..

  13. MacBandit says:

    I looked to the right side of my screen at 40secs and all I saw was some icons on my desktop.

    [null – ed.]

  14. Jim says:

    A long way to go for meat tenderizing.

    Just sayin’.

  15. Antonio says:

    Hey cow! Mooooooooooove it!

  16. alexandre says:

    minced meat on the fly….?

  17. QB says:

    Thank God the election is over so we can back to meaty posts like this.

  18. choodude says:

    That almost certainly killed the cow…

    Hopefully the cow died immediately and without suffering.

    Otherwise the cows 4 stomachs probably broke loose and spun enough that the internal “plumbing” twisted shut.

  19. JFStan says:

    . . . ….mmmmMMMMOOOOOOooooo…. . . .


  20. dan says:


  21. hhopper says:

    The cow might not be hurt badly. It looks like just only the wing flap grazed the cow… while the cow was grazing.

  22. Balbas says:


    Agreed. Real cow getting excited; plane from Flight Simulator; pilots CGI via Daz Studio.


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