Warning: Turkeys were harmed in the making of this film. Cut to around 2:00 unless you need to hear what she has to say. Hey, is that Michael Moore slaughtering that bird?
Found by Dallas
Found by Dallas
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You gotta watch this again by concentrating sorely on the worker in the background. It is absolutely hilarious!
you people need to get out of your dorm rooms and high rise buildings and see how the real world lives every once in a while. THIS IS HOW YOU GET YOUR TURKET ON THANKSGIVING PEOPLE!!! jeez people, not everyone lives in the liberal bastions that eat vegetables all day long….
so, in the “real world” oblivious people give television interviews in slaughterhouses?
# 33 doug said, “so, in the “real world” oblivious people give television interviews in slaughterhouses?”
In the “real world” some people aren’t obsessed with being PC & disingenuous. Also, there is nothing wrong with not pretending that food magically appears in the supermarket.
Two things: (1) For a politician she’s good looking, but if you passed her in the mall you wouldn’t look twice. And (2), she reminds me of my ex-wife: Can talk for an hour and when she’s done you think, “Wha’d she say??”
Now lets forget Palin, okay?
#34. I don’t think that’s what this is about. It is about how incongruous it is for a politician to be giving interviews while someone is killing animals in the background.
Don’t you find that a bit odd? Not a bit?
#35. as PJ O’Rourke said, “Washington is Hollywood for ugly people.” so in context, she is better looking than most politicians, but your assessment is correct.
It is truly amazing how the GOP is enraptured by this half-wit. Is the Republican Party so bankrupt that it is beguiled by a pretty face over an empty skull?
Who cares?? Liberals are just piling on, weeks after the election. The Democrats say how classless it was when the Republicans booed during McCain’s speech, but continue to gloat in a mean spirited fashion. If this was any other Governor, would the video be on this site? Would anyone care or make fun of it? People make fun of Palin as if she personally insulted them. It is idiotic.
#37- whipjack
>>The Democrats say how classless it was when
>>the Republicans booed during McCain’s
>>speech, but continue to gloat in a mean
>>spirited fashion.
If Palin had any dignity or self-respect, she would just STFU and keep a low profile. Instead, she’s popping up in front of every camera that works, acting like Beyoncé pimping a new album.
This is funny as shit. Palin is absolutely just fucking with the liberals, especially the ones that drive the prius down to the water front vegan restaurant for a nice tofu salad wearing the leather driving gloves and leather sole shoes. LMAO!!! I bet this one 5 minute video clip is responsible for placing half the New York PETA crowd in the hospital after fainting and suffering head injuries.
#39 – FedEx
>>Palin is absolutely just fucking with the
>>liberals, especially the ones that .. blah
You give Palin WAY too much credit. She has nowhere near the mental horsepower eeded to “fuck with the liberals”.
Do I need to repeat myself. Fucking with liberals is as easy as breathing. Just listen to Rush.
#41 – FedEx
>>Just listen to Rush.
Yeah, and just look at Rush’s reputation.
Other than among the hootin’ and hollerin’ crosseye toothless moonshine-switting sisterfuckers who make up the “ditto heads”, the guy is a complete and absolute laughingstock.
The guy chickenhawked out of the Vietnam draft by saying he has an oozing sore on his anus, fer chrissakes.
SEEEE… HAAAAAAA …. Like I said, easy as breathing!!!! All I had to do was mention Rush and Mr Mustard shits himself. Now i know why you use the name Mr Mustard.
#43 – FexEx
We’re laughing at you, delivery boy, not with you.
>Palin is absolutely just fucking with the liberals
Of course, it could just be that she is a blithering idiot.
Fortunately, I can’t say that I’ve ever seen a captive turkey killed… I’m trying to figure out what he’s actually doing in the background and what the device is doing exactly. Is it a gilitine? What’s taking so long? Have to get the blood out?
The guy is kinda creepy in the backgroud, if you watch him and imagine him choking his chicken, the faces he makes are priceless.
# 46 Hugh Ripper said “Of course, it could just be that she is a blithering idiot.”
Social skills are hard to teach, but this is socially gormless.
surprise surprise the baycity homos here just can’t get enough of palin… you’d think that it would be getting tiresome by now but no.. for those frothing at the mouth here… it will never be enough… we tried here not to let this get out of hand just because we know how this ends… IT DOESN’T!!!! it sucks to live in this city if your not gay or an uptight retro clinton apologist, not really sympathetic to the fact your buds stock options worth millions are now worthless or the fact they are getting laid off because of some whatever bullshit thing microshit has done to ruin the world, or that their gf or bf is leaving them because because they are as worthless as the paper their stock options were printed on… and then you have to be reminded every fucking time you turn around that the world is going end in a un-green horrible way…. poor McCullough i say the same thing to you as to the rest … may things be better in your next fucked up miserable life.
I am a liberal. I have killed chickens and then prepped and cooked and eaten them. We liberals are not shocked or appalled that turkeys are killed. We are not shocked or appalled by this in any way.
We think this is funny.
We think it conveys no political gravitas (look it up, #33) to stand in front of a trough of turkey blood, and, actually, portrays Palin as a hapless eejit.
And I betcha the tv crew laughed all the way back to the station.
Humans are funny critters, we laugh at the foibles, we laugh at the situations, we laugh at the mighty tweaked.
We laugh because it is better than crying.
#37. “The Democrats say how classless it was when the Republicans booed during McCain’s speech, but continue to gloat in a mean spirited fashion. If this was any other Governor, would the video be on this site? Would anyone care or make fun of it? People make fun of Palin as if she personally insulted them. It is idiotic.”
um, a big chunk of the GOP is portraying this vacuous woman as the future of their party. therefore, she is not just the lower half of a failed presidential bid, and is a fair target for continued mockery.
plus, as Mr. M. says, how can I miss her if she won’t go away?
#41. “Just listen to Rush.”
Nah, they’re no fun since they got over their Ayn Rand phase …
After listening to Caribou Barbie for 4 minutes these turkeys were praying for a beheading.
This little movie has been a Rorschach, eliciting dramatic expressions of feeling on many sites with very little comment about the scene itself.
I wasnt sure exactly what I was seeing until I found a site explaining how turkeys are harvested.
Turkeys are put into “killing cones” for restraint, and their jugulars are cut with a sharp knife so they bleed out quickly. Only vegetarians can criticize this. We carnivores kill livestock by hand, or we put out monetary “hits” on livestock delivered dead.
The movie shows the normal way TGiving turkeys are harvested. It also showed a politician chatting sweet holiday nothings to the press. These stories were both “dog bites man” — no news at all.
A clever journalist with little regard for truth created this “news” by justaposing the Gov with the worker to create a dramatic image that became a shocking “man bites dog” story.
The story was fabricated by the photographer who created a dramatic image instead of reporting the mundane truth.
Yep, She’s still a moran.
She’s the gift that keeps on giving.
#34, Cow-Paddt, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Security Guard,
In the “real world” some people aren’t obsessed with being PC & disingenuous. Also, there is nothing wrong with not pretending that food magically appears in the supermarket.
I can’t speak for “doug”, or anyone else for that matter, but there are many things that we don’t need to see. Maybe we think it PC, but if you enjoy watching others defecate or you like to check out other people’s used toilet paper, go for it. Hey, justify it all you want. I think, as most normal people would, this isn’t something I would care to watch.
BTW, I was talking to a surgeon a couple of weeks ago. Nice guy. Only, he hates watching other surgeons operate, it bothers him. Yet it is just a job when his own hands are in there.
#39, fukup,
…especially the ones that drive the prius down to the water front vegan restaurant for a nice tofu salad wearing the leather driving gloves and leather sole shoes. LMAO!!!
Excepting for the prius, this sounds like most right wing nuts wannabes. They don’t drive Priuses, they take cabs because their limos have all been repossessed.
I have to agree, Palin made absolutely almost no sense in her babble. Is she for real? I’m partially wondering because I’ve avoided her throughout the campaign as her limited background had turned me off already.
Killing a turkey like that was surprising. Our people (Hmong) have rituals which require live animals as well but not in this way. I don’t know which is more cruel but how else are you going to have fresh meat? 🙂