• Obama picks tech team. All seem like government hacks.
  • RIAA gets the state of Tennessee to throw away $10 million on spying on its students.
  • Zune in the news.
  • Is the Woolly Mammoth coming back?
  • MacArthur Foundation says Internet socializing is a good thing.
  • New Honda Supercar… funny-looking.
  • Google pulls plug on the unknown “Lively.”
  • Analyst suggests that Nokia should buy Yahoo.

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  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Nokia buy Yahoo?
    I can’t picture that.
    ok I’m done.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    They are all gov’t hacks. Wish he’d pick real tech people instead.

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #2 Patty-Hoe – I heard Ted Stevens may be looking for some work.

  4. hhopper says:

    Here’s Honda’s supercar CONCEPT:

    The Japanese seem to really like angular design. Most of their futuristic designs look like something out of a 1950’s sci-fi movie.

  5. Michael M says:

    I keep haring the plugs for Budget rent-a-cars. I don’t plan to rent a car anytime soon, but I would like to support the tech 5 reports, so is there a way that I can a paypal donation to you guys?

  6. chuck says:

    What is it that Yahoo does?
    They have a search engine – that no one uses because we all use Google.

    They have an IM chat program, but so does MSN, besides it’s free – so it doesn’t make them any money.

    According to their annual report “Yahoo! does charge for a range of premium services that it offers. ” – does anyone know what these premium services are?

    They have Yahoo! Personals – so computer geeks can hook up with prostitutes. Is that considered a premium service?

  7. Gadgetude says:

    todays netcast mentions that the new Zune pass is a good deal: $15/month for unlimited listening, plus you get to keep 10 songs per month.

    I thought that was a good deal too, until I read the fine print:

    “Songs you get with a Zune Pass can be copied to up to three computers and three Zune players, but they can’t be burned to CD. If you want to do that, buy those songs with Microsoft Points.”

  8. plumbum says:

    I remember Ken Rutkowski preaching how nokia should buy yahoo 6 months ago, Ken has vision!

  9. brendal says:

    #2 – Birds of a feather…

  10. GregA says:


    I use the Yahoo shopping cart in my business. But I joined way back before the company was acquired by Yahoo. Viaweb iirc???

    If you want to talk about vendor lock in… Just wow. I think the way I would leave Yahoo store is to start a whole new store and build it from the ground up… At the same time, on yahoo store I am doing about 100k a month sales, for $300 rent, and I get at least some trafic from Yahoo.

    Knowing the lockin on this sort of thing, I feel for the merchants who are stuck on ebay…

  11. Glenn E. says:

    #4. Hey, maybe the Honda Super Car’s angular design is “stealthy”. If it’s body effectively scattered radar energy, it might be worth considering. Up until now, the only thing that works 100% of the time, are diplomatic plates.

  12. Glenn E. says:

    Nothing about the stock market or the auto makers begging? Well I’ll slip is something. On Charlie Rose today, an apologist for the auto industry (“automotive research”) let slip that the $25 billion wouldn’t be enough. More like $50 billion. Which means they’ll take the $25B now, and be back in three months for $25B more. And what do you want to bet they won’t ask for another $25B or $50B, after that? Yeah, I’m thinking the big three all expect at least $33B, each.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, this is my idea of a Supercar!


    And here’s a 9″ dicast metal model for sale.


    Did Honda pay for the rights to the name “Supercar”?

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Honda manufactures the “Super Fun Ball” too.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    Now I know why John is on the Iberian peninsula…



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